nessman wrote:What's wrong with Rochester's transit system?
Glad you asked. There aren't enough routes, the busses are not often enough, if you want to go anywhere except back and forth on one of the routes then you have to change busses on fucking main street which doubles the time it takes, and the city would rather spend $$$$ on a new underground bus station instead of fixing the first three problems.
How about light rail? Why the fuck does a city that used to have a subway not even consider a light rail at least along a north-south or east-west route? That's great, we can have 4 - 6 lanes of highway all the way out to Canandaigua but nobody will consider light rail.
Why would this bitch of a city even consider dumping public money into a ferry to toronto without first dealing with it's own public transportation system? Somebody who comes here from Toronto without a car would have to take a taxi or a smelly rts bus to get anywhere, even to a car rental place. There's an organization trying to set up a trolly from the port to downtown and do they get even an ounce of help or even interest from the county or the city? nope.
I'm curious what's good about the rochester public transportation system except apparently it provides you a paycheck.
[quote="nessman"]What's wrong with Rochester's transit system?[/quote] Glad you asked. There aren't enough routes, the busses are not often enough, if you want to go anywhere except back and forth on one of the routes then you have to change busses on fucking main street which doubles the time it takes, and the city would rather spend $$$$ on a new underground bus station instead of fixing the first three problems.
How about light rail? Why the fuck does a city that used to have a subway not even consider a light rail at least along a north-south or east-west route? That's great, we can have 4 - 6 lanes of highway all the way out to Canandaigua but nobody will consider light rail.
Why would this bitch of a city even consider dumping public money into a ferry to toronto without first dealing with it's own public transportation system? Somebody who comes here from Toronto without a car would have to take a taxi or a smelly rts bus to get anywhere, even to a car rental place. There's an organization trying to set up a trolly from the port to downtown and do they get even an ounce of help or even interest from the county or the city? nope.
I'm curious what's good about the rochester public transportation system except apparently it provides you a paycheck.