Does Lysander need medication?

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:18 am

I, for one, will be thrilled when driving to work is no longer the third biggest time sink besides sleeping and working. Man, what a goddamn waste of time. Of course if anyone invented the teleporter, American businesses would start to expect the 10 hour day as a matter of normality.

by Lysander » Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:54 am

...So, it'll probably be Adderall. Juuuuust you wait and watch.

by Casual Observer » Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:37 am

Lysander wrote:Well, it probably won't be that, it'll probably be Dexidrene, which is like, riddalin for adults. Good idea though!
My take:

Ritalin - strongest in my opinion, stings a bit when you sniff it
Dexedrine - sweet, like brain candy, almost as much fun as Ritalin, not as strong but different
Adderall - my least favorite of the bunch, seemed weaker and not as long lasting, I lost interest after awhile, also sucked because the chick that had them didn't have insurance and wanted so much it might as well have been coke

A friend with ADHD (and insurance) is a friend indeed.

by pinback » Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:51 am

Personally, I think this says it all:

by chris » Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:31 am

Lysander wrote: Hm... I wonder if I convince my parents to buy me a prostitute in the interests of helping with my psychological problems?
It's too bad we're such a repressed society, because what you suggest DOES have legitimate medical benefits. Wouldn't it be great if you go to your doctor because you're tired and totally stressed out, and instead of prescribing some stupid drug, he prescribes getting laid all weekend?

by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:46 pm

jay strizzy wrote: A real vagina does wonders for the attention span.
Hm... I wonder if I convince my parents to buy me a prostitute in the interests of helping with my psychological problems?

by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:43 pm

Chris wrote:As for you, I forgot your age. Looking back on it, being 19 is a pretty stressful time in one's's the end of childhood and the beginning of real adulthood, and there's a lot of pressure in that change. Maybe you're stressed about this change, and don't even know it.

But, the thing about me is, I don't really stress about thigns much. I mean, I'm blind, for God's sake. That's something I've lived with all my life. And it's not something I dwell on. Which is kind of what I try to make my modus operandi for living, really; if you have a problem, think about it rationally, and try to figure out how to solve it analytically. Spending time thinking "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitimgonnadieFUCK!" really doesn't help anyone, so I just don't. ...Alhough that does come out sometimes in my deep, meaningful [strike] IM [/strike] conversations with people, so maybe ther eis some ubersecret repression problems in there I don't know about. As I said, possibly.

by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:37 pm

Aaardvark wrote:I like the Doug Adams theory postulated in 'Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul'
Funnily enough, a couple of the tests tehy gave me in Seattle had to do with that very thing; having read Tea-Time, I was paying attention, and as it turns out, 7 *is* the maximum amount of memory registers I've got.

I also give them credit for knowing when I was in over my head and stopping rather than doing more and making me feel like an even bigger dumbass.

by jay strizzy » Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:32 pm

Knuckles the Sandwich wrote:
chris wrote:The real solution is . . .
You could also just try jerking off more.
A real vagina does wonders for the attention span.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:40 pm

I like how this little bitch is claiming that my arteries are hardening. *I'm* the walking laboratory here. How many vitamins are in a diet of shoe leather, top cream and the sunflower seed shells you pick off the goddamn sidewalk? The only green you get is the dye from a Kodiak tin making its way through one of your many open mouth sores.

Re: Does Lysander need medication?

by chris » Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:05 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:Stick him in a seat and show a tape of Chris in his wood shop or Ice Cream Jonsey's arteries hardening and it's SNOOOOZERS!
Laugh all you want, but spending time in my shop is what I do to relax. I close the doors to the shop (and shut myself away from the outside world), put on my favorite tunes, whip out my stress-free handtools, and spend hours down there with only my work to focus on. It's quite theraputic, actually.

by chris » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:57 pm

Lysander wrote:I'm not trying to be anal by picking at all your little points here, I'm trying ot make a point that right now, my life is easy. I am right now at a maximum of lazyness, lack of responsibilities, and thigns to deal with. So why, with all this leway, would i still get diagnosed with this? Besides the fact that docs like to sell drugs, I mean.
I think that a lot of other disorders get diagnosed with ADHD, simply because ADHD is the "in" thing. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause all sorts of weird things to happen, yet a doctor looks at you, does absolutely no testing of your blood, and comes up with ADHD. It's bullshit.

