Please to helping with home lighting.

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:39 am

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:A bunch of turquoise lava lamps?
You know, as much of a retarded jackass as you are (and you are one, like, a lot), this might actually work.

I purchased one (1) (I) (wun') (x/x) turquoise lava lamp with glitter floating around, instead of those lumpy goo gobs one finds in the more "classic" lavas...
Can we gets pictures? Pictures of me being right, I mean.


by Worm » Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:13 am

Couldn't you just use a giant glass lense now?

by pinback » Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:18 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:A bunch of turquoise lava lamps?
You know, as much of a retarded jackass as you are (and you are one, like, a lot), this might actually work.

I purchased one (1) (I) (wun') (x/x) turquoise lava lamp with glitter floating around, instead of those lumpy goo gobs one finds in the more "classic" lavas...

...aaaand, it sort of, kind of works. You have to have ALL the other lights in the room out, and it has to be at night, but given those circumstances, it produces the desired effect.

Now, it just needs to be brighter. I need a LAVA EMBRIGHTENER.

by pinback » Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:30 pm

Turdman wrote:Use the blue disk thing in your toliet tank and the jimmy the flapper open. Take a light source and shine it into the bowl and then use a large mirror to bounce that light where ever you want.
Hey, that's actually not a bad ide--- wait, "TURDMAN"!?!?!

EWwww!! Forget it!!!

by Turdman » Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:35 am

Use the blue disk thing in your toliet tank and the jimmy the flapper open. Take a light source and shine it into the bowl and then use a large mirror to bounce that light where ever you want.

by Vitriola » Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:13 pm

AArdvark wrote:10 gallon fish tank= what that nasty rented snake of Jonseys is sleeping in right this minute, just waiting...waiting... for the lights to go out.
Try a 20 and 30 gallon. 10 gallon fish tank = one of the things I really thought would be worth while spending $140/month keeping in a storage locker.

by Vitriola » Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:12 pm

Have you even checked out what Spencers has? They have lots of $30 lighting, some of which I know to be light blue and moving. Might not have what you want, but worth looking at.

by AArdvark » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:53 pm

Pin spot= small spotlight with very little diffusion.

10 gallon fish tank= what that nasty rented snake of Jonseys is sleeping in right this minute, just waiting...waiting... for the lights to go out.

4 Color wheel as seen in "A Christmas Story", usually accompianed with an aluminim christmas tree.

Tackiness rating: 77 percent


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:08 pm

chris wrote:There's a marked difference between doing things like remodeling the kitchen or painting the house (both of which improve the appearance/usability/cash value of said house), and turning a corner of your apartment into China Beach. That's just geigh.
Wait, wait, I was with you to a point. TO A POINT, Freemesser.

The fact that Ben is in a soul-sucking and dreary *apartment* makes all the difference. If this were his home I would agree that Pinback has gone mad and is crying out for someone to doubletap him out of his misery and mind (though not in that order, if you follow me here). But apartments are good for nothing and terrible to live in and make you want to plot an escape the very moment you close the door to them. An escape... an escape... like to the beach.

Plus, I bet turning his apartment into China Beach will get him laid at least once. If I were female and living in DC, I'd be all for mixing it up a little and choking on cock rather than smog for 15 minutes, just give me (the female me) an excuse. Sand? Palm trees? HGLUGHGLUHGLUAHGHGLUA.

by chris » Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:01 pm

pinback wrote:Where's your sense of fucking whimsy, man?
Whimsy? Whimsy? Children are whimsical. Interior decorators are whimsical. Men are not supposed to have whimsical tendencies...that's what women are for.
You are the most whimsiless person who has ever even heard of this website, much less attempted to become a regular participant.
Thank you....I take that as a great compliment to my manliness.
Life to you is one long, gray, dreary home improvement project.
There's a marked difference between doing things like remodeling the kitchen or painting the house (both of which improve the appearance/usability/cash value of said house), and turning a corner of your apartment into China Beach. That's just geigh.

Can Robert Duvall and I come by with a squadron of Hueys and napalm your tree?

by pinback » Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:27 pm

chris wrote:Dude, take a look at the picture you posted, and explain to us how we're supposed to NOT take shots.
Where's your sense of fucking whimsy, man?

You are the most whimsiless person who has ever even heard of this website, much less attempted to become a regular participant.

Life to you is one long, gray, dreary home improvement project.

by chris » Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:16 pm

pinback wrote:But you just had to take a little shot. This man cannot help himself.
Dude, take a look at the picture you posted, and explain to us how we're supposed to NOT take shots. Just be grateful I haven't had time to whip out Photoshop.

by pinback » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:19 am

chris wrote:I seem to recall seeing in my childhood a device with four different colors of glass that you'd sit in front of a light source. It would rotate like a fan (but at a much lower speed) to project different colors of light. Should you find something like that on eBay, you could replace the glass with aqua blue art glass.

Or, suspend some aqua colored plastic film in front of a light source, put a light breeze on it (like a fan located a distance away), and that might do the trick as well.
See, this is good stuff. Helpful, thought-provoking information...
Or maybe you could just actually go to a beach instead of trying to turn your apartment into one.
But you just had to take a little shot. This man cannot help himself.

by chris » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:12 am

I seem to recall seeing in my childhood a device with four different colors of glass that you'd sit in front of a light source. It would rotate like a fan (but at a much lower speed) to project different colors of light. Should you find something like that on eBay, you could replace the glass with aqua blue art glass.

Or, suspend some aqua colored plastic film in front of a light source, put a light breeze on it (like a fan located a distance away), and that might do the trick as well.

Or maybe you could just actually go to a beach instead of trying to turn your apartment into one.

by pinback » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:05 am

AArdvark wrote:Gonna cost a boatload of money tho. Just experiment with a 12 volt pin spot and a 10 gallon fish tank full of blue jello
What is a "12 volt pin spot"?

Also: what is a "10 gallon fish tank"?

by nessman » Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:45 pm

Easy. Put an indoor pool in your house.

by AArdvark » Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:27 pm

Gonna cost a boatload of money tho. Just experiment with a 12 volt pin spot and a 10 gallon fish tank full of blue jello


by pinback » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:10 pm

No lava lamps, please. And I'm hoping to do this with one unit, rather than "buy a lot of ___".

But thanks! Please to keep trying!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:06 pm

A bunch of turquoise lava lamps?

Please to helping with home lighting.

by pinback » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:56 pm

Okay, here's what I want. How can I get it?

You know that kind of turquoise, flickering light that you get off the reflection of a lit pool at night? Is there something I can buy which will cast the same dynamic, dancing blueish-thing all over the room? Like a little, what, lamp with a rotating thing on it to make it look like water?

Is there a thing like that that I can buy?
