DS9 Marathon

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: DS9 Marathon

by Debaser » Sun Apr 11, 2004 4:24 pm

Due to popular demand(!?!), Round 2:
Vitriola wrote:ALSO: Demand Whoopi Goldberg review!
Guinan:Part of a race known for living a long time, "listening", and wearing ridiculous fucking hats. She was the resident bartender on TNG, and I suppose she's at least a little easier on the eyes than Quark (and you've got to figure Ferengi give terrible head, what with those pointy little teeth). So if you're going to get roaringly drunk and wake up the next morning next to some hideous troll, you're better off doing it on the Enterprise than Deep Space Nine. She had Counselor Troi's annoying "talent" of relaying completely fucking obvious character exposition, but at least she didn't have to rely on a college degree and Jedi mind tricks to do so. The fact that Whoopi Goldberg is, by all accounts, a completely obnoxious human being who grows steadily unfunnier and more given to trite sentiment as time goes on (rather like Robin Williams, only hairier) certainly doesn't help the character's case.

Casual Observer wrote:How about Lieutenant Saavik ?
Lieutenant Saavik: I don't know what it is about Kirstie Alley but at all ages and in all roles she looks like she is wearing entirely too much makeup. That having been said, young Kirstie Alley is doable enough, but getting hot and bothered over a Vulcan is like being attracted to a particularly sexy toaster oven, only geekier. And a Vulcan Scientologist is just all different kinds of emotionally repressed disfunction.

STATUS: Recommended???
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Review Request: Janeway and Rand.
Captain Janeway: Look, I don't know why Picard changed his name, donned a wig, and started taking estrogen supplements, but I certainly don't want to have sex with the resulting creature.


Janice Rand: Just another of Kirk's interchangeable holes, albeit an eminantly doable example of such.

Debaser wrote:Hey, so long as everyone's bugging you to do random guest stars and movie chits, you might as well stick Leeta the Dabo girl in there. Chase Masterson's pretty fucking hot, and you know that, deep down, we all have a soft spot for sweet but functionally retarded girls.
Leeta the Dabo Girl: Chase Masterson's pretty fucking hot and, deep down, we all kind of have a soft spot for sweet but functionally retarded girls. Plus she was fucking Rom, so you know she has no standards (not to mention a raging infestation of Ferengi Pubic Beetles).


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 10, 2004 2:46 pm

Review Request: Janeway and Rand.

by Casual Observer » Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:10 pm

How about Lieutenant Saavik ? The Wrath of Kahn was about the last thing (that I remember) Kirstie Alley was in before she got old and fat. I think she gained the most weight during Cheers but i'm not sure.

No longer recommended

by Vitriola » Thu Apr 08, 2004 3:14 pm

Debaser wrote:Uhura: I never understood why, on a show which featured some new beautiful go-go booted betty for Kirk to bang every week, they stuck a middle-aged receptionist in the regular cast.
Are you fucking shitting me? She's one of the most beautiful women that has EVER been on television. Too bad they gave her a horrid haircut in every movie since. Seriously, look at pictures of her with a decent do. Gorgeous.

Deanna Troi: Lt's see: Short, annoying voice, did not age well.
I look the most like her, and I'm 30 :(
Ro Laren: Ro was not exactly a classic beauty or anything, but she probably gained a bit by being seen next to Whoppie Goldberg all the time.
She's hot, in that Linda Fiorentino kinda way.

ALSO: Demand Whoopi Goldberg review!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:04 am

OK, putting that list on the front page. Soon. Promise!

by Worm » Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:52 am

Worm wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:(The best episode of DS9 was when they went back in time to visit Kirk's Enterprise, by the way.)
I liked "The Fabulous Ferengi" the best.
Wait, wrong again. Best episode is the one where Sisko delivers the entire story as a log and deletes it at the end.

by Debaser » Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:44 pm

Roody_Yogurt wrote:I have to agree with Couch Cous Cous here, except for Terry Farrel being considered so hot.
And now, to drag this place down even further, I present:


Uhura: I never understood why, on a show which featured some new beautiful go-go booted betty for Kirk to bang every week, they stuck a middle-aged receptionist in the regular cast. I mean, it's not like she was a great character or anything, she was just a lower middle class wage slave stuck in perpetual casual Fridays with those uniform skirts.


Tasha Yar: Why was it that Star Trek could never give a woman a real name? I mean, I'm sure it's like Russian or Bosnian or something, but when you've already got the Klingons running around sticking extra apostrophes in every word, you'd think that they could have dubbed everyone without forehead prosthetics with something recognizable. Anyway, Tasha. She's okay if you like hulking nordic types, but...

Well, far too manly for one. I mean, I guess the thought is that the target audience is used to getting beaten up by chicks, so they wanted to supply one they wouldn't be embarassed to recieve a pummeling from.

For two, Denise Crosby leaving a season in to find an acting career, discovering she can't act, and then clinging like some passive-aggessive parasite to the fan base's lust for her kind of kills the mood. I mean, hey, being tall, blond, vapid, but too proud for nude scenes didn't add up to the fabulous superstardom you envision, so you can A) Suck is up and return to the show, B) Get a real job, C) Do a couple guest spots then make a documentary that reveals (SHOCK) Trekkies are kind of weird and creepy. In a just universe, the woman would be starring in Bone Trek VI, the Search for Spunk right about now.

STATUS: Not Recommended!

