by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:26 am
Flash could have a "volume" setting like it has "Zoom" and other worthless shit no-one wants.
Seriously, I'm not (just) making fun. Every worthless Flash animation I have EVER seen has had the volume up WAY too fucking loud. Try it yourself -- put on an MP3 at your favorite listening volume. Put up some wax paper behind your head. Put on a typically shitty Flash animation. Sit through the "Loading" screen. Wipe your brains, which totally blew out the side of your skull when the obnoxiously loud Flash animation started, from the wax paper, taking careful measures to ensure none got on your wall.
My speakers are set once. Because nobody can record an MP3 at the same volume, Winamp lets me change the individual setting. Games are pretty much all alike, and they have master volume settings anyway.
Not Flash, though! It's your problem with Flash.
It's not Flash I hate so much as the morons who think it's the best way to accomplish their revolutionary propaganda.
... Okay, it's both.
Flash could have a "volume" setting like it has "Zoom" and other worthless shit no-one wants.
Seriously, I'm not (just) making fun. Every worthless Flash animation I have EVER seen has had the volume up WAY too fucking loud. Try it yourself -- put on an MP3 at your favorite listening volume. Put up some wax paper behind your head. Put on a typically shitty Flash animation. Sit through the "Loading" screen. Wipe your brains, which totally blew out the side of your skull when the obnoxiously loud Flash animation started, from the wax paper, taking careful measures to ensure none got on your wall.
My speakers are set once. Because nobody can record an MP3 at the same volume, Winamp lets me change the individual setting. Games are pretty much all alike, and they have master volume settings anyway.
Not Flash, though! It's your problem with Flash.
It's not Flash I hate so much as the morons who think it's the best way to accomplish their revolutionary propaganda.
... Okay, it's both.