GalCiv / SEIV

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: GalCiv / SEIV

by pinback » Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:24 am

bruce wrote:How the fuck did you get that?
Pumped all the terraforming stuff into it, of course, and was then told "we've found some Precursor shit, magically turning Earth into a class 36 planet!"

...this, apparently, refers to the planet's BASE class, and once it recalculated all the terraforming bonii, it got pumped up to 50. Crazy!
I'm also curious about "Sol IV" and "Sol V", which in *my* universe are called "Mars" and "Jupiter", but I see you already *have* a "Mars." And while "Sol V" appears to be a gas giant, um, so does "Sol IV"; what, did you destroy Venus and then somehow fuse the asteroid belt into a gas giant?
Yes. That is what I did.

by bruce » Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:26 am

pinback wrote:A class 50 planet in GalCiv!!! NOW I CAN DIE!
How the fuck did you get that?

I'm also curious about "Sol IV" and "Sol V", which in *my* universe are called "Mars" and "Jupiter", but I see you already *have* a "Mars." And while "Sol V" appears to be a gas giant, um, so does "Sol IV"; what, did you destroy Venus and then somehow fuse the asteroid belt into a gas giant?


by pinback » Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:06 pm

I've led a pretty varied, adventurous life, spanning the globe far and near, gone through some ups, some downs, experienced the heights off utter victory, and the shame of cowering defeat.

But after all of this, it is this, my friends, which will forever be known as the highlight of my entire existence, throughout the full extent of my lifetime on this Earthly plane!!!


A class 50 planet in GalCiv!!! NOW I CAN DIE!

by the Wrong Base Faery » Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:18 pm

Hey there, shithead, does this look like the goddamned motherfucking movie base to you? No, it didn't to me, either, you exfoliating little shit, so cut the Clint motherfucking Eastwood dramatics here.

PS: fag

by pinback » Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:53 pm

Sorry, Jonsey. I'm trying to keep this place afloat, but the kids just don't want it.

by k. roo » Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:42 pm

So, I went and saw Garden State on the weekend. For some reason or other I had wanted to see it without really knowing what it was about, and I'm sure because it's the only movie playing right now in the Princeton Garden Theater -- and it's a movie about Jersey, man! Anyways, friend called up and wanted to go, so I went.

Jesus christ what a whiny teenie bopper flick. Here's the scoop so you won't have to subject yourself to the two-hour long yawnfest.

Guy (26) comes home to NJ from LA to attend mother's funeral. He's a nutcase because he'd been medicated for most of his life after shoving his mother and injuring her, causing her to be paraplegic for the rest of her life. His dad's his shrink, so there's this whole circular guilt trip wankery going on. Guy catches up with friends from school, bumps into chick, and adolescent awkwardness ensues. In the end he "forgives" his father for being such an accusatory dick, gets on the plane back to LA, but decides to jump back out to live happily ever after with chick. The end.

It probably would have been considered "thought provoking" or "romantic" or "touching" about, uh, 25 years ago.

So don't go see it, ok?

by pinback » Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:30 pm

This thread is for discussion of SE4 and GalCiv. Please take all non-SE4 and non-GalCiv material to a separate thread. Thank you.

by Casual Observer » Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:34 pm

Lysander wrote:Pinback's a loser because he does his part supporting GAEMing companies to do the best they can at making more games for you ungreatful snobbs to play?
No, it's because he's preechy about it.

by pinback » Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:01 pm

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the starbases! They are indeed the best, just for the reasons Bruec mentioned. You can either make 'em lucrative trading outposts, or fearsome military installations, or (as I tend to do) GIANT OUTER-SPACE KEGGER PARTIES WITH COKE AND HOOKERS AND COKE ON TOP OF HOOKERS!!

by bruce » Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:39 pm

I appreciate it.

My favorite part of GalCiv was that you can pretty much pile whatever modules you want onto whatever space station you want.

So--I think I've mentioned this before on here sometime--there's the Death Star equivalent, called a "Terror Star". It enables you to blow up the sun in a star system.

But there's nothing stopping you from also putting, say, the "Galactic Waterpark" on it. I have this wonderful vision of Darth Vader wading up to one of those floating bars they have at resorts, getting a little drink with an umbrella in it, and saying to the bartender, "While you're at it, could you please put out their sun? Kthxbye!"

I find the cultural conquest to be the most fun too.


by pinback » Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:51 am

You have to appreciate the humor of a bunch of people sitting around stealing software and then bitching about how bad games SUCK (or "SUXX0R", or the like) lately.

You have to. I demand it.

by Lysander » Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:47 am

Pinback's a loser because he does his part supporting GAEMing companies to do the best they can at making more games for you ungreatful snobbs to play?

Just for that, I'm going to download some music at you.

by Comeback Carter » Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:33 am

Oh yeah? Well, you.. you, I mean, your mo..


by Worm » Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:33 am

Casual Observer wrote:Guess I'm a bad person then. Loser.
As a public service I put the "cutting barb" part of the post in yellow.

by Casual Observer » Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:22 am

Guess I'm a bad person then. Loser.

by pinback » Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:05 pm

No, but most of us can afford a $30 computer game.

by Casual Observer » Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:51 pm

Well, we can't all afford to take months off while we get plastic surgery and learn to fly planes and waste time playing video games and posting on bbs's.

by pinback » Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:20 pm

Well, it's doubtful I can convince you to quit stealing, if you're determined to steal.

So, have at it, I guess. Dirtbag.

by Casual Observer » Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:15 pm

I don't know. . . man. . . I'm pretty cheap. I haven't purchased any software in almost ten years.

by pinback » Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:44 pm

Come on, man. Download the demo, and if you like it, buy it.
