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Topic review

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:29 am

Vitriola wrote:You don't. You really don't. I'm not going to sit here like some pretentious jackhole and say I don't watch it, because I can and do, but it's nothing I miss when it's not around. And for the price these days, I would much prefer it were not around.
The Directv exists only as a conduit towards getting NEW ORLEANS SAINTS games in the house. They've been raising their rates at about a dollar a year (I think it was $37 a month when I originally got it, and it's $42 now).

At $25 a win for the Ticket (an additional $200) it's the best deal in sports!!!

by chris » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:23 am

Vitriola wrote:You don't. You really don't. I'm not going to sit here like some pretentious jackhole and say I don't watch it, because I can and do, but it's nothing I miss when it's not around. And for the price these days, I would much prefer it were not around.
I know that *I* can live without 99% of what's on TV....outside of Yankee baseball and maybe 2 or 3 shows I make an effort to watch every week, I could do without TV (and the incessant fucking commercials) entirely.

Now whether the *wife* can live without cable is another question. :wink:

We loaded up a Netflix queue with all of the shows my 3 year old watched on Noggin (ie: only on digital cable), so he's all set.

by Jack Straw » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:18 am

chris wrote: If it weren't for the fact that my 3 year old gets to watch some decent programming on digital cable (ie: Noggin and PBS On Demand), I'd get rid of it.
Were you aware that with an HDTV tuner you can pick up PBS Kids 24/7? Also all-widescreen PBS HD. Also weather channel 24/7 and all the regular locals - not bad for over the air (and FREE)

by Vitriola » Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:40 pm

You don't. You really don't. I'm not going to sit here like some pretentious jackhole and say I don't watch it, because I can and do, but it's nothing I miss when it's not around. And for the price these days, I would much prefer it were not around.

by chris » Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:48 pm

pinback wrote:
pinback wrote:(**) Only if Jeanette Lee is playing. DAMN do I love that broad.
Not too shabby. Did you have to peruse the web to find all of these pictures, or did you already have them on your computers F:\ drive?

In any case, the wife and I decided to ditch digital cable and spend the money on a Netflix account instead. Next step is to decide if we need cable TV at all.

by pinback » Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:50 am

pinback wrote:(**) Only if Jeanette Lee is playing. DAMN do I love that broad.


by pinback » Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:12 am

I know exactly what I want to watch. Here is everything I ever watch, ever:

Iron Chef (Food TV) (*)
Simpsons/Seinfeld reruns (Local FOX affiliate)
Battlestar Galactica (Sci Fi Channel)
Women's 9-Ball Tournaments (ESPN2) (**)
Cheers/SCTV reruns (Nickelodeon) (*)

(*) Only if I'm drinking.

(**) Only if Jeanette Lee is playing. DAMN do I love that broad.

by Lysander » Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:30 am

Annonamous wrote:Listen Guest, we use our real names around here or people die!
Instant failure.

Re: T.V.

by Guest » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:34 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Knuckles the CLown wrote: One of you will remark "well blahblahblah and I have no problems". Not interested, what a fuckin' mess it is and as I slowly have nothing left to lose in life, cable and direct TV are added to list of "to be taken down with me"
Try reaiming your dish properly
I'll trying aiming this goddman pitchfork I'm holding up your ass.

Should I try reaiming or aiming. So when I reaim it, do I have to aim in to the slit in the fucking cloud cover.

Listen Guest, we use our real names around here or people die!

Re: T.V.

by Guest » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:00 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote: One of you will remark "well blahblahblah and I have no problems". Not interested, what a fuckin' mess it is and as I slowly have nothing left to lose in life, cable and direct TV are added to list of "to be taken down with me"
Try reaiming your dish properly

by AArdvark » Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:42 pm

I think the real problem is that nobody really knows what they want to watch. Except maybe sports and porn. Everything else must pass us buffet style while we sit like ZOMBIES glassily staring and pressing the channel button over and over. I would get rid of my cable in a second if I could. The wife would strangle me in my sleep with the co-ax if I did tho.


by Lysander » Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:25 pm

Casual Observer wrote:That's only like 20 channels for the $150 i'm spending for hundreds including movie channels and free on demand old movies, not to mention Roadrunner. Mabye if you're blind you don't watch as many different channels.
Hey, if you actually *watch* hundreds and hundreds of channels, that's fine and dandy. I'm thinking this would be for the people who want to pay for the basic cable package, but don't actually like any of the channels on basic (A.K.A: wellfare) cable.

by chris » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:56 pm

Casual Observer wrote: Then, she jumped right into a sales pitch, saying that I could add HBO, Showtime, and TMC (like a bunch of channels of each) for the same price I was paying.
Of course she did....that's how the sales reps make money (commissions on selling you crap). Too bad LG isn't around here anymore...she used to do that for a living.

