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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: On the FUCKING ATKINS


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:30 pm

Jack Straw wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:25 am Don't. Dr. Atkins died @258 pounds with a history of heart disease. I don't know about you but that's not exactly my goal.

by Lysander » Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:04 pm

Hey, Molly's back? Can I have sex with you? Christ, now all we need is chocolate sauce of pain and this place is completely lost.

by Molly Muffsweet » Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:29 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Excellent work! Thanks for giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner with which you are famous for.
Yeah, actually, as a guy who spent most of the morning on my BBS, trashing it, falsely accusing me of deleting posts and then vowing never to return, you might want to ease back a little on the "giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner" rhetoric.
... So! How about the trolling idiots step into this thread and change the focus for me?

Where are they when you really need them?
It's funny to see two pampered spoiled girls bickering amongst themselves.

Only the sweetest,

Molly Muffsweet

by Jack Straw » Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:34 pm

Have at it!

by bruce » Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:22 pm

Induction is over.

Allow me to present:

Gin............0 Carbs
Scotch........0 Carbs
Bourbon.....0 Carbs
Vodka.........0 Carbs
Rye............0 Carbs
Tequila........0 Carbs
Rum...........0 Carbs
Moonshine..0 Carbs

And, you know, the thing about Atkins is, it's not the calories, it's the carbs. So with this hard liquor, I can drink as much as I want, whenever I want.

God Bless America!


by Lysander » Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:35 pm

Only in America can one hear the following:

"Yeah, gimme a tripple quarter pounderwith chese, and--hey, go extra on the meat, and the chese, and put som mustard on it--oh, but leave the bread out. 'Cause i'm on a fucking diet."

oNly... in... AMERICA.

by Worm » Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:05 am

I could swear I posted this. But Atkins said something along the lines of "Read the literature or you're a steaming piece of shit" in an interview. There are reams of pro and anti Atkins literature and you also can limit your cholesterol well on the diet. I just get pissed that people think such a big change to your diet is something you shouldn't have to research at all.

by AArdvark » Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:06 pm

Yeah, Atkins is bad on the cholesterol front. But you will look so good when your heart stops trying to behave like a supersoaker full of bacon grease on a cold day. That food pyramid guide didn't help things either. Five servings of grains of bread a day? I WONDER who influenced that statistic.


by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:41 pm

The Atkins? Most of you bloat pigs should avoid it. You've already put years of stress on your heart by not doing anything related to physical activity, and your healthier actvites involve smoking,sucking down about 15 pizzas a week and bowling.

Doctor: Good News Mr. Bilbo you've lost 8 pounds in the last month
Patient: Hooray! I've been on Atkins!
Doctor: Unfortunatley your cholesterol has doubled and your blood has the consistency of a peppered ham.
Doctor: Please leave, my office is beggining to smell like stale baloney.

by Jack Straw » Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:58 pm

pinback wrote:He died from slipping on a patch of ice and knocking his head open.
Maybe if it was 160 or even 200 pounds slamming down on the sidewalk he wouldn't have split his head open.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

by bruce » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:23 am

[quote="Debaser"]It's thermodynamics, kids. You eat a certain number of calories and you burn a certain number of calories. If the former is greater than the latter, the excess sticks around. Eating the "wrong foods" just means you're eating, bigger, heavier, more filling foods./quote]

This is where I hope Atkins helps. It will, presumably, reduce my caloric intake because I'm eating nothing but MEAT and GREASE. And I'm eating less of it because a) MEAT and GREASE leave me feeling more full than potato chips and b) Jesus, the inside of my mouth already feels all greasy and unappetizing; by the end of two weeks I'm probably going to be gagging any time I contemplate eating anything I'm allowed to. Not to mention suffering Olestra-like leakage from ALL THE GREASE.


by Debaser » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:07 am

chris wrote:It's partially because they eat too much, but mostly because they eat the wrong foods. Keep in mind that people are cheapskates, and food that's bad for you tends to be the least expensive.
It's thermodynamics, kids. You eat a certain number of calories and you burn a certain number of calories. If the former is greater than the latter, the excess sticks around. Eating the "wrong foods" just means you're eating, bigger, heavier, more filling foods.
I guess you also have to factor in the fact that people lead very hectic lives these days, so most people don't have time to excersize or prepare a healthy meal....it's easier to stop by the Wendy's drive-thru and get dinner while you're trying to race around town getting all of your errands done.
This is such complete bullshit. So's the poverty thing, really. I'm 6' tall and probably weigh less than 160 pounds. I probably have the least healthy diet of anyone you'll ever meet. I'm on what we call the laziness diet. I get hungry, have no food at home, and so I don't eat. Poor people and busy people have plenty of reason to follow suit.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:34 am

