This Place Is Dying.

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by Knuckles the Sandwich » Tue May 24, 2005 6:35 am

nessman wrote:For all we know he's a 335 lb zit-faced 17-yr old who looks and acts like "Ricky" from Better Off Dead...[/img]
No, he's a balding 30 something year old who until recently had bitch tits.

by nessman » Tue May 24, 2005 6:03 am

chris wrote:See what I mean about lifelong bachelors? I critique his Miami Vice apartment, and I'm suddenly the most vile person on the planet.
Perhaps he's really gay - still locked up in the closet and blowing off steam (amongst other things).

What's the dossier on Pinback anyway?

For all we know he's a 335 lb zit-faced 17-yr old who looks and acts like "Ricky" from Better Off Dead... probably gets picked on all the time too.


by chris » Tue May 24, 2005 5:53 am

pinback wrote:Except for CHRIS, who singlehandedly taught me how to use the "color" tag on JC BBS so I can fucking tell him how much I fucking HATE HIM and wish that he would die immediately. You stinking, festering, bloated pustule busting DICKFACE you.
See what I mean about lifelong bachelors? I critique his Miami Vice apartment, and I'm suddenly the most vile person on the planet.

It's not healthy to have so much pent up hatred. You should see a doctor and get some meds. Seriously.

by Lex » Tue May 24, 2005 1:11 am

Is he a Jew?

by nessman » Mon May 23, 2005 10:27 pm

pinback wrote:Except for CHRIS, who singlehandedly taught me how to use the "color" tag on JC BBS so I can fucking tell him how much I fucking HATE HIM and wish that he would die immediately. You stinking, festering, bloated pustule busting DICKFACE you.
Jesus... what's your beef with Chris? Chris is an alright guy. Politically, we're on different ends of the spectrum (although I think he's more conservative than he realizes or will ever admit to) but he's the kinda guy who can agree to disagree and at the end of the day it's all good.

by pinback » Mon May 23, 2005 9:43 pm

Hey, I love all these people, and consider them valued friends and acquaintences. You all make my days brighter and more fun with every post, every witty rejoinder, every clever quip, and just being here as a sounding board when I need you.

Except for CHRIS, who singlehandedly taught me how to use the "color" tag on JC BBS so I can fucking tell him how much I fucking HATE HIM and wish that he would die immediately. You stinking, festering, bloated pustule busting DICKFACE you.


Re: This Place Is Dying.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon May 23, 2005 9:39 pm

pinback wrote:PUMP IT UP week aside, this place is dying. Is there anything that can be done to save it? Or is it pretty much doomed to wallow away in half-forgotten mediocrity, until it's finally abandoned forever?

I know several people out there agree with me. Maybe not chris or nessman, but people who actually count, and who aren't complete loads who would drag down a Sexy Cheerleading competition with their tiresome, inane bullshit. Particularly chris, who sucks, and who I hope dies.

(And fuck you, chris. I hate you. You make me want to eat two entire cans of Pringles so I can fucking puke them out in your honor. DIE.)
They said that you couldn't merge people from different worlds. That the dial-up Rochester crowd and the Trotting Krip crowd and the video game crowd couldn't... wouldn't... mix. But you proved them all wrong! That's what I'm most proud of. That you all showed that you could get along so well.

Except for those moments where you're actively calling for one another to be executed, electrocuted and otherwise immediately deceased. Except for when one of you posts that the only thing you really ever dream about or long for anymore is each other's impending deaths because, boy would it be better if some of you found oblivion.

Aside from that -- aside from the outright cartoon descriptions of reckless amputations, blood splashing and gut chortling and descriptions of what a whore each others' mothers must be -- it's been a perfect marriage and I'd like to thank you all.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon May 23, 2005 9:29 pm

*I* can save this place from one of its many dead periods. But here's what has stopped me from doing it recently: you have to commit to a few weeks' worth of content that nobody will read or respond to just to get people in the habit of coming here. Then you have to write even better stuff to keep them here. All while not actually venting about anything so they'll feel safe in writing on their own.

And then maybe they will but it will be utterly incomprehensible and you'll have to go "Oh.... kaay!!!"! and make them feel at home somehow.

Oh, and you -- Pinner -- have to not utterly hate them and drive them off with your cross words and angry attitude.

Can all that be done? Maybe. But I'd rather make a small triangle respond to thrust WHICH I AM TOTALLY GOING TO DO. Or, to put it another way, JC could have been funny from 08-2003 until 06-2004, but instead I finished ND. That sort of thing.

What's my excuse since June 2004? I know... I know.

by nessman » Mon May 23, 2005 9:22 pm


This Place Is Dying.

by pinback » Mon May 23, 2005 9:14 pm

PUMP IT UP week aside, this place is dying. Is there anything that can be done to save it? Or is it pretty much doomed to wallow away in half-forgotten mediocrity, until it's finally abandoned forever?

I know several people out there agree with me. Maybe not chris or nessman, but people who actually count, and who aren't complete loads who would drag down a Sexy Cheerleading competition with their tiresome, inane bullshit. Particularly chris, who sucks, and who I hope dies.

Earlier today, I was here for a moment and saw six well-respected registered users logged in at the same time. Five minutes later, they were all gone, and nobody had posted. This was (excepting of course the moments preceding and proceeding it) the saddest moment of my life.

There can be no denying it:

This place is dying.

What to do?

What to do??

(And fuck you, chris. I hate you. You make me want to eat two entire cans of Pringles so I can fucking puke them out in your honor. DIE.)