As for you, I forgot your age. Looking back on it, being 19 is a pretty stressful time in one's's the end of childhood and the beginning of real adulthood, and there's a lot of pressure in that change. Maybe you're stressed about this change, and don't even know it.

by chris » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:54 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:Oh, I must have ADD because I can't get more than two lines into any of pinback's post without wanting to shoot myself.
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha, BEST OF!

by AArdvark » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:49 pm

I like the Doug Adams theory postulated in 'Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul'

..Well, I can't find the book to quote exactly, but it goes along the lines that the human mind has only six memory registers and that thinking about any six things at once is all well and good but think about a seventh thing and one of the other thoughts just dissapears. Thus, you walk into a room thinking about ;
- Fixing the shelf in the other room;
- How come the cheap shelves you have are falling apaprt;
- How much money could you make if you moved out of Colorodo;
- The price of pizza in any Colorodo town;
- The blizzard that is keeping you from the overpriced pizza;
- How cold is a witch's tit anyway;
- What is this screwdriver doing in your hand;
This is in accordance with our multi-tasking environment we place ourselves in on a daily basis. I doubt we have evolved enough to keep up with our technology and that makes us depressed as a species, some more than others.


by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:41 pm

Knuckles the Clown wrote:How about you move out of the house you tit-clutcher. Pick up a weapon or get a job! The best way to get your parents off your back is move out and then move back in at like age 27 when they finnaly miss you and your attempts at independant life has failed you.
Hah. I repeat, hah. Pause to regain composure from side-splitting hysterics. Then continue.

I'm moving out in July. I would have moved out last July, but my parents are for some reason scared of hte prospect of the blind kid who lived on a small island all his life going to teh big bad citty! I'm not worried, personally. I mean I am, but not more than I should be.
Knuckles the Clown wrote:Show a kid a five hour film on the techniques of tit-fucking and he'll watch and retain. Stick him in a seat and show a tape of Chris in his wood shop or Ice Cream Jonsey's arteries hardening and it's SNOOOOZERS!
If you don't mind, I'm going to be using that argument tomorrow at the big round table let's all pick on lysander's mental problems meeting. THX~!11!

by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:34 pm

Chris wrote:I mean, look at our lives. We get up (after getting less sleep than we need),
I get too mcuh sleep. My school schedule is ridiculously light this year.
Chris wrote: and usually have to hurry to get to work on time (and fighting traffic on
the way).
No, and no.
Chris wrote:We're under pressure at work to do a million things at once.
Nope. My classes are two music classes, a study hall period, and a bullshit vocational class i had to take because i didn', like, take enough Shop classes in previous years. Can't imagine why no one wanted the blind guy around a table saw.
Chris wrote:We have to then go home (again fighting traffic) and worry about all of the things there (shopping, making dinner, paying bills, fixing/cleaning/whatever all of our stuff), etc.
Nope. Because I live at home, and I give you all fifteen seconds to get those snickers out of your system--are you all done now? Good.--I dont' have to worry aobut... really, any of those things.

I'm not trying to be anal by picking at all your little points here, I'm trying ot make a point that right now, my life is easy. I am right now at a maximum of lazyness, lack of responsibilities, and thigns to deal with. So why, with all this leway, would i still get diagnosed with this? Besides the fact that docs like to sell drugs, I mean.

by Lysander » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:27 pm

Casual Observer wrote:Most people I've known who were diagnosed with ADHD just ended up selling their Ritilin pills to the other kids.
Well, it probably won't be that, it'll probably be Dexidrene, which is like, riddalin for adults. Good idea though!

