Exciting JC Update!

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Expand view Topic review: Exciting JC Update!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:51 am

gsdgsd wrote:
Vitriola wrote:In other news, guess who turns 30 tomorrow? (No, not me).
I turned 30 a year and a half ago, so I don't know what you're getting at.


unless it's someone else. In which case, tough shit
Ah! It seems the cat is out of the bag.

I turned 30 today, yeah. I sort of made being a twenty-something "my thing" so now I don't know what to do.

Take up pottery or sculpting, I guess. WHO'S GOT SOME WARM CLAY!!!? I DON"T KNOW!!! ^__^

by gsdgsd » Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:18 pm

Vitriola wrote:In other news, guess who turns 30 tomorrow? (No, not me).
I turned 30 a year and a half ago, so I don't know what you're getting at.


unless it's someone else. In which case, tough shit

by Vitriola » Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:11 pm

In other news, guess who turns 30 tomorrow? (No, not me).

Re: Exciting JC Update!

by gsdgsd » Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:21 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The AG is dead. And I'd be all for invigorating it with content.
It needs Teufel Zekk back.
But really, the only thing going on in my life that I'd like to talk about is video games.
I'll be there in a few days, to properly distract you with beer for a day or two. Semper Fi!

Re: Exciting JC Update!

by bruce » Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:52 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
bruce wrote:<i>Freeway</i> development was started before Frogger's release.

Also, fun facts: initially, in Freeway, you were a human, not a chicken, and you left a red smear when hit.

Chopper Command is still a ripoff of Defender, though, right? It's OK to say that, yesno?
Yes and yes. Chopper Command is a much better Defender than Atari Defender, although not better than Stargate/Defender II.
Freeway would have been much, much better if you were a guy that left tire tracks.

Did Freeway use the paddles, Bruce?
ALSO! Did anyone else get the Activision Anthology? Why are the controls centering for Kaboom!?
No, and because it's broken.


Re: Exciting JC Update!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:26 pm

bruce wrote:<i>Freeway</i> development was started before Frogger's release.

Also, fun facts: initially, in Freeway, you were a human, not a chicken, and you left a red smear when hit.


Chopper Command is still a ripoff of Defender, though, right? It's OK to say that, yesno?

Freeway would have been much, much better if you were a guy that left tire tracks.

Did Freeway use the paddles, Bruce?

ALSO! Did anyone else get the Activision Anthology? Why are the controls centering for Kaboom!?

Re: Exciting JC Update!

by bruce » Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:23 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: 3) It has come to my attention that in the old Activision game "Freeway," you can only move up or down. Not left or right. So belated congrats to David Crane for ripping off Frogger, but doing it badly.
<i>Freeway</i> development was started before Frogger's release.

Also, fun facts: initially, in Freeway, you were a human, not a chicken, and you left a red smear when hit.


Exciting JC Update!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:34 am

Well, well, well!

The AG is dead. And I'd be all for invigorating it with content. But really, the only thing going on in my life that I'd like to talk about is video games.

So, I'm moving video game discussion back here. Having the Trotting Krips base separate from the video games base was also awkward. And I'm not up for awkward situations any longer. I'd rather see Orc's Head be dead.... like it ALWAYS is than see the whole BBS come screaming to a halt.

Here are some other goings-on, as well:

1) You'll be able to buy Fallacy of Dawn CDs again from Feelies.org shortly. I shipped off 17 more to Emily last week.

2) April 26th is still the day I am shooting for for the release of Super Jonsey Adventure IV.

3) It has come to my attention that in the old Activision game "Freeway," you can only move up or down. Not left or right. So belated congrats to David Crane for ripping off Frogger, but doing it badly.

That is all! Enjoy your stay.