Deanna Troi: Lt's see: Short, annoying voice, did not age well. She kind of became the show's default sex symbol after Denis Crosby left, and I give the woman the thumbs up for realising she'd found a steady paycheck for her meagre talents and embrasing that role for as long as she could and then moving on to doing voice-over work like the rest of the TNG cast. But really, those uniforms became downright embarrassing as the show wore on, and the woman looks almost exactly like my mother.

STATUS: Recommended???

Dr. Crusher: Well, aside from the fact that Dr. Crusher is a better name for a Spider Man villain than a Starfleet officer, I'll just point out that she was kind of pretty but like forty years old and the only woman in Star Trek history to wear more clothing than the regular cast. Has her fans, probably because she reminds lots of people of the English teacher who popped their cherry Freshman year of college.

STATUS: Recommended!

Dr. Polaski: A sixty year old Polish woman who looked like a fifty year old Jewish man.


Ro Laren: I guess TNG/DS9 was during Berman's "Warrior Woman" phase and by Voyager/Enterprise time they'd moved on to creepy autistics. Ro was not exactly a classic beauty or anything, but she probably gained a bit by being seen next to Whoppie Goldberg all the time. Really, the entire appeal behind Ro, though, is that while some women crinkle their noses in some adorable when they laugh, she does it ALL THE TIME.

STATUS: Recommended!

Lt. Kira: Ro Laren, only a little older, a little bonier, and a little more manly. A better character, of course, but I doubt any Trekkies were weeping into their semin-stained pillows when she wound up paired with the shapeshifter.

STATUS: Kinda recommended.

Jadzia Dax: Pretty much the first regular Star Trek cast member I found myself legitimately attracted to. She's also the only woman in the history of Star Trek to look good wearing regular clothes, or at least what passes for regular clothes in the Star Trek universe. Pretty face, actually reasonably young, and those little spots were exotic without getting into creepy pseudo-bestial prosthetics. Sure, she used to be a dude, but that just means she'd have no problem with girl on girl. Think about it!

I suppose I should deduct points for leaving the show before the last season, but at least she had enough talent to reasonably expect a post-trek career. I mean, she's not Dame Judi Dench or anything, but moving on to a sitcom with Sam Malone was about fair.


Ezri Dax: Bashir's consolation prize after the Worf/Jadzia stunt romance. Cute in her way, but honestly I can't even remember what she looked like except "girlish". I may come back and revise this after I catch the DS9 reruns (hint: I won't).

STATUS: Recommended???

Kes: Speaking of "girlsih". She was kind of cute in a bizarro fae sort of fashion, but she was associated with Neelix, the the worst scifi character not played by Wil Wheaton ever, and was technically like three years old.

STATUS: Not Recommended!

Belanna: Another character I can't really picture in my mind's eye, so I'll just point out that Star Trek fans, as a species, probably wouldn't have been looked down upon so much if Paramount hadn't insisted on dressing six-foot women with spiky prosthetics on their foreheads in goofy leather dominatrix outfits. Klingon women were pretty much the definition of fucking creepy.


Seven of Nine: Okay, having seen Jeri Ryan both in and out of that pseudo-fetish silver thing the producers forced her into, I will say she has the best tits on television since Jewel's early days as a late night musical act. On the other hand, she's like the punch line to every anti-geek joke written after 1996, which means you can't even really yank it to her without feeling a bit too much shame. Plus, turning her into a snarky, nigh-austic fembot with a bad haircut was a huge tactical error as far as I'm concerned.

STATUS: Recommended!

What's her face the Vulcan on the new show with the short hair and the goofy face and... ah fuck it even I don't watch Enterprise anymore.

Not Recommended!

by Debaser » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:25 pm

Lysander wrote:Lex? Is that you?

by Lysander » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:11 pm

Lex? Is that you?

by Roody_Yogurt » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:10 pm

I have to agree with Couch Cous Cous here, except for Terry Farrel being considered so hot.

by Couch Cous Cous » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:04 pm

FACT: DS9 is the only series in Star Trek history with more than three interesting (or, really, even tolerable) characters.

FACT: The greatest episode of the original series, City on the Edge of Forever, was absolutely ruined by DeForest Kelly running around like a baboon on ecstacy for the first half-hour.

FACT: Terry Farrel is fucking hot.

by Fart Hehe » Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:38 pm

The greatest series in Star Trek history was TNG, without even the vaguest hint of a question. Not that it was so startlingly great, but, I mean, let's get seriously here.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:52 pm

Yeah, thread QED to Bruce.

by Lysander » Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:25 pm

Its difficult to argue with that selection.

by bruce » Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:09 pm

Worm wrote:I liked "The Fabulous Ferengi" the best.
I liked it when Space Moose sodomized Wesley Crusher.


by Worm » Mon Apr 05, 2004 4:35 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:(The best episode of DS9 was when they went back in time to visit Kirk's Enterprise, by the way.)
I liked "The Fabulous Ferengi" the best.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:19 pm

The greatest TV series in Star Trek history was the first one, but thanks for letting us know about DS9.

(The best episode of DS9 was when they went back in time to visit Kirk's Enterprise, by the way.)

DS9 Marathon

by Couch Cous Cous » Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:11 pm

Spike TV is running a DS9 marathon all week! The greatest series in Star Trek history and arguably the best American televised scifi ever! The first time it's ever run in reruns pretty much at all! What a great time to be unemployed!
