by Keza » Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:40 am
Update: We went to the nearest town, Gießen, today, in order to enable me to hunt for music from all the obscure German bands I love. New Rammstein single was massively disappointing, but even the fact that bear-like singer Till Lindemann sounds like a heavy-smoking woman on it cannot quell my long-standing obsession with him. In Extremo album 'Sieben' is all right - how can you go wrong with bagpipes and guitars? - and sadly could not find anything by either Megaherz or the brilliant spin-off band that their lead singer Alex recently set up, Eisbrecher. If anyone else has requests for some hard-rockin' German soundz, just ask - I'm venturing into the gay-erotica-covered streets of Frankfurt in a few days to find dark, dingy, dangerous looking record stores where I may be able to find slightly more obscure items of musical and male-homosexual interest.
German buses are miuch cooler than British ones. A mysterious woman continuously announces the names of the next stops in a German porn star voice. 'Nächste Haltestelle, Fohhhnbachstrassehhh... Ohhst.' Cool.
Oh, and I found the best shop EVER: Bärentreff Fruchtummigeschäft. I remember these from last year, but I'd forgotten how utterly fantastic they were. It sells gummy sweets of all shapes imaginable, made from high-quality fruit and things, at fantastically low prices. They taste about three hundred times better than anything you cuold ever find anywhere else in the world, which is why I spent about $30 there. Stocked up on Gummy Fruitsalad, Gummy Cows and Gummy Playboys - did not buy any Gummy Playgirls this time around, because I bought some for Lex last time I was here and somehow managed to leave them in my German's little brother's room and incur the wrath of the Christians.
Sadly, the gummy sweets come in 1kg bags (Dunno what that is in American, probably about two pounds) and so I had to carry half my bodyweight in fruity treats around with me all day. Another lesson learned.
Update: We went to the nearest town, Gießen, today, in order to enable me to hunt for music from all the obscure German bands I love. New Rammstein single was massively disappointing, but even the fact that bear-like singer Till Lindemann sounds like a heavy-smoking woman on it cannot quell my long-standing obsession with him. In Extremo album 'Sieben' is all right - how can you go wrong with bagpipes and guitars? - and sadly could not find anything by either Megaherz or the brilliant spin-off band that their lead singer Alex recently set up, Eisbrecher. If anyone else has requests for some hard-rockin' German soundz, just ask - I'm venturing into the gay-erotica-covered streets of Frankfurt in a few days to find dark, dingy, dangerous looking record stores where I may be able to find slightly more obscure items of musical and male-homosexual interest.
German buses are miuch cooler than British ones. A mysterious woman continuously announces the names of the next stops in a German porn star voice. 'Nächste Haltestelle, Fohhhnbachstrassehhh... Ohhst.' Cool.
Oh, and I found the best shop EVER: Bärentreff Fruchtummigeschäft. I remember these from last year, but I'd forgotten how utterly fantastic they were. It sells gummy sweets of all shapes imaginable, made from high-quality fruit and things, at fantastically low prices. They taste about three hundred times better than anything you cuold ever find anywhere else in the world, which is why I spent about $30 there. Stocked up on Gummy Fruitsalad, Gummy Cows and Gummy Playboys - did not buy any Gummy Playgirls this time around, because I bought some for Lex last time I was here and somehow managed to leave them in my German's little brother's room and incur the wrath of the Christians.
Sadly, the gummy sweets come in 1kg bags (Dunno what that is in American, probably about two pounds) and so I had to carry half my bodyweight in fruity treats around with me all day. Another lesson learned.