How Pinbacky Are You?

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by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:29 pm

Anyway, you're completely wrong. No one has been impressed by a fatality past age fourteen. Anyone who is impressed, is a ham fisted ass who sucked at fighting games to begin with.

Why don't you go to a local arcade ask someone if fatalities are 'impressive' and then record the hours upon hours of laughter and pants wetting that follows?

You're just out of the loop, nothing horribly wrong with that, except in your mind.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:52 pm

He started it!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:51 pm

Lysander wrote:oh snap?
See, I thought we weren't going to do this.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:48 pm

oh snap?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:17 pm

Lysander wrote:I'd like to see you play a tournament.
I am hoping that they will find a cure as well, my friend.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:14 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Since you put this in terms of what is "useful," I reiterate: making the bystanders go "Woooo!!"!
Impressing the bystanders is more important than winning the game? Wow, man. I'd like to see you play a tournament.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:35 pm

Lysander wrote:Super moves damage your opponent, and must be charged to a certain piont before they can be used, making them part of every fighting gamer's strategy.
So they are regular moves you can't use when you want. They are not "super." "Super" is a generic word that can mean anything. "Stupid" isn't being used. You could call them "stupid moves."
It's quite a fundamental difference, really: one hurts your opponent before you defeat him, and one hurts your opponent after you defeat him. Now tell me, which is more useful?
Fatalities. At an arcade (and I trust you will agree that the ONLY place to play fighting games is an arcade... goes without saying, I trust) people will be impressed to see you pull off a fatality. They will not be impressed that you held down the "charge" button to do some stupid nonsense which is not as cool as the items that the MK games give you for free. Since you put this in terms of what is "useful," I reiterate: making the bystanders go "Woooo!!"! is useful. So therefore the fatality.

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:15 pm

Ever since the "Now if freezing a guy with a bolt of Ice is only 'special'" post he's been trolling.


Format Free transcribing of the image for Bond.
TROLLS try to disrupt, destroy, or change the newgroups to fit their own agendas.
they often used such techniques as: flooding by excessive posting attacking regulars in a group attempting to divide and conquer making themselves the saviour of the group trying to impress others with their knowledge threatening people spreading rumours violating newsgroup policies posting under many aliases disguising their headers
TROLLS often have serious personal issues that lead them to try to control others.
TROLLS don't hang around newsgroups where people don't respond to their rants the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:41 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm saying, you thick fuck, that your DEFINTIONS of what makes a "super-movE!!!" in a retarded fighting game is beyond worthless if somehow this definition does not include RIPPING THE STILL-BEATING HEART FROM A GUY.
Super moves damage your opponent, and must be charged to a certain piont before they can be used, making them part of every fighting gamer's strategy.

Fatalities are executing your opponent in a grizzly (and often amusing) fashion.

It's quite a fundamental difference, really: one hurts your opponent before you defeat him, and one hurts your opponent after you defeat him. Now tell me, which is more useful?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:37 am

Lysander wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't care when you do it, because you pick your spots. When Lysander starts doing it on things he's clearly wrong about or things that nobody is talking about then that's when it becomes annoying.
Are you saying that you did not say that supers were in Mortal Kombat and then claim to know everything about video games?
I'm saying, you thick fuck, that your DEFINTIONS of what makes a "super-movE!!!" in a retarded fighting game is beyond worthless if somehow this definition does not include RIPPING THE STILL-BEATING HEART FROM A GUY.

Which was clearly in Mortal Kombat.

Non-worthless genres don't have this problem. But because there hasn't been an interesting idea in a fighting game since Mortal Kombat II you're seeing desperation creep in. Like the DESPERATION of your post here.

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:51 am

Vitriola wrote:Robb, you live in BOULDER COUNTY, but only by 1 mile.
This is the kind of info you should make him write on the waist band of his underwear!

by Vitriola » Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:24 am

Robb, you live in BOULDER COUNTY, but only by 1 mile.

by Worm » Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:13 am

I myself live in the state of Luzerne Pennsylvania, just so you all know!

by Lysander » Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:39 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't care when you do it, because you pick your spots. When Lysander starts doing it on things he's clearly wrong about or things that nobody is talking about then that's when it becomes annoying.
Are you saying that you did not say that supers were in Mortal Kombat and then claim to know everything about video games?

by AArdvark » Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:46 pm

I really like grapes..


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:08 pm

Well, I'm out... Good luck to the rest of you! Here's a helpful hint! Moosejaw is ten clicks SOUTH of the county that you think it MIGHT be in....!! I'll say no more! Counties don't change all the time due to voting lines and everyone in America got forced to memorize all the counties in all the states so I expect bigger things from the rest of you!

by pinback » Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:06 pm

You have FAILED the Pinback Quiz.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:05 pm

I don't care when you do it, because you pick your spots. When Lysander starts doing it on things he's clearly wrong about or things that nobody is talking about then that's when it becomes annoying.

I don't know anything about "counties." I don't even know what county I live in. I'm sorry you need the blanks filled in, it must be very frustrating for you. More, you are actually sitting there (drunk) (depressed) with the expectation that there are more than two people who:

1) Know the STATES you lived in
2) Know the CITIES you lived in
3) Will now cross-reference them against counties.

Who the fucking fuck do you think you are? I can name TWO counties. My girlfriend works for one and I grew up in the other. "Oh, right, Ben lived in Shitbank County, Florida, but only barely, as I-270 is the border to the north and he lived on Queen Lay Ave which is a block south of that, oh, wow, cool!" Is that what you wanted? Eat poison.

Re: How Pinbacky Are You?

by pinback » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:56 pm

In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Illiterate Sysop wrote:Ben lived in all these states.
In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Illiterate Sysop wrote:Ben lived in all these states.
In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Illiterate Sysop wrote:Ben lived in all these states.
In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Illiterate Sysop wrote:Ben lived in all these states.
Fucking retard.

Re: How Pinbacky Are You?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:52 pm

Code: Select all

In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property? 
  Alamosa, Colorado
  Fairfield, South Carolina
  Horry, South Carolina
  Osceola, Florida
  Santa Cruz, California
  I have never lived or owned property in any of these counties
Ben lived in all these states.

Which of the following vehicles did you previously own, lease or co-sign for?
'1985 Buick Skyhawk'
'1995 Ford Probe'
'1997 BMW 5 series 528i'
'2001 Toyota Corolla'
'2002 Pontiac Grand Am SE1'
I have never been associated with this vehicle
He's got a Ford Probe.

In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Clallam, Washington
Hopewell City, Virginia
Los Angeles, California
Montezuma, Colorado
Spartanburg, South Carolina
I have never lived or owned property in any of these counties
He's lived in all those states.

In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property?
Henrico, Virginia
Hood River, Oregon
La Paz, Arizona
Malheur, Oregon
Palm Beach, Florida
I have never lived or owned property in any of these counties
All of these as well.

Okay, I know what is going on. You've moved around so much that it's impossible to NOT guess.

o Florida
o Colorado
o Arizona
o California
o Oregon
o Washington
o Virginia
o Maryland
o DC
o The Carolinas

Christ man there are only 50 states. I say this is not as impressive. You being a homeless vagabond is impressive, but not someone guessing it.

Post your answers in this thread, and then come back soon to see how you did![/quote]
