by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:26 am
Hey, can anyone tell me if there is a fundamental difference between the position of "Programmer Analyst" and "Software Engineer"? Do any of you guys work with one and not the other or both? I don't mean to turn this website into Job Search 2K5, but maybe it being that as a sort of "Hot Topic" would be OK for a couple weeks. Plus, it beats what we were talking about before, which was nothing.
Hey, can anyone tell me if there is a fundamental difference between the position of "Programmer Analyst" and "Software Engineer"? Do any of you guys work with one and not the other or both? I don't mean to turn this website into Job Search 2K5, but maybe it being that as a sort of "Hot Topic" would be OK for a couple weeks. Plus, it beats what we were talking about before, which was nothing.