AArdvark wrote:As long as the ribbing is FUNNY it's OK.
Exactly. And
nobody in this thread, or any of the other "BOOO" threads lately, particularly bruce, and
particularly you, have been the least bit funny, except for ICJ's "miscellaneous post" up the page a bit.
If the burger had become sentient and started arguing with me before jumping down the garbage disposal in an attempt to end its own life,
that's funny.
"I hope it tastes better than it looks."
"It looks like you SAT on it."
"I can see why you compared it to getting into your girlfriends panties."
"It looks undercooked."
"I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at that."
NOT FUNNY. Can you tell the difference? This is the true tragedy of this BBS, that not only is stuff of this poor quality
allowed on here (which I can't imagine would have been the case in 2002), but now is seemingly
actively encouraged by the mushy-tushy sysop who just likes seeing all of his old, boring, unfunny friends hanging out on his goddamn BBS.