Gratuitous, drunken plug for a small, cool game.

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Gratuitous, drunken plug for a small, cool game.

by ExReader of all ExReaders » Wed Oct 23, 2002 7:48 pm

Thanks. I tricked out my registry to get seven more days of play.

by Ex-Reader of Worm's NITS » Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:14 pm

Ex reader of myself(Worm) wrote:knitpick
That's "nitpick".

by Ex reader of myself(Worm) » Tue Oct 22, 2002 8:47 pm

Now that I worked a little more on this game and didn't knitpick as much ... it is pretty decent. Though the ship chasing pisses me off eventually.

by Worm » Tue Oct 22, 2002 6:33 pm

bruce wrote:For all of that, I'm totally fucked if the other guy moves off the left hand edge of the screen.

Because I can't make it scroll left either, even if I park my mouse on the left hand edge, and if I try to alt-tab or ctrl-esc to resize it so I can, the game crashes.

That's some mighty fine design there.

I had the same fucking problem. When you drag all the way left it will move the screen right. Keep your mouse just at the left edge and it will move left. Of course because they error appeared in both our computers and not on someone else's our machines simply are shit.

Look, I didn't catch one little fucking menu thing and had a milisecond to play the damn game before it locked up and wanted me to pay. I don't like the game. Reasons for not liking a game don't always have to be fucking just and moral! I don't like it because I haven't had much time to play it and I don't like strategy games that much. I'd love to have some super fucking justified reason to dislike it .... like I'm a fucking pillar of good and right. I don't need to justify it.

I don't like it because it isn't fun when I play it and that is reason enough...

by Ben » Tue Oct 22, 2002 3:08 am

From now on, I wish to be referred to as "Pinback, the Fantastic". Thank you for your cooperation.


by Ex-Reader of Bruce's SCAT » Tue Oct 22, 2002 1:53 am

bruce wrote:For all of that, I'm totally fucked if the other guy moves off the left hand edge of the screen.
This is a MICROSOFT WINDOWS game, everyone. You have to have a computer running some version of MICROSOFT WINDOWS on it, or it will not work. Also, by "left side of the screen", I don't mean the corner of the monitor, where the plastic forms a crease and then leads back to the back of it where all the wires come out. I mean the side of the *viewable area on the shiny front part of the monitor*.

Sorry for not detailing how to play this game better than I originally did. I forgot the crew I was dealing with.

You know what? Fuck this. I'm outta here.

by bruce » Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:40 am

For all of that, I'm totally fucked if the other guy moves off the left hand edge of the screen.

Because I can't make it scroll left either, even if I park my mouse on the left hand edge, and if I try to alt-tab or ctrl-esc to resize it so I can, the game crashes.

That's some mighty fine design there.


by Ex-Reader of Worm's PUKE » Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:28 am

Worm wrote:The scrolling doesn't work for me if I move it all the way to the left side of the screen it drags right I need to keep it on the boarder of the left side to make it drag left.
Damn, sorry bro. I forgot to mention: if you're going to play this game, you're going to need a functioning computer and a basic understanding of how to use it.
I spend most of the game trying to guess the enemies speed
Hey Worm, are you getting any good at guessing the enemy's speed yet? If you're having trouble with it, you might want to look next to the little place on the right where it says "Speed:"? See the number after that word? That's the ship's speed! No more guesswork!

Does anybody, ANYBODY on this bulletin board have the wherewithal to understand and actually operate a video game more complicated than GUESS THE NUMBER? If not, I'll hook you folks up with a nice 3D, virtual reality GUESS THE NUMBER game where a large orc comes out, wields a flaming battleaxe, and screams, "GGRAAHHGGH!! I AM THINKING OF A NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 3!! GRAHGHGH!!" And so Worm will like it, I'll throw in some storms and waves and stuff, since he seems to like that so much.
There just doesn't seem to be a big realm for the computer to become more challenging or for the player to become better.
No, of course not. I mean, you've spent ten minutes with the game, certainly long enough to master the various intricacies, and to figure out how to determine the enemy ship's speed and -- whoops, scratch that last one. But yeah, you're an expert. Another expert heard from.

It's no wonder I've stopped reading all of the stuff you people are posting here.

