What the fuck are people who like GTA:SA thinking?

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Expand view Topic review: What the fuck are people who like GTA:SA thinking?

by Worm » Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:23 am

Jack Straw wrote:
Worm wrote: You know, I can do this in Fallout II and have it actually be a good game.
Christ on a fucking cross, Jerbowski! I bet you really do sit on the couch playing GTA muttering to yourself "I could be playing Fallout II!!!
Nope, I've replayed that to hell and back. It simply was the first game I could think of where I could kill drug dealers.
It's still a god damn rehash of the first game and the more eloquent and nonretarded gamers encourage this kind of shit the more of it we are going to have of it.
So I've got the Worm seal of approval on warezing this one? Good, because I'm still incredibly guilty from the lashing you gave me on Katamari Damacy.
Yeah, I guess if you thought I didn't mean you specfically as the uneloquent retarded gamer. Also, TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS, the gaming conglomerates give a discount and you steal instead. Steal the mass produced marketed to the 16-23 age group pieces of shit all you want. Though when a game actually has some fucking heart in it? Well, that's just wrong.
Roody_Yogurt wrote:There are also hippie-looking drug dealers (I'm still in the first area so there may be more kinds; those are all I've seen so far). Since eventually you learn how to do stealth kills, I pretty much just creep up behind those guys and gut them with a knife (or slit their throats or whatever it is you do).
Can I get an hour amount of gametime before I'm allowed to do anything I want in the game?
Roody_Yogurt wrote:Haven't picked up the game in weeks, though. For all that it does well, I think I still prefer Vice City just for having less time-wasting stuff (although VC's killing rampage stuff was just fine).
As someone who really isn't crazy about any of the games, I've got to agree VC was nowhere near as bad. Though SA breaks ground in being actually convient by putting some of your starting quests by your save point, it later shatters the trust built though with OG Loc's quest location.

by Jack Straw » Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:01 pm

Worm wrote: You know, I can do this in Fallout II and have it actually be a good game.
Christ on a fucking cross, Jerbowski! I bet you really do sit on the couch playing GTA muttering to yourself "I could be playing Fallout II!!!
It's still a god damn rehash of the first game and the more eloquent and nonretarded gamers encourage this kind of shit the more of it we are going to have of it.
So I've got the Worm seal of approval on warezing this one? Good, because I'm still incredibly guilty from the lashing you gave me on Katamari Damacy.

by Roody_Yogurt » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:23 pm

There are also hippie-looking drug dealers (I'm still in the first area so there may be more kinds; those are all I've seen so far). Since eventually you learn how to do stealth kills, I pretty much just creep up behind those guys and gut them with a knife (or slit their throats or whatever it is you do).

Haven't picked up the game in weeks, though. For all that it does well, I think I still prefer Vice City just for having less time-wasting stuff (although VC's killing rampage stuff was just fine).

by Worm » Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:00 pm

Debaser wrote:
Worm wrote:I don't know how far I've gotten. Though aside from that single mission where you see your "Little John" hoodling all cracked out there is no specific identfication of drug dealers whatsoever.
Just try walking around on foot, you'll occasionally run into big black guys in black tank tops who try to sell you drugs. They usually give up a lot of money when they croak.
You know, I can do this in Fallout II and have it actually be a good game.
Multiple attempts at shitty missions buffered with having to wait at least five minutes to get to your save point just soured me right quick.
Early missions, I thought, were pretty easy if not egregiously fun. They're a mixed bag in terms of entertainment, but how many times are you having to try them?
Well, as I feel that I should be at least reaching a boss or achieving something like loads of cash after enough time invested. I keep playing until I feel I've gotten something, which involves loads of getting stuck on missions and just turning off the motherfucking thing because it's too much of a hassle to save.
I was at a point where I had Cesar's and OG Loc's quests. So I would attempt the dance shit during which time passes abnormally fast, so when I managed to finally fail, OG Loc wasn't around to reissue the quest. Mission closing and opening times are just more shit added by Rockstar because they are curious as to how much shit people will take before they stop buying. So then I'd drive to Cesar and fail that mission, I repeated a few times until I just turned the motherfucking thing off. I think I'm going to have to accept that I just hate this motherfucking game. Now if I start it up again I've lost all the other missions that I trudged through and I've got to restart all those, which I just do not want to do.

