by Guest » Wed May 11, 2005 6:34 pm
michael carroll did not pick to live in highlands ranch. when he got out of prison after spending 3 years over his time because of an error, he was staying in a halfway house with an ankle bracelet on because he had earned gain time in prison which they gave him instead of pay for work he did. then because he had earned that time they put him on community control until he finished up the time he earn for the pay. during that time the court finally realize that he had done 3 years to much and released him fully. he then went to work in key west at an adult entertainment club. at this club girls work and carrolls tastes are for males. while at the club he had access to the internet and some of the people there didnt like where carroll was going on the internet. which were all legal but, they were for gays and the straight people there didnt like it and they believed that it would not be good therapy. carroll was told that if he got on the computer again he would be fired and asked to leave. carroll kept doing it and was fired. carroll then went back to west palm beach to the halfway house but, because of public opinion the place asked him to leave. carroll was running out of options. he didnt have a place to stay, he couldnt get work because he has to tell them his past and the police then pay the place a visit which scares them to death. meanwhile carroll still has bills to pay. so carroll makes a desperate call to the owner of the club jerry andrews that he knew from when he was in prison. carroll says that mr. andrews helped many ex-inmates get their lives together. will carroll calls mr. andrews at tells him he is
at his witts end and that he has no where to go and doesnt know what to do. carroll makes the statement that if things are going to be like this then i am better off in prison. he makes it clear that he might just re offend. he doesnt say how or what crime but, mr. andrews didnt want to take that chance. he let me carroll come and stay at his home until he could get carroll help or some place to stay and whatever therapy he needs. however here is where the problems are. while carroll was working at the club he flew to highlands ranch to help mr. andrews move into his new home. dan shramm an ex-handyman at the club who was fired for massive theft while mr. andrews was overseas told police that carroll had moved to highlands ranch, even though he knew carroll had not. in fact carroll had return tickets to orlando with hotel and tickets to halloween horror nights. then plane tickets to key west. so it was obvious that dan shramm was lying. while carroll was helping in the move the police called him and asked him where he was, he told them in colorado. carroll was not on any type of supervision he only had to tell them when he was going to move. since he was not moving he was in the right. they told him he had to register. even though he wasnt going to live in colorado carroll went and got a room in aurora then went to sheriffs office and registered. two days later the fbi the police and whoever else show up at mr. andrews to arrest carroll for not registering sooner. this did not sit well with the neighbors. when the mr. andrews and his wife moved in there was a block party but, he could not attend but, his wife could because she wanted to get to know everyone. she is from ukraine and is new to america way of life. while at the party a man next door who hasnt lived at home with his wife in 5 years was being nice to her and even brought her a glass of wine because she doesnt drink soda. will his wife didnt seem to like this at all. then the there where two girls that took a liking to misses andrews because she is smart, very beautiful and speaks many languages with an accent. the daughter of the upset lady nextdoor was upset by this as she was the youngest adult on the block, did some babysitting and liked being looked up to by the kids in the neighborhood. she got more upset when misses andrews gave her and several other women in the neighborhood make up cases from lancome. there was also a lot of talk about all the stuff the neighbors saw being delivered to the house. mr. andrews had a 23k tv set delivered. the best washer and dryer on the market. etc etc. she also had a cook and a driver. then misses andrews went to a jewelry show across the street the girl next door was there with her new boyfriend and he started flirting with misses andrews and problems got worse after that. the girl next door stopped speaking to misses andrews and would only talk about her. then there was a halloween party that mr. carroll was not there for. remember he was in jail at the time for not registering faster. even if he was not in jail he would not have been at the party, he had tickets to orlando and halloween horror nights. the party was a way for misses andrews to meet the neighbors and the children before mr. andrews had to go away on business. misses andrews wanted to see how parents in america get along with,raise,interact with etc. with their kids. three of the adults interacted with their kids the rest just sat watching. they didnt even spend time talking to misses andrews.
