by k. roo » Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:42 pm
So, I went and saw Garden State on the weekend. For some reason or other I had wanted to see it without really knowing what it was about, and I'm sure because it's the only movie playing right now in the Princeton Garden Theater -- and it's a movie about Jersey, man! Anyways, friend called up and wanted to go, so I went.
Jesus christ what a whiny teenie bopper flick. Here's the scoop so you won't have to subject yourself to the two-hour long yawnfest.
Guy (26) comes home to NJ from LA to attend mother's funeral. He's a nutcase because he'd been medicated for most of his life after shoving his mother and injuring her, causing her to be paraplegic for the rest of her life. His dad's his shrink, so there's this whole circular guilt trip wankery going on. Guy catches up with friends from school, bumps into chick, and adolescent awkwardness ensues. In the end he "forgives" his father for being such an accusatory dick, gets on the plane back to LA, but decides to jump back out to live happily ever after with chick. The end.
It probably would have been considered "thought provoking" or "romantic" or "touching" about, uh, 25 years ago.
So don't go see it, ok?
So, I went and saw Garden State on the weekend. For some reason or other I had wanted to see it without really knowing what it was about, and I'm sure because it's the only movie playing right now in the Princeton Garden Theater -- and it's a movie about Jersey, man! Anyways, friend called up and wanted to go, so I went.
Jesus christ what a whiny teenie bopper flick. Here's the scoop so you won't have to subject yourself to the two-hour long yawnfest.
Guy (26) comes home to NJ from LA to attend mother's funeral. He's a nutcase because he'd been medicated for most of his life after shoving his mother and injuring her, causing her to be paraplegic for the rest of her life. His dad's his shrink, so there's this whole circular guilt trip wankery going on. Guy catches up with friends from school, bumps into chick, and adolescent awkwardness ensues. In the end he "forgives" his father for being such an accusatory dick, gets on the plane back to LA, but decides to jump back out to live happily ever after with chick. The end.
It probably would have been considered "thought provoking" or "romantic" or "touching" about, uh, 25 years ago.
So don't go see it, ok?