is trying to awkwardly ask me out on a date

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by Lysander » Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:54 am

You know, a lot of these guys know they're being pushy and assholish. It's, literally, in the job derscription. So I just politely but firmly tell them no, and if they get too incredibly irritating give them a message for their higher-ups, which is so vulgur I can't even print it here. I mean, these guys keep going door-to-door and get rebufffed at almost every turn--I'd really, really get tired of that job really, really quickly. I'd might just snap and stalk from office to office with an Armalite nAR10 carbine-powered semiautomatic weapon, pumping round after round into employees and co-workers. is trying to awkwardly ask me out on a date

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:07 pm

Or something -- they have been calling every day around eleven for three weeks now.

I re-upped recently through them... OK..., and were all purchased through poehosting... what in the fuck do they want from me?

Trying to re-up on Caltrops was a nice little venture. It's now important that we're upsold on EVERY GODDAMN TRANSACTION we as humans do in our lives. Just trying to get one more year out of them at five times the going rate that POE charges me is ridiculous enough, but the guy on the phone couldn't believe that I didn't want to go for two years. And I'm sure if I wanted two years he would have been utterly stunned that I didn't want it for five.

He asked me what that website was and I basically told him it was a bunch of people screaming at each other, which he seemed to like well enough and that the reason I didn't want to get extra years was because I wasn't sure if I was going to be running it in two years, which is pretty false from where I am coming from.

I remember not too long ago Dayna and I went from EB to Victoria's Secret because they are right next to each other in the mall. Well, we would have gone there anyway, but still. The geek behind the counter at EB was forced to tell me that I can get money back by bringing games in and some other happy crappy and the girl behind the counter at VS wanted my phone number for spamming purposes. This happens all the time.

It came to an exciting boil-over when a door-to-door salesman hit up the Plaza de la Casa here at L201 for the fifth week in a row. He wasn't selling magazines!! No!! He was selling "himself." He gave me his ID card. I tried to give it back to him but he didn't want it, because apparently I had to talk to him for as long as it was in my possession or something. He picked the wrong kid to try inventory tricks with though, if you're digging my ditch here. Newton the cat tried to come out for pats and in order to put him back inside I had to give him his ID card back.

"Look, you gotta go. You guys are here every weekend selling stuff and I'm sick of it. We're not supposed to have solicitors here." I don't even know if that last part is true.

"Who's here every week? I'm not here every week!" he said. Jesus Christ, SELL SELL SELL!!!! Fucking assholes.

Newton the cat tried to get out one more time and I told him I had to go. He then said "God bless" which sort of makes me feel bad for kicking him out of my apartment, but then it makes me feel bad for them trying that Christian shit on me when it's obvious they are bugging the shit out of people which is very un-Christian like (at least as far as I see it) and then I feel quite satisfied with myself.

So anyway, here's the bulk of all of it: I suggest getting as irrational and impossible at people trying to upsell us -- all of us -- in the future. Just LOSE IT. Group them all together and take out your frustrations at one on the rest of them. They probably all hang out at some retail-only swing bar anyway where they dream of having babies they can sell extra slurps of formula to or something. I used to seperate the sales peon from their corporate overlords but no longer! How often to I get to talk to a corporate overlord? Never, in fact! The answer is never. So I will now be having one conversation with all the upsell folks and the bunch of them can string it out and put it all together like an O. Henry story or something, I don't fucking care.