mr. andrews had several of his employees help serve drinks etc. but, after mr. carroll got arrested the girl next door and some other did some surfing and went out of their way to use and make up whatever they could to make everyone in the house seem evil. they wrote bad things on their property and broke a window in the back of the house. mr. andrews installed cameras to catch or stop it from happening. the neighbors didnt like the fact the mr. andrews is flamboyant and extravagant. he gave away a 3 foot gumball machine, taffy machine, snow cone machine etc. so they got jealous. they told the news he gave away cell phones. they failed to mention they were barbie plastic phones. it was after all this that mr. carroll made the desperate call to mr. andrews. so mr. andrews figured since the neighbors didnt like him anyway it didnt matter. his main reason for letting carroll come was that carroll had never had therapy or treatment and if carroll was going to be staying and working in his house he come make it mandatory that he gets help. what has really pissed off mr. andrews was that reporters, news people and neighbors have made the comment that why would someone go through everything mr. andrews has gone through. none of them would have done it. mr. andrews alwasy asked them why wouldnt they. he is confused as to why someone wouldnt want carroll off the streets, being monitored, getting therapy, and looking for a place away from children where he can live and work and most of all not re-offend. mr. andrews doesnt want someones child to be a victum just because he had a chance to do something and didnt do it. mr. and misses andrews are saddend that the people in there neighbor have said they dont care if he re-offends just so long as he doesnt do it here. mr. andrews has talked for numerous hours with the news. but, they only seem to print what will inflame the masses. they seem to care only about print or saying what will get ratings or sell papers. they have failed to mention that mr. andrews has been seeking therapy for carroll. that mr. andrews was the one calling out for new legislation that would stop sex offenders form going to rec center and limit where they can live. mr. andrews was the one that suggested it all. he and his wife even went to the first community meeting to listen to all their concerns and to address them. they went there to try and explain things and to talk about not only carroll but, about the other 31 offenders in the neighborhood. to talk about the ones they dont know about. how to protect their children. at this point it has become clear that the neighbors were just being jealous,stupid, and mean. they were doing more harm than good. again they didnt care if he re- offending as long as he didnt do it there. also some where just plain worried about there resale values. ahh but, get this carroll was monitored by mr. and misses andrews and two of their employees that work out of the basement office. wil the neighbors went to zoning and home owners assoc. and they made mr. andrews move his office. so now mr. carroll is alone and unmonitored all during the day. so now he can go out, walk the streets, be near parks and schools he can even go shower at the rec center near their children. these are the worst; kind of neighbors. they even tried to say that mr. andrews has an escort service running out of his house. i am sure now that the police have told them they were wrong. it seems the two employees that work there are over 50 and over 60. one is a paralegal and cpa the other handles internet tech. there were no cars of girls etc. coming and going they the neighbors told the news. just a tile contractor and a carpenter doing remodeling in the house. it appears the neighbors have made a lot of wild and insane claims and allegations all of which turned out to be lies. they do seems to harp on mr. andrews's criminal past. they dont seem to want to know why he was in, was is true or if mr. andrews was later found innocent. the newest thing was the neighbors did offer to buy mr. andrews out. but, at 10% or so less than want was paid for the house. he said no. i guess they were hoping they could be evil enough and make up enough lies and cause enough problems that he would sell. now the house is up for sale. the realtor works for the neighbors and is taking his cut from them. any offers that come under the 389,900 asking price they claim they will make up. it is my understaning that if the house isnt sold by oct that mr. andrews is moving out of the county and that mr. carroll will be renting the home with two of his friends. partners, lovers whatever you call them. carroll himself doesnt have that kind of money but, they seem to. mr. carroll has been in prison for a long time so for him to know them it is assumed that they are people he knows from prison and maybe sex offends themselves.
mr. andrews was asked sacasticly from atleast one reporter so since you are helping carroll are you going to let all sex offends live here. why arent you helping them all. wil mr. andrews says if he could he would. if he could afford a house or range away from children and families where affenders could get help, therapy and monitoring he would. he also warns that since carroll and he have had so much bad thrown their way that other offends my just go underground, not register, not get help or therapy, this people have made it so much worse. also mr. andrews has helped carroll turn to the bible for comfort, guidance and help. both carroll and andrews have not been able to attend church because these supposed good christians cause such a problem. other good real christians in the area have sent letters and also called carroll to offer spiritual support but, are affaid of letting carroll know who they are because of the other neighbers and how they would treat them. it sounds like the neighbors are like the romans. its bad that good christians cant stand up and do the right thing and help carroll. its said that we all cant offer our spiritual support for one of Gods children. i wonder if the power of the lord, if faith and the love of God could help carroll. it seems if the false christians of highlands ranch have anything to say about it,,, no. mr. andrews has done a brave and christian thing. we shoud support him not down him.
