Exciting Announcement

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:46 pm

pinback wrote:fart a banshee
I guess that one sort of stung him.

by Guest » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:11 pm

WTF. I just realized Pinback is the reason I goddamnedwell check this thing semi-regularly.

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:22 pm

Lexx wrote:Pinback has a bar in his place. His place is a bar. He spends his time there and enjoys it.

I'm 20, and I cleaned my room out last week, it was completely open.

So I found some mattresses, some duvets and a lot of girders. And I built a fort.

It was great in there, I could do anything I wanted. And regardless of the fact this this was my room and I could do whatever I wanted anyway, it gave me an immense feeling of freedom.

What Pinback has done is one step beyond that; his apartment IS his fort and I salute him for it. He has not been so foolish as to try to look grown up to the rest of the world (you sell-outs). His fort has plastic trees and cool-ass mood lighting you would've killed to have in your basements when you were 15, and the magnificent bastard has realized the only thing stopping him was that it was "silly" and that he was "grown up". Those are retarded thoughts. Vitriola knows it, she looks after reptiles.

Pinner, dude, pour me a drink.

by Jack Straw » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:31 pm

Never played it. Last game I bought was God of War for PS2. Great purchase, a TON of work went into this shit, and its bloody as all hell and has titties and ancient gods. What more can you ask for?

by chris » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:07 pm

Jack Straw wrote:am i just extraordinarily high or what? Why did I just glance at the "exciting announcement" and think it said "Exiting Announcement"?

Or was that intentional and I was just high the whole time?
Just wishful thinking on your part. :smile:
is there an echo in here?
Yep. I've been trying to think of something to talk about here, and the only thing I can come up with is the story of this amazingly delicious breakfast sausage I had yesterday. Kinda doubt others would be interested in that (or the work I'm doing on the house, or whatnot). Although, I may actually BUY a game to play on my computer (which would be the first time in about a bazillion years), so maybe people would like to chime in on either how they liked the game (Call of Duty), or how I'm a chud for having a powerful computer and never playing games on it.

by Jack Straw » Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:44 am

am i just extraordinarily high or what? Why did I just glance at the "exciting announcement" and think it said "Exiting Announcement"?

Or was that intentional and I was just high the whole time?

is there an echo in here?

by Lexx » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:16 am

Pinback has a bar in his place. His place is a bar. He spends his time there and enjoys it.

I'm 20, and I cleaned my room out last week, it was completely open.

So I found some mattresses, some duvets and a lot of girders. And I built a fort.

It was great in there, I could do anything I wanted. And regardless of the fact this this was my room and I could do whatever I wanted anyway, it gave me an immense feeling of freedom.

What Pinback has done is one step beyond that; his apartment IS his fort and I salute him for it. He has not been so foolish as to try to look grown up to the rest of the world (you sell-outs). His fort has plastic trees and cool-ass mood lighting you would've killed to have in your basements when you were 15, and the magnificent bastard has realized the only thing stopping him was that it was "silly" and that he was "grown up". Those are retarded thoughts. Vitriola knows it, she looks after reptiles.

Pinner, dude, pour me a drink.

by Guest » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:47 pm

Ah.. As it hasn't been suggested yet, may I rec. a better forum for Pinbacks "angst" ?


Go kid, your EMO!

Give the lurkers some props....

by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:33 pm

Nothing changes when you announce anyway you stupid bastard. I only know three people on here, and I still think the rest of them are a bunch of goddman dorks.

by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:31 pm

Well, I'm going to announce it on July 3rd. Unlike you on the 4th, I won't be sitting alone with a bottle of fag wine mulling over what a pathetic loser I am.

Fortunate for me my parents equipped me the social skills necceasry to actually attend a party on the 4th, rather than sit at home and mope about what a goddmaned loser I am.

I may be a loser when it comes to money, but you couldn't pay me enough money to sit in fake bar all day at the CPU and lure unsuspecting women in to your world of endless problems (i don't know if you actualy contact woman on the internet, pretend to, or what) If anyone would like me to announce it sooner, turn my $541 in to $700.

