Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

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Expand view Topic review: Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:09 pm

I love cereal and I love coasters. What's not to love about them both? Or one appearing in the other? That sounds fine to me.

I like to only eat once on the weekends and for holidays. But I always say, after eating dinner at 2:00pm, "if I get hungry later I can just have a bowl of cereal." But there isn't any in the house. Though as I grow older I don't mind getting the bagged, knock-off cereals. "Marshmallow Magic" is a Lucky Charms clone that tastes just as good, if not better, than the "real" thing. The art on the bag of MM depicts four Dungeons and Dragons characters finding not a treasure chest of gold, but pastel-colored marshmallows. I'm sure the party almost instantly turned on their guide at that point.

by Hydrogen » Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:44 pm

Worm wrote:
Ben wrote:Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
The question is ... can I get the original for less?
You can find the original in cereal boxes. At least you could at one point in time.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:48 pm

Ah. You answered this already. I did a search for the game and found this.

I have not played the original, so perhaps this is a battle of who installs easier, the original or sequel.

by Roody_Yogurt » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:58 pm

Dammit, that's me. I had a joke in mind then forgot the game in question. Grrrr.

Re: Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

by Worm » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:53 pm

Ben wrote:Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 wrote:Look, this is a real railroad game, not just a strategy game that happens to involve railroads.
Did I miss something?

I might pick this up considering one of my fucking idoitic friends lit my RTC disc on fire considering it was a copy and didn't matter. IT WAS THE ONLY COPY! I hate these morons who think just because it's a copy you can abuse the fuck out of it. If I lend you something respect it no matter what it is.

The question is ... can I get the original for less?

by » Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:06 pm

Look, this is a real railroad game, not just a strategy game that happens to involve railroads. If you want to hop on a plane, car or ship, hop on another game. This game is about trains for people who love trains. Everything about the game is centered around an authentic look and feeling of the railways. Period video and pictures are interlaced with the game. The design and interface are true to the character of the fabled late 1800's railroads. A.I. opponents are based on real people. And all maps are real (based on satellite photography from US Geological Service and other sources).

It can take you from New York to South Africa. It can take you from the year 1804 to the year 2000. It can take you from penniless manual laborer to powerful multi-millionaire. It can take you from a normal, well-adjusted, well-rounded person to an obsessed, singled-minded, one-tracked trainhead.

All Aboard!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 21, 2002 4:30 pm

Game Copy World ( might have a no-cd crack for it. I'd check, but it's blocked at work. My brother has an older CD-ROM drive, and I'm starting to see a number of games not work on his drive in the exact manner you describe. I'm not going to go off on a copy protection rant, as I've done so so many times before, but these days knowing that some guy released a workaround for a given game's install executable is a mighty plus as to whether or not I buy a game. My current CD-ROM hasn't choked on anything just yet, but I'm sure it's day of defeat is coming sooner rather than later.

by bruce » Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:44 pm

I installed it to a non-default directory (e:\program files, rather than c:\ or d:\, C: being W2K and D: being WXP), and when I double click it, the disk spins for a bit, and then nothing happens.



Game Review: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

by Ben » Mon Oct 21, 2002 1:39 am

Preamble: For a great while, I considered the original Rollercoaster Tycoon the greatest computer game ever made. And even now, if you pressed me to name one greater, I'd hem and haw and probably point behind you and say "look, sniper!" and then run away while you freaked out.

Money spent for RCT2: $20, on sale at Fry's. This is the primary reason you won't find any really vulgar expletives in this "review", such as it is.

Time spent playing RCT2: Less than ten minutes.

Review: This takes balls. It takes real balls. Package the original game in a new box, slap the number "2" on the end of the title, and try to sell it as a new product.

Make no mistake, this game is identical to the original, in every possible way. Same graphics, same toolbars, same features, same everything. It's the same game. In a new box. So everyone who enjoyed paying for the game the first time can go ahead and pay for it again, as some sick show of loyalty.

It would be passable as an expansion pack, since it does feature a couple additional ride types. And at $20, it might event be acceptable as an expansion pack. But if you pay $1 more than that, and you already owned the original, well, lemme just say, there's one of you born every minute.

If you did NOT own the original, now is as good a time as any to hop on board. The graphics -- pretty damn cool in '98 when it came out the first time -- now look quite dated, but they're still functional and inoffensive. And, let's face it, it's still arguably the greatest computer game of all time, and definitely the greatest "management sim", particularly if you have any fondness for amusement parks.

But I already bought this game four years ago.

And don't think I'm saying, "The gameplay is still the same, the edges have just been smoothed out and the game's gotten a basic facelift." No, the game is the SAME PROGRAM as before. It's 99% indistinguishable from the original.


I give this game either 5 stars out of 5, or 0 out of 5. Ah, fuck it.