michael carroll did not pick to live in highlands ranch. when he got out of prison after spending 3 years over his time because of an error, he was staying in a halfway house with an ankle bracelet on because he had earned gain time in prison which they gave him instead of pay for work he did. then because he had earned that time they put him on community control until he finished up the time he earn for the pay. during that time the court finally realize that he had done 3 years to much and released him fully. he then went to work in key west at an adult entertainment club. at this club girls work and carrolls tastes are for males. while at the club he had access to the internet and some of the people there didnt like where carroll was going on the internet. which were all legal but, they were for gays and the straight people there didnt like it and they believed that it would not be good therapy. carroll was told that if he got on the computer again he would be fired and asked to leave. carroll kept doing it and was fired. carroll then went back to west palm beach to the halfway house but, because of public opinion the place asked him to leave. carroll was running out of options. he didnt have a place to stay, he couldnt get work because he has to tell them his past and the police then pay the place a visit which scares them to death. meanwhile carroll still has bills to pay. so carroll makes a desperate call to the owner of the club jerry andrews that he knew from when he was in prison. carroll says that mr. andrews helped many ex-inmates get their lives together. will carroll calls mr. andrews at tells him he is
at his witts end and that he has no where to go and doesnt know what to do. carroll makes the statement that if things are going to be like this then i am better off in prison. he makes it clear that he might just re offend. he doesnt say how or what crime but, mr. andrews didnt want to take that chance. he let me carroll come and stay at his home until he could get carroll help or some place to stay and whatever therapy he needs. however here is where the problems are. while carroll was working at the club he flew to highlands ranch to help mr. andrews move into his new home. dan shramm an ex-handyman at the club who was fired for massive theft while mr. andrews was overseas told police that carroll had moved to highlands ranch, even though he knew carroll had not. in fact carroll had return tickets to orlando with hotel and tickets to halloween horror nights. then plane tickets to key west. so it was obvious that dan shramm was lying. while carroll was helping in the move the police called him and asked him where he was, he told them in colorado. carroll was not on any type of supervision he only had to tell them when he was going to move. since he was not moving he was in the right. they told him he had to register. even though he wasnt going to live in colorado carroll went and got a room in aurora then went to sheriffs office and registered. two days later the fbi the police and whoever else show up at mr. andrews to arrest carroll for not registering sooner. this did not sit well with the neighbors. when the mr. andrews and his wife moved in there was a block party but, he could not attend but, his wife could because she wanted to get to know everyone. she is from ukraine and is new to america way of life. while at the party a man next door who hasnt lived at home with his wife in 5 years was being nice to her and even brought her a glass of wine because she doesnt drink soda. will his wife didnt seem to like this at all. then the there where two girls that took a liking to misses andrews because she is smart, very beautiful and speaks many languages with an accent. the daughter of the upset lady nextdoor was upset by this as she was the youngest adult on the block, did some babysitting and liked being looked up to by the kids in the neighborhood. she got more upset when misses andrews gave her and several other women in the neighborhood make up cases from lancome. there was also a lot of talk about all the stuff the neighbors saw being delivered to the house. mr. andrews had a 23k tv set delivered. the best washer and dryer on the market. etc etc. she also had a cook and a driver. then misses andrews went to a jewelry show across the street the girl next door was there with her new boyfriend and he started flirting with misses andrews and problems got worse after that. the girl next door stopped speaking to misses andrews and would only talk about her. then there was a halloween party that mr. carroll was not there for. remember he was in jail at the time for not registering faster. even if he was not in jail he would not have been at the party, he had tickets to orlando and halloween horror nights. the party was a way for misses andrews to meet the neighbors and the children before mr. andrews had to go away on business. misses andrews wanted to see how parents in america get along with,raise,interact with etc. with their kids. three of the adults interacted with their kids the rest just sat watching. they didnt even spend time talking to misses andrews.
