by chris » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:09 pm
Fairly accurate in my case:
Analytical, Trustworthy, Self-Assured
You appreciate high quality and things that endure. Consequently, you like to surround yourself with little "gems," which are often overlooked by others.
Culture and tradition are important to you.
You have found your own personal style, which is elegant and exclusive, free from the whims of fashion.
Your ideal, upon which you base your life, is sophisticated pleasure.
Fairly accurate in my case:
Analytical, Trustworthy, Self-Assured
You appreciate high quality and things that endure. Consequently, you like to surround yourself with little "gems," which are often overlooked by others.
Culture and tradition are important to you.
You have found your own personal style, which is elegant and exclusive, free from the whims of fashion.
Your ideal, upon which you base your life, is sophisticated pleasure.