by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:07 am
chris wrote:That's a piss-poor attitude towards work. If somebody has taken it upon themselves to hire you and pay you money to perform a job, then it's your responsiblity to actually PERFORM THE JOB. And part of that job is supposed to be verification of credit card signatures.
They probably did, at the beginning, but jobs like that have a way of eating away at one's soul.
I will leave out the fact that paying someone a minimum wage means that you get a minimum effort in return and how ridiculous it is for companies to convienently schedule drone workers for 36 hours so they don't have to pay them any benefits, as that's this whole other thing -- but people just shut off their brains when they become customers. Otherwise reasonable people turn into catty, condescending, power-tripping little weasels. (And sure, there is some snake-eating-its-tail going on here: I've lost my patience with the upsell. I went into an EB last night and, swear to God, the register kid offered some guy buying a Playstation game a "lifetime warranty" for the game for $3. $3 extra and if anything goes wrong with it, ever, they will replace it with a new one!!!! Actually, this deserves its own thread).
Uh, anyway, I can see how someone working a register at Dunkin' Donuts no longer cares. It's not worth the hassle.
Credit cards are damn useful things, but God help you if the card (or even just the number) gets stolen. I know one guy who had his card stolen by a roommate. The guy went to a clothing store and bought tons of clothes with it. The victim brought absolute proof to the police of who stole the card and what he did with it....and the police did NOTHING. The stores don't care, the cops don't care, and your credit rating could go right into the toilet over something like this. Makes you wonder if they're really worth carrying around, now doesn't it?
I like the part where the cops don't care. This is why people hate cops. Jesus, this one dude LIVES with a credit card fraud and the cops can't be bothered to go pick him up? The fuck? The guy did everything but scrawl "FREE CROOKS FOR PICKUP" on a cardboard sign and put it at the end of a donut trail like he was Elliot trying to get a glimpse of E. fucking T. and the cops sat there as bored as an ox on a hill. Jesus, Mary, Mother of God. Was this in Rochester?
[quote="chris"]That's a piss-poor attitude towards work. If somebody has taken it upon themselves to hire you and pay you money to perform a job, then it's your responsiblity to actually PERFORM THE JOB. And part of that job is supposed to be verification of credit card signatures.[/quote]
They probably did, at the beginning, but jobs like that have a way of eating away at one's soul.
I will leave out the fact that paying someone a minimum wage means that you get a minimum effort in return and how ridiculous it is for companies to convienently schedule drone workers for 36 hours so they don't have to pay them any benefits, as that's this whole other thing -- but people just shut off their brains when they become customers. Otherwise reasonable people turn into catty, condescending, power-tripping little weasels. (And sure, there is some snake-eating-its-tail going on here: I've lost my patience with the upsell. I went into an EB last night and, swear to God, the register kid offered some guy buying a Playstation game a "lifetime warranty" for the game for $3. $3 extra and if anything goes wrong with it, ever, they will replace it with a new one!!!! Actually, this deserves its own thread).
Uh, anyway, I can see how someone working a register at Dunkin' Donuts no longer cares. It's not worth the hassle.
[quote]Credit cards are damn useful things, but God help you if the card (or even just the number) gets stolen. I know one guy who had his card stolen by a roommate. The guy went to a clothing store and bought tons of clothes with it. The victim brought absolute proof to the police of who stole the card and what he did with it....and the police did NOTHING. The stores don't care, the cops don't care, and your credit rating could go right into the toilet over something like this. Makes you wonder if they're really worth carrying around, now doesn't it?[/quote]
I like the part where the cops don't care. This is why people hate cops. Jesus, this one dude LIVES with a credit card fraud and the cops can't be bothered to go pick him up? The fuck? The guy did everything but scrawl "FREE CROOKS FOR PICKUP" on a cardboard sign and put it at the end of a donut trail like he was Elliot trying to get a glimpse of E. fucking T. and the cops sat there as bored as an ox on a hill. Jesus, Mary, Mother of God. Was this in Rochester?