mr. andrews had several of his employees help serve drinks etc. but, after mr. carroll got arrested the girl next door and some other did some surfing and went out of their way to use and make up whatever they could to make everyone in the house seem evil. they wrote bad things on their property and broke a window in the back of the house. mr. andrews installed cameras to catch or stop it from happening. the neighbors didnt like the fact the mr. andrews is flamboyant and extravagant. he gave away a 3 foot gumball machine, taffy machine, snow cone machine etc. so they got jealous. they told the news he gave away cell phones. they failed to mention they were barbie plastic phones. it was after all this that mr. carroll made the desperate call to mr. andrews. so mr. andrews figured since the neighbors didnt like him anyway it didnt matter. his main reason for letting carroll come was that carroll had never had therapy or treatment and if carroll was going to be staying and working in his house he come make it mandatory that he gets help. what has really pissed off mr. andrews was that reporters, news people and neighbors have made the comment that why would someone go through everything mr. andrews has gone through. none of them would have done it. mr. andrews alwasy asked them why wouldnt they. he is confused as to why someone wouldnt want carroll off the streets, being monitored, getting therapy, and looking for a place away from children where he can live and work and most of all not re-offend. mr. andrews doesnt want someones child to be a victum just because he had a chance to do something and didnt do it. mr. and misses andrews are saddend that the people in there neighbor have said they dont care if he re-offends just so long as he doesnt do it here. mr. andrews has talked for numerous hours with the news. but, they only seem to print what will inflame the masses. they seem to care only about print or saying what will get ratings or sell papers. they have failed to mention that mr. andrews has been seeking therapy for carroll. that mr. andrews was the one calling out for new legislation that would stop sex offenders form going to rec center and limit where they can live. mr. andrews was the one that suggested it all. he and his wife even went to the first community meeting to listen to all their concerns and to address them. they went there to try and explain things and to talk about not only carroll but, about the other 31 offenders in the neighborhood. to talk about the ones they dont know about. how to protect their children. at this point it has become clear that the neighbors were just being jealous,stupid, and mean. they were doing more harm than good. again they didnt care if he re- offending as long as he didnt do it there. also some where just plain worried about there resale values. ahh but, get this carroll was monitored by mr. and misses andrews and two of their employees that work out of the basement office. wil the neighbors went to zoning and home owners assoc. and they made mr. andrews move his office. so now mr. carroll is alone and unmonitored all during the day. so now he can go out, walk the streets, be near parks and schools he can even go shower at the rec center near their children. these are the worst; kind of neighbors. they even tried to say that mr. andrews has an escort service running out of his house. i am sure now that the police have told them they were wrong. it seems the two employees that work there are over 50 and over 60. one is a paralegal and cpa the other handles internet tech. there were no cars of girls etc. coming and going they the neighbors told the news. just a tile contractor and a carpenter doing remodeling in the house. it appears the neighbors have made a lot of wild and insane claims and allegations all of which turned out to be lies. they do seems to harp on mr. andrews's criminal past. they dont seem to want to know why he was in, was is true or if mr. andrews was later found innocent. the newest thing was the neighbors did offer to buy mr. andrews out. but, at 10% or so less than want was paid for the house. he said no. i guess they were hoping they could be evil enough and make up enough lies and cause enough problems that he would sell. now the house is up for sale. the realtor works for the neighbors and is taking his cut from them. any offers that come under the 389,900 asking price they claim they will make up. it is my understaning that if the house isnt sold by oct that mr. andrews is moving out of the county and that mr. carroll will be renting the home with two of his friends. partners, lovers whatever you call them. carroll himself doesnt have that kind of money but, they seem to. mr. carroll has been in prison for a long time so for him to know them it is assumed that they are people he knows from prison and maybe sex offends themselves.
mr. andrews was asked sacasticly from atleast one reporter so since you are helping carroll are you going to let all sex offends live here. why arent you helping them all. wil mr. andrews says if he could he would. if he could afford a house or range away from children and families where affenders could get help, therapy and monitoring he would. he also warns that since carroll and he have had so much bad thrown their way that other offends my just go underground, not register, not get help or therapy, this people have made it so much worse. also mr. andrews has helped carroll turn to the bible for comfort, guidance and help. both carroll and andrews have not been able to attend church because these supposed good christians cause such a problem. other good real christians in the area have sent letters and also called carroll to offer spiritual support but, are affaid of letting carroll know who they are because of the other neighbers and how they would treat them. it sounds like the neighbors are like the romans. its bad that good christians cant stand up and do the right thing and help carroll. its said that we all cant offer our spiritual support for one of Gods children. i wonder if the power of the lord, if faith and the love of God could help carroll. it seems if the false christians of highlands ranch have anything to say about it,,, no. mr. andrews has done a brave and christian thing. we shoud support him not down him.