by Vitriola » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:34 pm
I read that, too. Sad, in a way. He got the best of a bunch of losers, and then walked away like he came to some huge revelation that he had immersed his life for the past 6 months in with a bunch of losers, and he's supposed to be the hero of this story. Screwing people over? HELL yea. Taking 6 months of zero social life, pedantic scripts, and useless AIMs? It's like he's so far ahead of the game he deserved the 'zero' tag. After all, it's higher than number 1!
I read that, too. Sad, in a way. He got the best of a bunch of losers, and then walked away like he came to some huge revelation that he had immersed his life for the past 6 months in with a bunch of losers, and he's supposed to be the hero of this story. Screwing people over? [i]HELL yea[/i]. Taking 6 months of zero social life, pedantic scripts, and useless AIMs? It's like he's so far ahead of the game he deserved the 'zero' tag. After all, it's higher than number 1!