by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:50 pm
pinback wrote:Why, for people who enjoy playing computer games, is the compulsion so strong to work at computer games?
1. You start to get annoyed at how bad some of the games you play are. Most of them are really, really shitty. You think, "Hay!! I can do better than this!!" Maybe you can, maybe you can't. But you started to like your hobby so much that you began to hate it, so then you want to like it again.
2. Personally, even though I work in a dead genre, the desire to express oneself is there. But 8 hours get taken up by my real job, 8 get used to sleep and -- what -- 8 get used to do what I really want to do? Yet I haven't eaten, commuted, dated or thrown the football around yet. Damnation!! So when your hobby becomes your job you don't feel eight hours are "wasted" every day making money for someone else.
3. I have a desire to create which is wholly unsatisfied at work. So what is there? In six months I could get my drawing chops back, but that pays shit. I'm trying to write a book, but making any money doing that seems to me like hitting the lottery. (Eric, if you're out there, I think you hit the lottery.) Game programming, though, pays well. Sure, the hours are shitty because nerds everywhere failed to unionize, but still, you can pull down a reasonable salary with it.
I dunno. I am very happy chudding together game code and scripts with music on and the lights low. If that could be my job that'd be awesome.
[quote="pinback"]Why, for people who enjoy [i]playing[/i] computer games, is the compulsion so strong to [i]work[/i] at computer games? [/quote]
1. You start to get annoyed at how bad some of the games you play are. Most of them are really, really shitty. You think, "Hay!! I can do better than this!!" Maybe you can, maybe you can't. But you started to like your hobby so much that you began to hate it, so then you want to like it again.
2. Personally, even though I work in a dead genre, the desire to express oneself is there. But 8 hours get taken up by my real job, 8 get used to sleep and -- what -- 8 get used to do what I really want to do? Yet I haven't eaten, commuted, dated or thrown the football around yet. Damnation!! So when your hobby becomes your job you don't feel eight hours are "wasted" every day making money for someone else.
3. I have a desire to create which is wholly unsatisfied at work. So what is there? In six months I could get my drawing chops back, but that pays shit. I'm trying to write a book, but making any money doing that seems to me like hitting the lottery. (Eric, if you're out there, I think you hit the lottery.) Game programming, though, pays well. Sure, the hours are shitty because nerds everywhere failed to unionize, but still, you can pull down a reasonable salary with it.
I dunno. I am very happy chudding together game code and scripts with music on and the lights low. If that could be my job that'd be awesome.