Straight Men - Gay Voices

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Re: Straight Men - Gay Voices

by Tdarcos » Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:54 am

AArdvark wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:57 am Nessman is back?

Holy shmoke
Oh, the humanity!

Re: Straight Men - Gay Voices

by AArdvark » Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:57 am

Nessman is back?

Holy shmoke


by nessman » Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:46 pm

nessman wrote: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:21 pm
Knuckles the CLown wrote:
nessman wrote:A weenie I am not.
Lest anyone thing that 9 years after posting this I've mellowed out. Well, no. I haven't. This list still holds true.
6 years since I've posted on here and these words stand the test of time!

by pinback » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:47 pm

Well, you're in luck in that this is the only forum where nothing interesting has been posted in the last nine years, so the necro is welcome.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:18 pm

See, this is why I love this forum. If you necroposted a 9 year old thread on any other forum you would feel the full wrath of the whole forum come down on your head for it and the thread would get locked. Here it is perfectly acceptable.

Stumbled upon the term "retrosexual" in the following Newsweek article, which describes the post-feminist phenomenon of men and women wanting to return to or emulate more traditional gender models. ... nity-71993

Oh and I see it is also a topic at ... trosexual/

by nessman » Sat May 24, 2014 9:39 am

RetroRomper wrote:So that list isn't satire?
What fun would that be?

by RetroRomper » Sat May 24, 2014 9:37 am

So that list isn't satire?

by nessman » Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:21 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:
nessman wrote:A weenie I am not.

We need to bring back the day when men were men, women stayed at home - cleaned and cooked, and children were seen and not heard (and the first and last words out of their mouths were sir).

Back to a day when if mother or child stepped out of line they'd feel the power of dad's backhand.

Back to a day where sexual harrassment in the work place was not only acceptable but expected.

Back to a day where if you knocked up the 16 yr old babysitter as you drove her home she would be sent off to live with her aunt and uncle in some little farm town in Idaho, never to be heard from again.

Back to a day when you came home from work, dinner was on the table and after dinner you'd go back to your study to smoke your pipe and read in peace and quiet for the evening. If wife or children made too much noise and interrupted you - they'd get beaten.

Back to a day where when wife or child dare touch the TV remote a beating would ensue.

Back to a day where if you were pulled over for driving drunk, Officer Patty McMurphy would give you a ride home and you'd later stop by and thank him for his understanding of the situtation with a bottle of the finest Scotch.

Back to a day when if the neighbors called the police because they heard a disturbance next door (likely while you were beating your misbehaving wife and children), Officer McMurphy would treat it as a low priority call, drive by, understand that it was the business of the man of the house and continue their patrol to ensure the poor folk on the other side of the tracks stayed there.

Back to a day where fnances were the man's business. The wife would get an allowance for food and other household items.

Back to a day where purchases like cars, lawn tractors, tools and other such items were the man's business that the wife had no right to question.

Back to a day where on the record you'd denounce the evil wrongdoings of the Nazi's and the KKK - but secretly you (and the other pillars of your community) were members of their secret societies under the ruse that you were out playing cards with the boys.

These days, we have too many liberal weenies who's only goal in life is to emasculate men - make them subordinates of women and their meddling kids.

We need to bring the values and morals of the 1950's McCarthy era, otherwise men will soon turn into nothing more than wash women and wet nurses.

The decline of manhood and our civilization started in the early 60's when JFK was elected to office. Unfortunately by the time the CIA planted a bullet in his head, it was too late and we had gone down the slippery slope too far.
Cankles-Now you are doing something productive.
Lest anyone thing that 9 years after posting this I've mellowed out. Well, no. I haven't. This list still holds true.

by Roody_Yogurt » Sun Jun 19, 2005 1:37 pm

Have I mentioned on here that Joseph McCarthy was good friends with my grandparents? They'd have him over for dinner every now and then.

Funny, considering my own political views and what not.

by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:35 pm

nessman wrote:A weenie I am not.

We need to bring back the day when men were men, women stayed at home - cleaned and cooked, and children were seen and not heard (and the first and last words out of their mouths were sir).

Back to a day when if mother or child stepped out of line they'd feel the power of dad's backhand.

Back to a day where sexual harrassment in the work place was not only acceptable but expected.

Back to a day where if you knocked up the 16 yr old babysitter as you drove her home she would be sent off to live with her aunt and uncle in some little farm town in Idaho, never to be heard from again.

Back to a day when you came home from work, dinner was on the table and after dinner you'd go back to your study to smoke your pipe and read in peace and quiet for the evening. If wife or children made too much noise and interrupted you - they'd get beaten.

Back to a day where when wife or child dare touch the TV remote a beating would ensue.

Back to a day where if you were pulled over for driving drunk, Officer Patty McMurphy would give you a ride home and you'd later stop by and thank him for his understanding of the situtation with a bottle of the finest Scotch.

Back to a day when if the neighbors called the police because they heard a disturbance next door (likely while you were beating your misbehaving wife and children), Officer McMurphy would treat it as a low priority call, drive by, understand that it was the business of the man of the house and continue their patrol to ensure the poor folk on the other side of the tracks stayed there.

Back to a day where fnances were the man's business. The wife would get an allowance for food and other household items.

Back to a day where purchases like cars, lawn tractors, tools and other such items were the man's business that the wife had no right to question.

Back to a day where on the record you'd denounce the evil wrongdoings of the Nazi's and the KKK - but secretly you (and the other pillars of your community) were members of their secret societies under the ruse that you were out playing cards with the boys.

These days, we have too many liberal weenies who's only goal in life is to emasculate men - make them subordinates of women and their meddling kids.

We need to bring the values and morals of the 1950's McCarthy era, otherwise men will soon turn into nothing more than wash women and wet nurses.

The decline of manhood and our civilization started in the early 60's when JFK was elected to office. Unfortunately by the time the CIA planted a bullet in his head, it was too late and we had gone down the slippery slope too far.
Cankles-Now you are doing something productive.

by chris » Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:26 am



by nessman » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:32 am


by ChainGangGuy » Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:22 pm

It's called the glorification of the weenie. Girls "like" sissy-assed boys because they're far easier to manage. Guys like to be weenies, as being a weenie requires absolutely no effort. It's the lazy man's means to existence.

by Guest » Fri Jun 17, 2005 2:04 am

Oh you.

by Guest » Fri Jun 17, 2005 2:01 am

Oh you.

by nessman » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:58 pm


by chris » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:00 pm

pinback wrote:Because they're forever on their cellphones, yapping away with their girlfriends or wives... "Miss you, Jo", "Love you, Jeri", "See you tonight, Dayna..."

God, it's almost disgusting.
Mock 'em all you want, but spending a few seconds NOT talking like Sgt. Hartmann is getting those "gay" guys laid. Give it a's fun!

by Jack Straw » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:34 pm

that was a crappy post.

by pinback » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:13 pm

Because they're forever on their cellphones, yapping away with their girlfriends or wives... "Miss you, Jo", "Love you, Jeri", "See you tonight, Dayna..."

God, it's almost disgusting.

by Vitriola » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:27 pm

How do you know they're straight? I'd like to think they are, because if they weren't you'd have to change the subject title, and it is precious as it is.