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:39 pm

Oh, I must have ADD because I can't get more than two lines into any of pinback's post without wanting to shoot myself.

Re: Does Lysander need medication?

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:37 pm

Lysander wrote:So, I turned 19 a few weeks ago. As a birthday present, my mom gives me a psychological evaluation. Apparently my predilection for keeping a messy room and forgetting to turn in homework assignments is an indication of a serious mental problem. So, surprise surprise, I get diagnosed with ADHD, inattentive type! So would that be, like, ADHD catigory I? Something like that. Anyway, so now I'm sure the next step is that people will start suggesting pills which, because I live waaaay the fuck up in Alaska, will cost 300 dollars a month. That's what's been happening in "my life," folks. Weee.
How about you move out of the house you tit-clutcher. Pick up a weapon or get a job! The best way to get your parents off your back is move out and then move back in at like age 27 when they finnaly miss you and your attempts at independant life has failed you.

Seriously though You don't have a problem, eveyone else does. It takes about 5 hours longer to get anything done on this hell hole of a planet then it should take. People that accept this have adapted in a pathetic way, people who haven't get diagnosed with ADD.

Authority: "Johnny, You mean you don't want to got to college for 8 years to become a Gym teacher"

"Um isn't it just rolling a couple balls out and making sure nobody gets hurt, I can't concetrate for 8 years to learn something I already know how to do"

Authority "ADD!!!!!!!!!!"

I find people diagnosed with ADD are people that have trouble sitting around and listening to "inteligent" people babble on endlessly. These people think anyone that doesn't have 10 hours to listen to them analyze a logic prrof must have a disease. It's interest. Show a kid a five hour film on the techniques of tit-fucking and he'll watch and retain. Stick him in a seat and show a tape of Chris in his wood shop or Ice Cream Jonsey's arteries hardening and it's SNOOOOZERS!

by pinback » Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:02 pm

chris wrote:I mean, look at our lives.
Well, yes. There is merit, I think, to what you're saying here. However, I'm not so willing to completely toss the idea that there are other, neurological (as opposed to environmental) forces at work here.

One thing that makes me think this is that AADD symptoms were described decades ago, long before the average schmo had ever seen a computer, much less had one in his home. Certainly traffic and work hassles have been a standard part of modern life for centuries, but cavemen fretted all day about getting eaten by roving carnivorous beasts, so who are we to complain about that?

Another thing that makes me think this is that the time during which I experienced myself getting worse and worse were also the same times when 1) I didn't have a job. 2) I didn't need a job. 3) I could sleep as long as I want. 4) My life was utterly complication-free, following whatever my next whim was from dawn to dusk. (In general, I highly recommend this way of living, if you can swing it.)

No, there's something else at work here, and neurological studies have borne that out. My own personal hypothesis is that in many cases, these symptoms are not simply symptoms of some newfangled, faddish syndrome called "AADD" (or "ADHD" or "ADD" or whatever the hell), but are instead comingling symptoms of clinical depression.

Just off the cuff, I can come up with an example in my own life which may demonstrate how one can be confused for another, or how one and the other are actually the exact same things. Here:

I have trouble starting things. The reason I have trouble starting things is that, like any good depressive, I realize that starting something is just another opportunity to fail, and as any failure is taken as a monstrous, life-threatening ego hit, it is absolutely unacceptable to assume this level of risk.

Take this same pattern (A: identify task B: avoid task) and throw it into an overactive mind, add a lack of outside stimuli, and I think it could ratchet itself up to megahertz-level clock cycles, as your mind flips from one failure-avoidance scheme to the next, just searching for quiet, searching for solace, searching for a way out. Switching to the next thought is just a way to run from the first one. (In the same way that, for some, switching to the next street address is just a way to run from the previous one.)

Not saying any of that is true or scientifically valid. Just an idea.