I really wish it was practical to sever myself from Time-Warner. I could probably make the DVDs-instead-of-cable thing work (although the family might complain about it a bit), but there's not a chance in hell I'd switch to Frontier DSL for network access....RoadRunner has them beat hands down.

by Comcast » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:09 pm

Lysander wrote:If someone managed to come up with a national cable/sattelite company that charged like $7.5 per channel, and let you pick which channels to watch, I bet that it would get really, really rich just from the demand.
Uh, yeah. And then I'd fucking buy it for a toilet full of money and jack the price back up to where I goddamnedwell *want* it. Sonny.

by Casual Observer » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:00 pm

Lysander wrote:If someone managed to come up with a national cable/sattelite company that charged like $7.5 per channel, and let you pick which channels to watch, I bet that it would get really, really rich just from the demand.
That's only like 20 channels for the $150 i'm spending for hundreds including movie channels and free on demand old movies, not to mention Roadrunner. Mabye if you're blind you don't watch as many different channels.

by Casual Observer » Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:55 am

I've got Time Warner's digital cable, phone, and Roadrunner. It's got me into them for almost 2 bills a month, plus more for any international calls I make. Recently I was paying my bill and the clerk said that because of their "allinone" deal, I was owed a discount. Then, she jumped right into a sales pitch, saying that I could add HBO, Showtime, and TMC (like a bunch of channels of each) for the same price I was paying.

Fucking greedy company won't let it's reps offer the choice of taking money off the bill even though I'm sure that's an option if you bitch. Anyway, I took the additional channels and told Blockbuster Video to go fuck themselves.

by Lysander » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:48 am

If someone managed to come up with a national cable/sattelite company that charged like $7.5 per channel, and let you pick which channels to watch, I bet that it would get really, really rich just from the demand.

by Bugs » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:49 am

Time Warner here in Rochester was advertising for new subscribers: digital cable for $43/month for a year, plus the DVR for $5/month for 3 months. We took advantage, mostly because we're in an apartment and can't hook up a dish (already checked with the landlord) and also because, despite the enormous expense, I really missed ESPN and Comedy Central and a few other channels.

They've really got you by the short and curlies, but still... I miss those few select channels.

My kingdom for a la carte pricing!

by chris » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:05 am

Lex wrote:In British land "Sky" satellite is what everyone uses, and for 4 years or so now it's been digital. It's a great service, and has everything you might want to watch (Sky One might as well be called the Star Trek Channel), but it's a monopoly. Which means it costs about $60-month for a good package.
Satellite service here (which is digital) starts around $40/month, and can go as high as about $110/month for the really large packages. Land-based cable TV starts around $50, and there are a variety of providers (depending on location). Almost all locations are monopolies though, and there are at least 3 rate increases per year these days (at least for us there are). It's totally fucking ridiculous. PLUS, they'll sometimes take popular channels (often sports channels) and make them part of a more expensive package, then replace those channels with crap, THEN make you think you're getting something for free because they advertise the hell out of the new stuff. "HEY CABLE SUBSCRIBERS! We're adding two new channels this month....The Tapestry Channel for all of you tapestry fans, and Miniature Golf Tournament Channel! And oh yeah, you have to pay $20/month more if you want that sports channel you used to get with standard service, and rates are going up $5/month next month."

Crap, I should just get a NetFlix account for $17/month or whatever it is.

by Lex » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:00 am

In British land "Sky" satellite is what everyone uses, and for 4 years or so now it's been digital. It's a great service, and has everything you might want to watch (Sky One might as well be called the Star Trek Channel), but it's a monopoly. Which means it costs about $60-month for a good package.