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:I dunno. Never mind.
Excellent work! Thanks for giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner with which you are famous for.
Yeah, actually, as a guy who spent most of the morning on my BBS, trashing it, falsely accusing me of deleting posts and then vowing never to return, you might want to ease back a little on the "giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner" rhetoric.
... So! How about the trolling idiots step into this thread and change the focus for me?

Where are they when you really need them?

by pinback » Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:21 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:I dunno. Never mind.
Excellent work! Thanks for giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner with which you are famous for.
Yeah, actually, as a guy who spent most of the morning on my BBS, trashing it, falsely accusing me of deleting posts and then vowing never to return, you might want to ease back a little on the "giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner" rhetoric.

by chris » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:36 am

Debaser wrote:What in the hell are you talking about? People are fat because they eat too much food.
It's partially because they eat too much, but mostly because they eat the wrong foods. Keep in mind that people are cheapskates, and food that's bad for you tends to be the least expensive.

I guess you also have to factor in the fact that people lead very hectic lives these days, so most people don't have time to excersize or prepare a healthy meal....it's easier to stop by the Wendy's drive-thru and get dinner while you're trying to race around town getting all of your errands done.

by chris » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:23 am

I've dropped about 22 pounds over the last 7 weeks using my own diet. Things like Atkins and Weight Watchers are for people who simply don't know how to eat a proper diet and need some sort of guidance (although I think that Atkins isn't healthy at all).

FWIW, my diet is as follows:

For breakfast, 8 ounces of OJ and a choice of either a piece or two of fruit, or a bowl of Raisin Bran with skim milk. Oh, and take a multivitamin.

For lunch, a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with a little bit of low-fat mayo, some type of veggie (usually carrots or celery), and a couple of fat-free Fig Newtons (actually "Newman's Own" brand....VERY tasty).

For dinner, something reasonable. Things I've eaten are grilled chicken with rice pilaf, salads (with or without grilled chicken in 'em), spaghetti (no meat in the sauce) and low fat hot dogs with some baked beans. The last two primarily exist because my 3-year old eats them as well...you'd be amazed how your diet changes when you're trying to feed kids at the same time). :smile:

For dessert, an ice cream cone (low fat ice cream). Using the cone forces you to only take a proper portion.

Aside from the morning OJ/milk, I only drink ice water (unless we go out to eat, in which case I'll get a Coke).

Oh, and go for a walk every day you can....20-30 minutes is more than enough.

I've also had a respectable number of "normal" meals mixed in (like getting a burger and fries, a pizza, or something of that nature), so it's not like you have to eat like this 24/7 to lose weight. Just balance out the "treats" with a skipped snack or dessert.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:20 am

pinback wrote:I dunno. Never mind.
Excellent work! Thanks for giving this place your all and contributing in the solid manner with which you are famous for.

by pinback » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:17 am

I dunno. Never mind.

by Debaser » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:11 am

pinback wrote:What the hell is the point? The obesity problem that the country is "struggling with" has a simple solution. The crime problem has a simple solution. The alcoholism/drug problem has a simple solution. All these things have simple solutions, which are easy to deduce and understand, but will never be implemented in the US because they would decrease profits.
What in the hell are you talking about? People are fat because they eat too much food. You stated this yourself. What simple solution is there to this problem other than everyone deciding, individually, to eat less food that doesn't massively overhaul everything Western Democratic Civilization stands for? And on what planet are crime and the illegal drug industry good for business?

by pinback » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:00 am

What the hell is the point? The obesity problem that the country is "struggling with" has a simple solution. The crime problem has a simple solution. The alcoholism/drug problem has a simple solution. All these things have simple solutions, which are easy to deduce and understand, but will never be implemented in the US because they would decrease profits.

Solving obesity would really hurt, because you'd be cutting into the profits not only of the multi-billion dollar "food service" industry, but also the multi-billion dollar diet industry.

Get real.
