Eve Online

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Eve Online

by Worm » Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:08 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Pirates -- MMORPG pirates -- are little kids who show no ability to type five words out without making an error in capitalization or spelling. They're fucking idiots and anything or anyone that helps to ruin their day is fine by me. I applaud this guy, Nightfreeze.
There are multiple ways to screw people over in MMO games to your profit. You can scam, PK, or exploit. The first two are things that both usually require skill or at least the absolute lack of ability in your victim. The last travels out of what are meant to be your abilities. Granted you can simply "grief" as it is and ruin people's days for absolutely no reason. Though, so what? I mean that's how you get a true immersive world and games like EQ that discourage being a completely cut throat 12 year old gangsta eliminates the role that angry mental midgets play in the real world. If I played Eve I'd probably be a pirate. This guy simply ruined peoples days by violating their trust rather than blowing up their ships, who cares? The best way to make money in these games is through exploitation. Though it ultimately doesn't seem like he made that much with this scam. I play MMO games for the social aspects and scamming and PKing and actually social things, sitting and running scripts to make money slowly but fairly is more anti-social.
Casual Observer wrote:I had more respect for this guy "hardhead" who at least took the time and effort to write scripts to fuck over the game.
Scripting is a fucking pain in the ass. I did a bit of it in Ultima Online. Eventually, games get something that can use in game variables and it's more like coding. Though it's always fucking awful.

by Casual Observer » Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:10 pm

I had more respect for this guy "hardhead" who at least took the time and effort to write scripts to fuck over the game. I did enjoy the story though, because it gave me a flavor of what the game is like without having to waste all of the time and money myself.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:05 am

I liked his depictions of pirates and how he went back and blasted that one to shit.

Pirates -- real pirates -- were hardworking men who went out in search of booty and treasure and salt wives and so forth.

Pirates -- MMORPG pirates -- are little kids who show no ability to type five words out without making an error in capitalization or spelling. They're fucking idiots and anything or anyone that helps to ruin their day is fine by me. I applaud this guy, Nightfreeze.

by Worm » Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:44 am

Yeah, I personally favor scamming and such in MMORPGs. Though a scammer who is indignant PKs is just sad. Though it does give a decent look into how quickly these games get important.

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:17 am

I mean, it's not even a clever exploit or anything. The guy goes on about how he researched corporations and did all this shit but it really comes down to, "I lied to a bunch of people and took their virtual money hur hur hur."

The fact that this guy has the nerve to act all condescending when he pretty much was a jackass from day one ("What? You mean it's no longer easy for me to be the biggest kid on the block just by logging in at 6:30 am like a complete shitwank? Wah!") is infuriating, and his flimsy justification for his scheme is just as pathetic as everything else.

I have read of Fansy's exploits, and this, sir, is no Fansy.

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:59 am

Just finished reading it. Yeah, I thought it was pretty lame.

by pinback » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:50 pm

Well, I enjoyed it. It reminded me of something I would do.

(You know, back in the day. Not now, of course.)


by Vitriola » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:34 pm

I read that, too. Sad, in a way. He got the best of a bunch of losers, and then walked away like he came to some huge revelation that he had immersed his life for the past 6 months in with a bunch of losers, and he's supposed to be the hero of this story. Screwing people over? HELL yea. Taking 6 months of zero social life, pedantic scripts, and useless AIMs? It's like he's so far ahead of the game he deserved the 'zero' tag. After all, it's higher than number 1!

Eve Online

by pinback » Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:29 pm

This right here is just about the best retelling of a MMORPG story I think I've ever read.

(Actually, as I've only read about two, I can say that it IS the best one I've read.)
