by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 16, 2002 3:05 am
OK, hopefully I can remember everything.
So, in order to watch the Saints kick the crap out of Tampa Bay, Green Bay, and (on the schedule for next week) Michael Bay, I got the NFL Ticket and a satellite dish. No big whoop there.
It took me forever to go and cancel my cable TV, though. You have to go down in person to do it and, Christ, even if I didn't have better things to do than take care of this I'd at least lie over an anonymous internet forum to that point.
At any rate. After my brother dropped off the hardware I called up to cancel the account and was asked by the girl on the phone just why I'd want to get rid of cable television. I respond with, "I got a dish to get the Ticket," and she says, "Oh, no, you said the 's' word." At this point I'm glad I'm doing this over the phone so that the zombie queen cannot go for my brain. She then says, "Well, because I am a nice person I will let you cancel." I guess I lucked out there, seeing how my hardware was gone. If I happened to dial up some bitch or something I would apparently still be paying for cable TV on her whim! The pure arrogance there was shocking. I think the right thing to do is not pay my final cable bill. Although, as I am kind of happy about my cable modem connection, I don't want them turning that off or anything.
So, I guess the moral of the story is that the reason that I am so against monopolies -- which cable TV practically was for the longest time -- is because when they inevitably get into other products, trying to weasel out of paying one final bill may affect the other pies their thumbs are into.
Yeah, that was pretty much everything.
OK, hopefully I can remember everything.
So, in order to watch the Saints kick the crap out of Tampa Bay, Green Bay, and (on the schedule for next week) Michael Bay, I got the NFL Ticket and a satellite dish. No big whoop there.
It took me forever to go and cancel my cable TV, though. You have to go down in person to do it and, Christ, even if I didn't have better things to do than take care of this I'd at least lie over an anonymous internet forum to that point.
At any rate. After my brother dropped off the hardware I called up to cancel the account and was asked by the girl on the phone just why I'd want to get rid of cable television. I respond with, "I got a dish to get the Ticket," and she says, "Oh, no, you said the 's' word." At this point I'm glad I'm doing this over the phone so that the zombie queen cannot go for my brain. She then says, "Well, because I am a nice person I will let you cancel." I guess I lucked out there, seeing how my hardware was gone. If I happened to dial up some bitch or something I would apparently still be paying for cable TV on her whim! The pure arrogance there was shocking. I think the right thing to do is not pay my final cable bill. Although, as I am kind of happy about my cable modem connection, I don't want them turning that off or anything.
So, I guess the moral of the story is that the reason that I am so against monopolies -- which cable TV practically was for the longest time -- is because when they inevitably get into other products, trying to weasel out of paying one final bill may affect the other pies their thumbs are into.
Yeah, that was pretty much everything.