by pinback » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:17 pm
If I ever put together a website that succeeded, I'd run out of ammunition for my persistent self-loathing, which provides whatever meager content I can come up with on that string of net.abortions.
The mere concept, though, of this man putting together a website which people actually visit, and read, and contribute to, and enjoy, turning around and trying to mooch off us, or otherwise subject us to the very thing many of us come here to avoid, that being rampant net commercialism, is so vile and distasteful that it is enough to make me want to gack on the carpet like a cat, complete with all of the requisite funny sounds, like "nngk-achh! nnngk-achh!! nnngk-achh!" Like that.
Hey, fuckface, how about just paying the $150 a goddamn year, with your new high-paying job, and let us fucking continue to enjoy the one fucking place on the internet that doesn't make us sick for the normal reasons, but instead makes us all sick for completely different, yet tantalizingly unique, reasons.
Fucking ads. Get the fuck outta here.
As Felipe said on Three's Company:
Chane. Chane, chane, chane, chane, chane.
If I ever put together a website that succeeded, I'd run out of ammunition for my persistent self-loathing, which provides whatever meager content I can come up with on that string of net.abortions.
The mere concept, though, of this man putting together a website which people actually visit, and read, and contribute to, and [i]enjoy[/i], turning around and trying to mooch off us, or otherwise subject us to the very thing many of us come here to [i]avoid[/i], that being rampant net commercialism, is so vile and distasteful that it is enough to make me want to gack on the carpet like a cat, complete with all of the requisite funny sounds, like "nngk-achh! nnngk-achh!! nnngk-achh!" Like that.
Hey, fuckface, how about just paying the $150 a goddamn year, with your new high-paying job, and let us fucking continue to enjoy the one fucking place on the internet that doesn't make us sick for the normal reasons, but instead makes us all sick for completely different, yet tantalizingly unique, reasons.
Fucking ads. Get the fuck outta here.
As Felipe said on Three's Company:
[b]Chane. Chane, chane, chane, chane, chane.[/b]