by Eh » Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:10 am
Yeah, I thought Doom 3 rocked. It did scare the shit out of me, mainly because I WAS creeping down mostly-black corridors (beautifully rendered mostly-black corridors) and something WAS going to jump out at me. I guess if you can't get over that element of the game you're probably going to have a hard time liking it. But (a) that's not all the game is about; (b) you can't criticize it on any sort of realism/consistency level, because, y'know, they're fucking demons; which leaves (c) you can only criticize it based on some sort of modern-game-players' textbook, which says (arbitrarily?) that it's necessary for an EVOLVED game to have some sort of non-David-Copperfield explanation for where a given baddie comes from.
So just because, say, Half-Life 2 explains the ant-lions popping out of the sand all around you BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN THE SAND ALL AROUND YOU that's somehow better? I guess. But you know, they pissed me off a lot more than their zombiezapoppin brothers in Doom 3.
Mind you, HL2 rocks, as well.
As does Far Cry.
They're all so goddamned good I want to cry.
(Oh, wait, okay, my one Doom-3-sucks comment. The flashlight. I played the whole game with the duct tape mod. And I was STILL scared shitless.)
Yeah, I thought Doom 3 rocked. It did scare the shit out of me, mainly because I WAS creeping down mostly-black corridors (beautifully rendered mostly-black corridors) and something WAS going to jump out at me. I guess if you can't get over that element of the game you're probably going to have a hard time liking it. But (a) that's not all the game is about; (b) you can't criticize it on any sort of realism/consistency level, because, y'know, they're fucking demons; which leaves (c) you can only criticize it based on some sort of modern-game-players' textbook, which says (arbitrarily?) that it's necessary for an EVOLVED game to have some sort of non-David-Copperfield explanation for where a given baddie comes from.
So just because, say, Half-Life 2 explains the ant-lions popping out of the sand all around you BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN THE SAND ALL AROUND YOU that's somehow better? I guess. But you know, they pissed me off a lot more than their zombiezapoppin brothers in Doom 3.
Mind you, HL2 rocks, as well.
As does Far Cry.
They're all so goddamned good I want to cry.
(Oh, wait, okay, my one Doom-3-sucks comment. The flashlight. I played the whole game with the duct tape mod. And I was STILL scared shitless.)