Re: E-x Reader of "Ex-Reader of Worm's CRAP's" CRA

by Worm » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:47 pm

Ben wrote:
Worm wrote:I really don't seem to know what is fun Ben.
Hey, man, you've got no quarrel with me. I, for one, think you bring up some excellent points. I certainly hope I didn't come across as purporting that SW is some kind of deep, complicated, endless varied strategy epic. I just feel that, as a "coffee break" game, it sure as hell beats the heck out of Minesweeper or Solitaire or whatever your guilty pleasure of choice is.
I came of a bit defensive. I just prefer action for my coffee breaks. I'm a shooter(Donpachi, Gradius, Cho Ren Sha 68k, Ishin Deshin Zero) addict so I think game on speed are too slow.

by Ben » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:31 pm

Note to self: When Bruce makes coffee, order it "black".

Re: E-x Reader of "Ex-Reader of Worm's CRAP's" CRA

by bruce » Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:22 pm

Ben wrote:I just feel that, as a "coffee break" game, it sure as hell beats the heck out of Minesweeper or Solitaire or whatever your guilty pleasure of choice is.
I'd still rather masturbate on my coffee breaks.


Re: E-x Reader of "Ex-Reader of Worm's CRAP's" CRA

by Ben » Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:22 pm

Worm wrote:I really don't seem to know what is fun Ben.
Hey, man, you've got no quarrel with me. I, for one, think you bring up some excellent points. I certainly hope I didn't come across as purporting that SW is some kind of deep, complicated, endless varied strategy epic. I just feel that, as a "coffee break" game, it sure as hell beats the heck out of Minesweeper or Solitaire or whatever your guilty pleasure of choice is.

E-x Reader of "Ex-Reader of Worm's CRAP's" CRAP Wo

by Worm » Sun Oct 20, 2002 1:07 am

The scrolling doesn't work for me if I move it all the way to the left side of the screen it drags right I need to keep it on the boarder of the left side to make it drag left.

Furthermore actually manuevering around your opponent just leads to a damn boring game of cat and mouse. I'd play this game again to give it another chance but my two days are up and I don't want to edit things so I can play it again. Waves, Reefs, Storms, and maybe winds that change ... once would add so much to this game. I spend most of the game trying to guess the enemies speed and adjust mine accordingly so I can board or ram them which mercifully ends the mission. Maybe I can't rate this game accordingly due to the small amount of time I played it. I simply dislike it. The missions sag and are simply a carbon copy of the last. There are bad games, there are good games, and there are just boring games. Sure I could play and play get good at this game and end each mission in a matter of seconds ... is that more fun?

I really don't seem to know what is fun Ben. I always thought a game that moved like it was using a walker wasn't fun. I also thought a game where you finish each mission quickly and with little trouble wasn't fun either. There just doesn't seem to be a big realm for the computer to become more challenging or for the player to become better.

by Ex-Reader of Worm's CRAP » Sat Oct 19, 2002 1:21 pm

The game. I'm saying it isn't much fun. It's trickey to scroll
Wooo, yeah, that whole "move the mouse to the side of the screen that you want to scroll to" can be a little overwhelming! Let me ask you, do you also have problems with the entire "click on the enemy you want to shoot at" thing? I tell you, that took me HOURS to figure out!!
most of the missions get tedious as hell
Here's a helpful hint to all of you who might be interested in playing Scarlet Waves: If the missions are taking long enough that they are even coming close to being "tedious as hell"? You suck at the game, and need help badly.

Is this entire BBS just a repository for poor game players to come complain about games because they can't play them well? I thought we were gonna talk some serious GAMING here, but maybe I need to buy you all one of those old-timey handheld football games where you're the line, and the other team is a bunch of other lines, and you have to get the football (which is a line) to the goal line (line). Let you work on that before you try to come back and play these fancy "computer" games.

by Worm » Sat Oct 19, 2002 10:38 am

The game. I'm saying it isn't much fun. It's trickey to scroll ... most of the missions get tedious as hell and hexagons remind me way too much of Dark Wizard and any other hex map game pales in comparison to Dark Wizard. I think Rachan Cat is much more fun.

by Ben » Fri Oct 18, 2002 9:31 pm

What the hell are you talking about, idiot?

by Wessex » Fri Oct 18, 2002 9:11 pm

Blargh not fun.

by Forum Ninja » Fri Oct 18, 2002 6:54 pm

If you're lying... I'm going to cut you.

by Ben » Fri Oct 18, 2002 6:26 pm

Alright, let me put it this way:

5. RollerCoaster Tycoon
4. Counterstrike
3. Asteroids Deluxe
2. Asteroids
1. SCARLET WAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Ben » Fri Oct 18, 2002 6:23 pm

Did you download this bitch as I urged you to? I am TOTALLY ADDICTITATED TO IT!!!!!!

Buy it, damn you! Then come over to my house and we can "hotseat".

Then maybe we can play the game a little. HAHEAHEHEhehrherbbboibo008wwqq q q q q a q 4