It's just little shit, like accidently tipping over a crate on the "Robbing Uncle Sam" mission. So, every failure is compounded by going from the hospital (Which is surrounded by rival gang members, natch), to the mission point, to where ever they want to you drive for the mission, and seeing if some random fuck up like running over a cop or driving by some rival gang members is going to start the cycle over again.
Also my inability to do DDR and DDR-type games cause me to hit a brick wall on OG Loc's dancing mission
Did you do the low-rider DDR mission, yet? Which is just a roundabout way of asking if you're really having trouble with that mission or just aren't getting how the timing is supposed to work. Hit the button when it reaches the circle, ignore the music entirely. It's pretty forgiving. AFAK, those two missions are the only time you're required to DDR, though there is a dancing sub-minigame in the ridiculously tedious dating minigame.
I did the lowrider one no problem. It's just that the dancing one is simply harder and well doing it I'm just not having fun and I have to question why I have any faith left in this fucking series at all when my time is better spent playing Devil Whiskey. I just can't muster enough of a shit when these guys have to rip off overused ideas to fill up missions. Fuck GTA wholely and completely. It's still a god damn rehash of the first game and the more eloquent and nonretarded gamers encourage this kind of shit the more of it we are going to have of it.

by Debaser » Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:58 pm

Worm wrote:I don't know how far I've gotten. Though aside from that single mission where you see your "Little John" hoodling all cracked out there is no specific identfication of drug dealers whatsoever.
Just try walking around on foot, you'll occasionally run into big black guys in black tank tops who try to sell you drugs. They usually give up a lot of money when they croak.
Multiple attempts at shitty missions buffered with having to wait at least five minutes to get to your save point just soured me right quick.
Early missions, I thought, were pretty easy if not egregiously fun. They're a mixed bag in terms of entertainment, but how many times are you having to try them?
Also my inability to do DDR and DDR-type games cause me to hit a brick wall on OG Loc's dancing mission
Did you do the low-rider DDR mission, yet? Which is just a roundabout way of asking if you're really having trouble with that mission or just aren't getting how the timing is supposed to work. Hit the button when it reaches the circle, ignore the music entirely. It's pretty forgiving. AFAK, those two missions are the only time you're required to DDR, though there is a dancing sub-minigame in the ridiculously tedious dating minigame.

by Worm » Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:07 pm

Incredulous wrote:Worm, you get to shoot drug dealers in this game. I would think you would be on this like pinner on an obscure recipe. Did you hear? This game lets you shoot drug dealers.
I don't know how far I've gotten. Though aside from that single mission where you see your "Little John" hoodling all cracked out there is no specific identfication of drug dealers whatsoever.

Multiple attempts at shitty missions buffered with having to wait at least five minutes to get to your save point just soured me right quick. Also my inability to do DDR and DDR-type games cause me to hit a brick wall on OG Loc's dancing mission, since Rockstar wouldn't code anything without using it twenty times I predict I'll have to deal with much more of that shit. Now if you are going to advocate not taking missions seriously because they all generally blow (Except for the one where you fight the Russians, that was honest fun) you can fuck right off. Without missions GTA is as unstructured as Coffee Break Fun which means it barely qualifies as a game.

There first mission wasn't that bad. Though, fucking dancing?

by Incredulous » Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:52 am

Worm, you get to shoot drug dealers in this game. I would think you would be on this like pinner on an obscure recipe. Did you hear? This game lets you shoot drug dealers.

by Jack Straw » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:02 am

"this game is fun"

What the fuck are people who like GTA:SA thinking?

by Worm » Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:44 pm

Really, I want to know.
