Fried Chicken.

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by nessman » Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:49 am

The original dial-up BBS old school JC was raw, very raw. Of course, most of us were much younger, had more hair that wasn't grey and screaming libidos.

Once RobB bailed for Colorado and took JC down, a couple attempts at bringing it back in another form too place - culminating with But RobB wasn't gonna put up with that and JC was reborn here.

The rawness that typified the core group on Groucho has waned to the point where the sysop has been acting menstrual in recent weeks. We hope he gets better soon.

by chris » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:50 pm

Freddie wrote:Chris, how would you define the "magic" of the old JC?
I can't tell if you're just BSing me or you really want to know what the old JC was like. I'm going to assume the latter, and pray it's not the former. :smile:

I started calling BBSes back in 1985. Of all the boards I called for all of those years, JC was the best. ICJ has a very unique outlook on life and an even more unique way of expressing himself, and that was reflected to a large extent in the "old" JC. Between that and the core group of callers to the "old" JC (most of whom are still friends and see each other now and then), it was quite the fun place to hang out. I don't know if ICJ has any of the old "Best Of" material from the old JC, but there was some extremely funny shit going on there.

Having said that, I don't think that same atmosphere could ever be recreated, no matter how hard we try. You just had to have been there.

by Freddie » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:12 pm

Chris, how would you define the "magic" of the old JC?

by chris » Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:58 pm

pinback wrote:Who is a "Chris"?
That would be a me. I've known ICJ for quite a long time now (from back in the "old" JC days), but haven't been spending much of any time over here on the "new" JC. I won't go into explainations why that is, but times are changing, and I'll be over here a lot more often.

Anything else you'd like to know?

by pinback » Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:10 pm

Who is a "Chris"?

by chris » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:53 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:One of our cats started drinking the chicken oil while we were asleep. I am not sure exactly how much he got... but geez, it officially became the hungriest animal I've ever known at that point.
Didn't know you had cats. Ours seems to enjoy licking the George Forman grill after we cook up some Zweigle's. Oh, and any empty baked bean can she finds on the counter.

Damn, now I'm in the mood for fried chicken, and I'm on a friggin' diet. You bastards.

by chris » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:49 pm

pinback wrote:Hey CHRIS, did my recipe for fried chicken mention anywhere the need for a "deep fryer"?
That would have required me to actually read your recipe, which I did not.

(...reading recipe...)

Well, 1 inch of oil in a pan pretty much makes it a deep fryer, whether or not it says "George Forman's Unlean Unmean Deep Frying Fat Machine" on the side. :)

by pinback » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:02 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
chris wrote:I happen to prefer pan-fried chicken.
OK, I've just banned Chris.
Thank God. He could have done some real damage.

Hey CHRIS, did my recipe for fried chicken mention anywhere the need for a "deep fryer"?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:08 am

chris wrote:It's nice and tasty, uses a fairly small amount of somewhat healthy olive oil, and you don't have to deal with a deep fryer.
Someone released gas into apartment L201 the other night, and I mean like sleeping gas. So I left the pan out as I went to bed.

One of our cats started drinking the chicken oil while we were asleep. I am not sure exactly how much he got... but geez, it officially became the hungriest animal I've ever known at that point. The next step is to start chewing the walls for whatever oil happened to still be in the paint.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:06 am

chris wrote:I happen to prefer pan-fried chicken.
OK, I've just banned Chris.

by chris » Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:48 am

I happen to prefer pan-fried chicken. Just grab some bonleess chicken breast, clean 'em up, cut 'em up any way you want (whole, strips, nuggets, etc.). Make a coating using the following:

-seasoned bread crumbs (maybe 3/4 cup)
- salt (maybe a tablespoon)
-flour (about 1/4 cup)
-McCormick's Montreal chicken seasoning (maybe a teaspoon or two)

(I don't measure the ingredients out, but these amounts are probably just about right).

Coat all sides of the chicken.

Preheat a pan with some olive oil in it (enough to coat the entire bottom of the pan, plus a little bit extra), then drop in the chicken. Place it in the oil, then immediately turn it over so you start with oil on both sides. Fry about 15 minutes over medium-low heat, turning once or twice and making sure that it doesn't burn. It's best to cover the pan with aluminum foil to keep the oil from splattering.

It's nice and tasty, uses a fairly small amount of somewhat healthy olive oil, and you don't have to deal with a deep fryer.

by pinback » Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:38 pm

Here's a picture of fried chicken, in case you're not familiar with the dish:

by pinback » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:42 pm

"You're acting like a bunch of fucking n!33rs, man!! Just like n!33rs, always sayin' their gonna kill each other." - Mr. Pink

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:32 pm

Thought I'd take a closer look at your update there!
pinback wrote:Fried chicken is not as bad for you as you might think. Nor is anything else done via deep-frying. In fact, deep-frying generally leads to LESS fat in the food than, say, sauteeing, as deep-frying quickly caramelizes the outside of the food item, creating a barrier from the fat, whereas sauteing tends to allow the fat to seep into the very soul of the food.

Actually, I don't believe any of the above, but I heard it on a cooking show once.

Tonight I will mix in cayenne pepper to the flour mix. The capsaicin in the pepper will thin the blood which would otherwise be coagulated by the grease and fat in the chicken.

I don't actually believe that either, but health is all in the mind.
On the other hand, something that actually has been verified to be bad for your health is insinuating that my favorite movie is "Weekend at Bernie's II." So, careful with that. Your blood will be very thin the next time I see you, not because of anything you may have cooked, but because I will release it and just keep punching at it until it the violence makes it super-thin.

by pinback » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:23 pm

Fried chicken is not as bad for you as you might think. Nor is anything else done via deep-frying. In fact, deep-frying generally leads to LESS fat in the food than, say, sauteeing, as deep-frying quickly caramelizes the outside of the food item, creating a barrier from the fat, whereas sauteing tends to allow the fat to seep into the very soul of the food.

Actually, I don't believe any of the above, but I heard it on a cooking show once.

Tonight I will mix in cayenne pepper to the flour mix. The capsaicin in the pepper will thin the blood which would otherwise be coagulated by the grease and fat in the chicken.

I don't actually believe that either, but health is all in the mind.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:07 pm

Pinner wrote: Robb was quoted, in fact, as saying "this is the best fried chicken I've ever had", which was nice to hear, though knowing that Robb's only other experience with fried chicken is from the King Soopers grocery store across the street, where most of the chicken in the bin actually began as hot dogs which sat in the adjoining bin long enough to gain sentience, grow opposable appendages, crawl into the chicken bin and evolve adaptation techniques allowing them to masquerade, chameleon-like, as fried chicken thighs, I tempered my pride accordingly.
ha ha ha ha ha!!!

It's funny. Because it's true!

Actually, Knuckles and I once had fried chicken from this place called "Two M's" back east. I don't know who the fuck M was, nor did I know the ident of his (...her?!!?) business butt-pal there. What I did know was that it was the previous high score, in terms of fried chicken.

Want to make some myself. Want to also not die of heart disease. Hmm... _ - ... - _ ... hmm... flip flop... ah!!

The weekend, maybe!!! The weekend would be a good time to try to make it.

Fried Chicken.

by pinback » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:49 pm

Ben's Famous Southern Fried Chicken recipe is now available for you at, in the July 11 entry.
