by Jack Straw » Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:13 pm
pinback wrote:That's funny, most of the Google messages I wrote said, "There's no reason for performance to suck as much for the PC as it did on the Xbox."
Man, I know the PC port blows. I have said myself that they probably released a broken non-updated port on purpose. But to say that the performance sucked on Xbox or that the thing wasn't the best launch title, er, ever? is a fucking joke funnier than anything on this BBS.
When I brought my Xbox to JQW's house for some ho'down Dukematch type shit, he saw my Xbox. Before he saw me, before he saw my car, even before he saw me take a good chunk of paint out of his rear bumper and take off never to be caught, he saw the Xbox. He FELT it. When we loaded up Halo, he ran around the map like a fool trying to find a technical problem with it. He spun around ridiculously like some strange monkey top way faster than anyone would be panning in game. No clipping. (NOTE: this may just be his lack of keyboard and mouse and his drunk-on-cranberry-juice attempt to control an FPS using a gamepad) He got up close on just about everything like he was trying to hump it or something. Grass, bushes, trees, everything looked crystal up close. This is on his 27" tv with regular RCA connections. At home I have it hooked up with component but a 27" crt (flat at least), I can't imagine having an HDTV.
If Halo was weak in one area it would be variety of enemies. But at the time, the whole flow of the game (how it hardly ever loads) the intelligence and brutalness of the big guys, the kick ass polished presentation, and it being a FUCKING LAUNCH TITLE make it a classic.
Compare a title like Halo to ANYTHING in the pile of shit that was out for the PS2 for launch and months after that. The Dreamcast consistently had better titles coming out for it even after the "death" of the console. I still maintain a hell of a lot of Dreamcast games exceed PS2's..Shenmue I&II! Soul Calibur? Skies of Arcadia.. they started the online thing with PSO. Tony Hawk DC was better than the Playstation versions. SC is all we played for a year straight until my DC broke.
OK, enough DC love. back on track. There is one part that Halo has a technical gl(itch) and it's at the very end when you're barreling through tons of shit in a Warthog, and you jump a tunnel while shit is blowing up around you. It pauses for half a second. That's the extent that the performance on Halo "sucked".
GodDAMN it. I just realized that you said "most of the Google messages I wrote said". WROTE? I thought you were trying to say you READ that people said that. Of course that's a load of shit.
You know what, Pinner?
You're a real fucking asshole.
[quote="pinback"]That's funny, most of the Google messages I wrote said, "There's no reason for performance to suck as much for the PC as it did on the Xbox."
Man, I know the PC port blows. I have said myself that they probably released a broken non-updated port on purpose. But to say that the performance sucked on Xbox or that the thing wasn't the best launch title, er, ever? is a fucking joke funnier than anything on this BBS.
When I brought my Xbox to JQW's house for some ho'down Dukematch type shit, he saw my Xbox. Before he saw me, before he saw my car, even before he saw me take a good chunk of paint out of his rear bumper and take off never to be caught, he saw the Xbox. He FELT it. When we loaded up Halo, he ran around the map like a fool trying to find a technical problem with it. He spun around ridiculously like some strange monkey top way faster than anyone would be panning in game. No clipping. (NOTE: this may just be his lack of keyboard and mouse and his drunk-on-cranberry-juice attempt to control an FPS using a gamepad) He got up close on just about everything like he was trying to hump it or something. Grass, bushes, trees, everything looked crystal up close. This is on his 27" tv with regular RCA connections. At home I have it hooked up with component but a 27" crt (flat at least), I can't imagine having an HDTV.
If Halo was weak in one area it would be variety of enemies. But at the time, the whole flow of the game (how it hardly ever loads) the intelligence and brutalness of the big guys, the kick ass polished presentation, and it being a FUCKING LAUNCH TITLE make it a classic.
Compare a title like Halo to ANYTHING in the pile of shit that was out for the PS2 for launch and months after that. The Dreamcast consistently had better titles coming out for it even after the "death" of the console. I still maintain a hell of a lot of Dreamcast games exceed PS2's..Shenmue I&II! Soul Calibur? Skies of Arcadia.. they started the online thing with PSO. Tony Hawk DC was better than the Playstation versions. SC is all we played for a year straight until my DC broke.
OK, enough DC love. back on track. There is one part that Halo has a technical gl(itch) and it's at the very end when you're barreling through tons of shit in a Warthog, and you jump a tunnel while shit is blowing up around you. It pauses for half a second. That's the extent that the performance on Halo "sucked".
GodDAMN it. I just realized that you said "most of the Google messages I wrote said". WROTE? I thought you were trying to say you READ that people said that. Of course that's a load of shit.
You know what, Pinner?
You're a real fucking asshole.