by ChainGangGuy » Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:48 pm
Vitriola wrote:You still going to Boston and then trying to wrangle a trip out west, or has Boston been completely scrapped in favor of drier climes?
I departed for Boston on May 27th. While away, I sneakily snooped in on the 'private' entries of Christina's blog. What I found shocked me! On June 1st, she wrote a termination letter.
My termination letter. Interestingly enough, she dated the letter June 7th.
I had exactly one week to return from Boston and make ammends with my girl.
Right off the bat, my tripmates wanted to extend this trip from the 4th till the 8th. Unacceptable. Especially due to the fact that I couldn't get anyone to do anything! We had tight written schedules. Thoughtfully planned itineraries. Dandy dockets. Yet, I couldn't get anyone up and out the doors before 2:00 pm. "C'mon, folks, we can sleep in when we get back. Let's enjoy Boston!" I was ignored. We could barely knock out one (1) item per daily list. I found myself sitting around doing absolutely nothing. This was no trip. This was an absolute waste of time. And, I was getting dumped for it.
In an effort to lighten things up and have more fun, I thought we'd play a little Boston Hide 'n' Go Seek. It goes like this:
The hider disappears into the city, and hides within four blocks. The hider may only hide in a bar, pub, or other alcoholic beverage serving facility. The hider has fifteen minutes in which to finalize his location. The hider may not change venues, but should be actively drinking while waiting for the seekers to arrive.
The seekers separate and begin combing the city for the elusive hider. They may stop into any bar, pub, or restaurant, but if the hider isn't at that particular locale, the seeker must have at least one alcoholic beverage.
Well, you get the idea. Basically, if I couldn't be out knocking things off our to-do list, I'd like to at least be drinking.
The trip continued to go poorly, languishing into tedium, and at one point I was actually considering sneaking away and flying back to Atlanta. However, the census of Georgians voted for me to remain in Boston and not abandon the vacation. Fine. But still, there was that extended trip time and late return looming over my head. Where's the Lord when I need him?
For once, the Lord came through in a pinch, heartily smitting Alicia's uncle dead in Texas. And, as her family was hoping to download his remains into the earth asap, she had to fly to Austin immediately. She left Friday morning (the 4th). Having lost one trip member, I was able to convince the others to leave Saturday. I'd be back in time to work some magic and
[quote="Vitriola"]You still going to Boston and then trying to wrangle a trip out west, or has Boston been completely scrapped in favor of drier climes?[/quote]
I departed for Boston on May 27th. While away, I sneakily snooped in on the 'private' entries of Christina's blog. What I found shocked me! On June 1st, she wrote a termination letter. [i]My[/i] termination letter. Interestingly enough, she dated the letter June 7th.
[i]I had exactly one week to return from Boston and make ammends with my girl[/i].
Right off the bat, my tripmates wanted to extend this trip from the 4th till the 8th. Unacceptable. Especially due to the fact that I couldn't get anyone to do anything! We had tight written schedules. Thoughtfully planned itineraries. Dandy dockets. Yet, I couldn't get anyone up and out the doors before 2:00 pm. "C'mon, folks, we can sleep in when we get back. Let's enjoy Boston!" I was ignored. We could barely knock out one (1) item per daily list. I found myself sitting around doing absolutely nothing. This was no trip. This was an absolute waste of time. And, I was getting dumped for it.
In an effort to lighten things up and have more fun, I thought we'd play a little Boston Hide 'n' Go Seek. It goes like this:
The hider disappears into the city, and hides within four blocks. The hider may only hide in a bar, pub, or other alcoholic beverage serving facility. The hider has fifteen minutes in which to finalize his location. The hider may not change venues, but should be actively drinking while waiting for the seekers to arrive.
The seekers separate and begin combing the city for the elusive hider. They may stop into any bar, pub, or restaurant, but if the hider isn't at that particular locale, the seeker must have at least one alcoholic beverage.
Well, you get the idea. Basically, if I couldn't be out knocking things off our to-do list, I'd like to at least be drinking.
The trip continued to go poorly, languishing into tedium, and at one point I was actually considering sneaking away and flying back to Atlanta. However, the census of Georgians voted for me to remain in Boston and not abandon the vacation. Fine. But still, there was that extended trip time and late return looming over my head. Where's the Lord when I need him?
For once, the Lord came through in a pinch, heartily smitting Alicia's uncle dead in Texas. And, as her family was hoping to download his remains into the earth asap, she had to fly to Austin immediately. She left Friday morning (the 4th). Having lost one trip member, I was able to convince the others to leave Saturday. I'd be back in time to work some magic and [b][i]WIN THE GIRL BACK![/i][/b]