Complete asshole tries to fire guy over non-removed hat.

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by AArdvark » Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:31 pm

It's stuff like this that makes people run into public buildings with automatic weapons and start hosing everyone with lead. Usually while wearing hats.

Much ado about nothing, I say.


by Worm » Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:43 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:What country are you eyeing, Worm?
Honestly, I've got no clue. I guess I'll have to find a sampler pack or take a trip or something.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:03 am

What country are you eyeing, Worm?

Re: Complete asshole tries to fire guy over non-removed hat.

by Worm » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:36 pm

chris wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Just get a load of this Cady guy. He said the kid's behavior was "belligerent." Yes, it absolutely was! Some kid who was not informed to remove his hat before entering the building -- an unofficial tradition that got going simply to rag on Jews, this isn't a law or anything
Just to play Devil's Advocate here, removing your hat upon entering a building (be it a public building, or somebody's house, or whatnot) is common manners. Unfortunately, it's not something widely taught over the last 40 years or so (or whenever regularly wearing hats when going outdoors stopped being the norm). So technically, the guy SHOULD have removed his hat when entering the building, and DEFINITELY should have removed it during the Pledge.
We got freedom!
Fixed link

It's totally absurd. I can't wait until I get out of this country.

Re: Complete asshole tries to fire guy over non-removed hat.

by chris » Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:02 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Just get a load of this Cady guy. He said the kid's behavior was "belligerent." Yes, it absolutely was! Some kid who was not informed to remove his hat before entering the building -- an unofficial tradition that got going simply to rag on Jews, this isn't a law or anything
Just to play Devil's Advocate here, removing your hat upon entering a building (be it a public building, or somebody's house, or whatnot) is common manners. Unfortunately, it's not something widely taught over the last 40 years or so (or whenever regularly wearing hats when going outdoors stopped being the norm). So technically, the guy SHOULD have removed his hat when entering the building, and DEFINITELY should have removed it during the Pledge.

On the flip side, the commission was totally out of line in trying to fire him over this. It's just another example of some insignificant public official (or body) just trying to show that they have power by being dickheads.

Complete asshole tries to fire guy over non-removed hat.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:01 am

Hilarious -- because it's so sad -- video on display here. It's Tivoed from some local politcs in Maryland.

Essentially this local politician makes a move to fire some kid who doesn't "remove his hat" before speaking to the board. It's unbelievable how everyone thinks the miserable old fucker is at first joking and then his syncophant buddies start passing motions to have him fired and to have his position eliminated.

His e-mail address is . There's a good chance that I will be posting my take to this heart attack in waiting before too long.

Here's an article on this unbelievable attempted abuse of power:
Despite vote, man's job was in no danger
Published on Saturday, March 19

By Erin Cunningham
News-Post Staff

Despite vote, man's job was in no danger

Mr. Etters, a recent Parks and Recreation hire, was at work Friday, though he declined to comment about his near termination.

County Commissioner Mike Cady asked for Mr. Etters' dismissal for insubordination the new employee didn't remove his hat during his introduction. The vote failed, with Mr. Cady and Commissioner John Lovell in favor.

Assistant County Attorney Linda Thall said Friday that commissioners could not have fired Mr. Etters. They do not have the authority to fire an employee who does not directly report to them. That decision must occur at the departmental level.

Because the commissioners comprise the appellate body for any county employee who is fired, they are not able to "intervene in the hiring or promotional process, discipline or dismissal of Frederick County government employees," according to county regulations.

Although Mr. Etters was not fired, commissioners did take action to ensure etiquette is taken seriously at Winchester Hall.

At Thursday's meeting Mr. Etters stood for the pledge of allegiance along with everyone else. But he failed to remove his hat.

That's what started it all. Mr. Cady, a former Marine, became immediately irritated, he said.

Mr. Etters spent four years with the U.S. Air Force, according to Randy Davis, who introduced him to the commissioners. Mr. Cady asked the new employee if he was taught to remove his hat during his time in the service.

Mr. Etters said he did then, but he did not remove his cap for commissioners.

Mr. Cady said in the course of a year he asks at least a dozen people to remove their hats out of respect to commissioners. They all comply without incident.

"This is an introduction to county commissioners," he said. "We aren't asking him to mop the floors, just take the hat off."

But when Mr. Etters failed to remove his cap, Mr. Cady and Mr. Lovell, a former Navy pilot, tried to fire him for insubordination.

"He copped an attitude," Mr. Cady said. "At that point it was plain to me that this is not the model employee that we want around other employees -- and especially with parks and recreation around our families and children."

After his first motion failed, Mr. Cady immediately moved to take $35,000 from the parks and recreation budget and move it to the county's contingency fund. The vote passed 3-2, with commissioners Jan Gardner and Bruce Reeder in opposition.

Mr. Cady described Mr. Etters' behavior as "belligerent." He said he settled on $35,000 because that is roughly the amount of money used to fund Mr. Etters' position with the county.

"My intent is not to pay for his position," Mr. Cady said.

In 2004, coun
ty employees working maintenance for parks and recreation full time made $34,000 to $37,000, according to county data.

Mr. Cady said money in the contingency fund pays for unforeseen expenses or will be transferred to the following year's funds. He said he would be willing to vote to return the funds to parks and recreation if Mr. Etters comes before county commissioners and apologizes "for his lack of respect and defiance."

The decision to deal with a personnel matter at a public meeting is rare. Typically, commissioners will conduct a personnel meeting behind closed doors.

Commissioners President John L. Thompson Jr. said he would not comment on the issue because it is a personnel issue.

Paul Dial, department head for parks and recreation, did not return phone calls Friday afternoon.
Having dealt with ex-military types at my old job I can say with total sincerity that -- in general! -- they are absolutely the most miserable, condescending and socially incompetent people on the face of the planet. Having to deal with them in the private sector when they are too fucking stupid to realize for even a moment that everyone's not retiring to barracks after work is an exercise in frustration.

Just get a load of this Cady guy. He said the kid's behavior was "belligerent." Yes, it absolutely was! Some kid who was not informed to remove his hat before entering the building -- an unofficial tradition that got going simply to rag on Jews, this isn't a law or anything -- not saying a goddamn thing is definitely belligerent. He and his two little cronies should have moved to have him Court Marsh-- oh, right, they're not at Fort Worthless any longer. Damnation!

I really don't get why old fuckers like this guy don't just stay in the military. Obviously they had their fill because they left. Being fundamentally stupid, they of course decide to continue the traditions they loved so much that they turned tail on them to everyone else. Fantastic.