Also, isn't this the only social activity you do? What will the fill the void? Another website? another move? Plastic Surgery? Do tell!

by pinback » Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:28 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:Don't lump me in with that idiot. I'm not the emotional basketcase attention whore. I'm simply like to post and make amusing observations and make fun of everyone for being nerds or husky.
And I'm sure everyone's going to miss that unique voice, come Cinco de Julyo.

by bruce » Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:26 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:make fun of everyone for being nerds or husky.
I want to state, for the record, that I am not "husky." I am fat. That is all.


by bruce » Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:24 pm

nessman wrote:[I stopped reading this thread other than a quick skim looking for bulletpoints to summarize the day's discussions.
Summarize to WHOM? Do you go on to Groucho and write a post every day saying "Hey! Today on Jolt Country..." ? Do you tell your wife, as you're in bed getting ready to turn out the light, "Hey, today on Jolt Country..." ? The mind boggles.


by Knuckles the CLown » Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:54 pm

Don't lump me in with that idiot. I'm not the emotional basketcase attention whore. I'm simply like to post and make amusing observations and make fun of everyone for being nerds or husky.

by nessman » Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:51 am

pinback wrote:Oh, I don't have a problem with the rest of them participating. I'm just saying, you personally (Chris) do not belong in this discussion.

Thank you for your understanding.
Chris, Pinback is right. You are out of your element. Pinback/Knuckles, et al, are completey mentally insane. There's no point in trying to understand what the fuck they're talking about. I don't get it one bit - I stopped reading this thread other than a quick skim looking for bulletpoints to summarize the day's discussions.

Last night there was a domestic disturbance at the bowling alley (it was an order of protection thing). I tried explaining to these people who were 3rd parties/relatives to the dispute that the person holding the piece of paper signed by the judge wins - right or wrong, if you are named in an Order and the person with the paper walks in knowing you're there - right or wrong, pack up your shit, forfeit your game and leave. Put self preservation before honor. No - the guy decides to start shit with his ex's boyfriend who was there with her. Who goes to jail? The guy starting shit. But these people (mostly blue-collar, Dewey Ave area white trash) wouldn't allow this fact to register into their Jerry Springer mindsets. They can't understand logic.

My point being - don't get involved in this bullshit. You're only going to drive yourself to the point where you'll be looking for a room in the asylum in which they reside.

by pinback » Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:34 am

chris wrote:
pinback wrote:Could you please stay out of this, chris? You don't understand what's going on here.

I know, you really want to participate, and I think that's great. Just don't do it here. You're out of your element, Donnie.
Condescending bastard. You post on a DISCUSSION board that something "exciting" will be "announced" on July 4th, then get all pissy when people actually start DISCUSSING it on the DISCUSSION board. Am I missing something here? Have I been using message boards incorrectly for the last 20 fucking years?

If you don't want the rest of us to comment on things, have ICJ set you up with a base called "Pinback's Glorious Announcements to the Planet" where only you can post. It'll prevent you from having to read replies from us idiot peons, and makes it easy for the rest of us to completely ignore you.
Oh, I don't have a problem with the rest of them participating. I'm just saying, you personally (Chris) do not belong in this discussion.

Thank you for your understanding.

by everybody » Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:04 am

chris wrote:Have I been using message boards incorrectly for the last 20 fucking years?
yes, you're not supposed to be a boring, smug (but often wrong), asshole.

by chris » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:49 am

pinback wrote:Could you please stay out of this, chris? You don't understand what's going on here.

I know, you really want to participate, and I think that's great. Just don't do it here. You're out of your element, Donnie.
Condescending bastard. You post on a DISCUSSION board that something "exciting" will be "announced" on July 4th, then get all pissy when people actually start DISCUSSING it on the DISCUSSION board. Am I missing something here? Have I been using message boards incorrectly for the last 20 fucking years?

If you don't want the rest of us to comment on things, have ICJ set you up with a base called "Pinback's Glorious Announcements to the Planet" where only you can post. It'll prevent you from having to read replies from us idiot peons, and makes it easy for the rest of us to completely ignore you.

by pinback » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:08 pm

Got it. I'll fix myself right up, straight-up, squared away, tippy-top like.

But that has nothing to do with what's going to happen here, on this BBS, on July 4, 2005. I appreciate your attempts to draw connections between the two, but they simply don't exist.

This is something completely different.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:06 pm

pinback wrote:Also, I like how he (ICJ) decides to make my last few weeks here contentious and hostile, stopping at every turn to call out my many emotional difficulties, jabbing at me as viciously as he can, rather than just enjoying the time we have left, and making this a nice little bon voyage party.
Who made fun of your emotional difficulties?

Fix yourself and you'll be happy. That goes for anyone here. Well, except for some of you more wretched posters.
