by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 16, 2002 2:02 am
Roody_Yogurt wrote:What's the opinion of most Elder Scrolls games in general?
I think my take is pretty average. Here's what comes to mind:
Arena: Remarkable mostly because it was first. Great open-ended design, not terribly buggy. Graphically inferior to Daggerfall. A worthy classic. I've played this for maybe three or four hours tops (I bought it when Daggerfall was considered old.)
Daggerfall: The ultimate desert-island game. Incredibly buggy before the 2.13 patch, and you'd best still backup your saves and save often with it. Neat for having stuff that was later eliminated, like climbing, random dungeons and the ability to loot a shopkeeper and sell his stuff back to him the next day. Features one of the most annoying and consistently-mewling characters of all time in the dead king that inhabits the first town. If it's crippled by anything, it's over the fact that each time you create a new character, you need to work your way out of the starter dungeon, which is really overpowered for sneaker types. (I've spent waaay too much time playing this one, and only followed the first couple of tasks for the main quest. The rest was spent in free-form mode.)
Battlespire: From what I understand, it's a bit crap. (Don't own it, never played it.)
Morrowind: Really cool. Gorgeous to look at. I wrote a rant that said "Where I Stopped Playing It" a couple months ago but I have actually returned to playing it as of late. Navigation pretty much sucks, and from what I understand it's quite "easy" to get yourself to the point where you outclass most every monster you encounter, but I am nowhere near that. There are some ways to "cheat" within the context of the game, as well, but that's just a matter of player discipline. Even though it has its faults, I wish there were more games like it. Crippled by Safedisc2, which slowed the thing down dramatically -- there was an unofficial patch that removed it, and my understanding is that the last official patch did the same.
If anyone's played Battlespire, or if there was an Elder Scrolls game that I forgot, please, jump in.
[quote="Roody_Yogurt"]What's the opinion of most Elder Scrolls games in general?[/quote]
I think my take is pretty average. Here's what comes to mind:
Arena: Remarkable mostly because it was first. Great open-ended design, not terribly buggy. Graphically inferior to Daggerfall. A worthy classic. I've played this for maybe three or four hours tops (I bought it when Daggerfall was considered old.)
Daggerfall: The ultimate desert-island game. Incredibly buggy before the 2.13 patch, and you'd best still backup your saves and save often with it. Neat for having stuff that was later eliminated, like climbing, random dungeons and the ability to loot a shopkeeper and sell his stuff back to him the next day. Features one of the most annoying and consistently-mewling characters of all time in the dead king that inhabits the first town. If it's crippled by anything, it's over the fact that each time you create a new character, you need to work your way out of the starter dungeon, which is really overpowered for sneaker types. (I've spent waaay too much time playing this one, and only followed the first couple of tasks for the main quest. The rest was spent in free-form mode.)
Battlespire: From what I understand, it's a bit crap. (Don't own it, never played it.)
Morrowind: Really cool. Gorgeous to look at. I wrote a rant that said "Where I Stopped Playing It" a couple months ago but I have actually returned to playing it as of late. Navigation pretty much sucks, and from what I understand it's quite "easy" to get yourself to the point where you outclass most every monster you encounter, but I am nowhere near that. There are some ways to "cheat" within the context of the game, as well, but that's just a matter of player discipline. Even though it has its faults, I wish there were more games like it. Crippled by Safedisc2, which slowed the thing down dramatically -- there was an unofficial patch that removed it, and my understanding is that the last official patch did the same.
If anyone's played Battlespire, or if there was an Elder Scrolls game that I forgot, please, jump in.