Paypal question

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by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:18 pm


Scheming some convoluted mess of credit cards, banks, signatures, holds, insurance and distrust, just to send a 99 cent Archie comic or Green Arrow action figure across town makes much more sense.

by bruce » Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:04 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:I only deal in cash. If people say they don't get it I tell them to go fuck themselves. When people send me cash I only lie and say I don't get like 1% of the time, and pocket the cash. When people screw me in this manner, I'm covered by those people I've screwed.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the FUCKING SOUL of the Republican Party.


by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:18 pm

I only deal in cash. If people say they don't get it I tell them to go fuck themselves. When people send me cash I only lie and say I don't get like 1% of the time, and pocket the cash. When people screw me in this manner, I'm covered by those people I've screwed.

I keep a ledger, I'm up $50 so far. So if I sent someone $50 bucks and they say they don't get it, I've really lost nothing.

by Vitriola » Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:12 pm

Thing is about money orders, though, is that they're like cash in that the person can claim they didn't get them, cash them anyway, and you're still out the money. Not the same as if you're receiving them, but a person who wants monetary security won't send them.

Re: Paypal question

by Debaser » Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:24 pm

Worm wrote:
chris wrote:Nobody seems to have problems sending money orders instead, and it's a lot safer (IMHO).
Can't any cash those though? Or can you make them out to a certain person?
Money Orders, yes, have no specified Payee on them and hence can be used by any bearer. If that bothers you, you can always use Cashiers' Checks, though banks tend tocharge you unreasonable sums of money for them. Of course, maybe that's just me. I hate the idea of paying to have my money transmitted into a different form. Also, however, if you already have a lot of money stored in your local bank, they will often waive any and all fees for Cashiers Checks, Money Orders, or the like. Or if you are really old and willing to hold up the line bitching about the fees. Or you have nice tits. Of course, maybe that last one only applied when I was working the line.

Re: Paypal question

by Worm » Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:25 pm

chris wrote:Nobody seems to have problems sending money orders instead, and it's a lot safer (IMHO).
Can't any cash those though? Or can you make them out to a certain person?

Re: Paypal question

by chris » Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:45 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I was going to sell some stuff on Paypal to get extra spending cash for the holidays. Quick question to anyone who has received payments from Paypal -- is there anything special you need to do to let people pay you with their own credit cards and have the money show up in your own Paypal account? I am not starting a business or anything. Is this service free? Or, as just a normal schmoe, am I restricted to people transfering money they already have floating in their Paypal account?
I stopped using PayPal for eBay auctions some time ago....I didn't like the fact that they require bank account numbers, and they charge you a percentage if you are RECEIVING payments (but not if you're sending payments). Nobody seems to have problems sending money orders instead, and it's a lot safer (IMHO). Things with PayPal may have changed since eBay took them over, though.

Paypal question

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:14 am

I was going to sell some stuff on Paypal to get extra spending cash for the holidays. Quick question to anyone who has received payments from Paypal -- is there anything special you need to do to let people pay you with their own credit cards and have the money show up in your own Paypal account? I am not starting a business or anything. Is this service free? Or, as just a normal schmoe, am I restricted to people transfering money they already have floating in their Paypal account?
