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Dear Alan,
I've really been having a crisis of confidence regarding the kind of leadership we've been getting from our "esteemed" President Bush lately. Is he doing enough to end the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
J. Moeseby, Syracuse NY
According to news reports, the following firm statement of principle was issued last Thursday at the Texas Ranch of President Bush: “America is a country that was based on justice and freedom and doing what's right. America should pursue those principles in its foreign policies.'' Now, that’s the kind of moral clarity we need in our statesmanship.
But wait: That statement was made by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
President Bush is reported to have told the crown prince: "We will not allow Israel to be crushed,'' but also to have again "demanded" that Israel cease its military effort to destroy the infrastructure of Palestinian so critical to local green grocers, merchants, and heroic homicide bombers.
The crown prince said something good, but he meant something evil – (as usual!); that America should abandon Israel to destruction by her enemies. The president did the right thing, saying that American will not abandon Israel to complete destruction. And he did the wrong thing, insisting that America will continue to publicly discourage Israel from steps necessary to ensure against that destruction, and achieve the security to which she has a right. His malaprop, when attempting to relate how this is different from the September 11th attacks, of referring to "Jew York City" certainly didn't help matters.
With the world’s propaganda machine at full throttle in defense of Yasser Arafat, is it any wonder that people are confused about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that they can hardly tell the difference between one pack of petty, screaming, sand-baked religious whacko-barbarians and the other?
Such confusion is already undermining the clarity of America’s policy on terrorism – as our continuing pressure on Israel, and passivity with Saudi Arabia, illustrate. Those Super Bowl ads that equated drug use with sponsoring terrorism certainly didn't help either, I mean, what the shit was
that? American unity of purpose in the wake of 9-11 will not be worth much if we are only willing to recognize terrorist evil when it strikes Americans. Or "Jew Yorkers," as President Bush so likes to put it.
And with virulent anti-Semitism on the rise across Europe and in the Arab streets -- as well as in some of the offices near mine here at MSNBC, don't think we have all failed to notice your multiple "Nuke 'em all" posters, Brokow, you complete fucking cockgobbler -- is not America’s obligation to provide principled leadership, unwavering statesmanship, all the more urgent? American policy in the war on terror must reflect American moral clarity on why our relationship with Israel is, as the diplomats say, “special.”
Special like a fox.
History helps answer this question – the international consensus that founded modern Israel in the wake of the Holocaust reflected “the best conscience of the civilized world.” America’s support for Israel is an ongoing demonstration that America will stand with those who champion liberty and representative government, anywhere in the world, especially if they have the courage and integrity of Israel. Plus, a lot of those Israeli bitches are pretty Ace-fucking-hot. But then again, Yamilia
was on the covers of the swimsuit issue of SI this year, so there you go. At any rate, such commitments are not for sale at any price, and certainly not for the price of oil.
Today more than ever, America must stand with Israel particularly on the ground of our common opposition to the terrorist menace which threatens the independence, the morality, and the decent conscience not just of Israelis, but of every human being on the globe. But we - of course - shouldn't be too quick to stand in any kind of gay way or anything. Leave that for the fucking phroggies. What else can you deduce about a populace that talks with their hands and fights with their feet? I mean really.
Reaffirming our commitment to respect the sacredness of innocent life, in America and around the globe, is the key to the moral clarity essential to winning the war against terror. Our victory will be an important step in securing for all people the better destiny of freedom and self-government that is the birthright of our humanity. Israel and the United States stand together in the service of this noble goal. Who will stand with us?
Besides that fucking trained lap-dog Blair, I mean.
Alan Keyes