the Lysander Moves Further North in Alaska countdown thread

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by Lysander » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:06 am

Y'know something? I think I already did!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:54 pm

start a blog about it, salteyes

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:43 pm

IceCream Jonsey wrote:yes
Ah, so your mother was raped by a website. I... I'm sorry, man. Is there anything I can do? Maybe start a support group?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:17 pm

Lysander wrote:Yes, I'm whinging--whining. Because just as soon as anyone clicks the create an account on they just automatically get turned into a gigantic weaping drippy vagina. I'm sorry that I don't have the time--with this totally fascinating thing called college--to learn HTML and PHP and start shelling out $25 a month so that I can have a place for all 10 of hte people who give two shits about me to read my pathetic boring uninteresting life just to please <I> you </I> when I can do the same thign for free just by typing words into an edit box and clicking the update button. Apparently you've got these un-resolved psychological issues regarding blogs and jsut hte sight of the phrase "live journal" sends you into fits of appoplepctic rage for reasons I can only begin to speculate on, and will probably start doing so now, just bewcause it amuses me. Was your mother raped by live journal dot com or something? You know I've been doing this thing for more thnn a year, right? Does that mean you've been hating me all this time and just didn't know it because you'd forgotten I did something convenient htat's already there as opposed to reinventing hte wheel for no reason?

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:17 pm

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:11 pm

you could learn HTML in college, that would be a feather in your cap, kill two birds with one stone and out goose my gander!

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:34 pm

Yes, I'm whinging--whining. Because just as soon as anyone clicks the create an account on they just automatically get turned into a gigantic weaping drippy vagina. I'm sorry that I don't have the time--with this totally fascinating thing called college--to learn HTML and PHP and start shelling out $25 a month so that I can have a place for all 10 of hte people who give two shits about me to read my pathetic boring uninteresting life just to please <I> you </I> when I can do the same thign for free just by typing words into an edit box and clicking the update button. Apparently you've got these un-resolved psychological issues regarding blogs and jsut hte sight of the phrase "live journal" sends you into fits of appoplepctic rage for reasons I can only begin to speculate on, and will probably start doing so now, just bewcause it amuses me. Was your mother raped by live journal dot com or something? You know I've been doing this thing for more thnn a year, right? Does that mean you've been hating me all this time and just didn't know it because you'd forgotten I did something convenient htat's already there as opposed to reinventing hte wheel for no reason?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:07 pm

Lysander wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Did you just send me to your motherfucking BLOG? Did I see this right after what I wrote in my last post?
Yes you did. Deal, bitch.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey NUMBNUTS. Tell us how your fucking classes are going. Nobody wants to read anybody's goddamn blog.
And even fewer people like writing up one long detailed explanation of a thing, then write up another one on teh same thing somewhere else just because you're too lazy to click a goddamn link. So, no, I'm not gonna do that. I've got far more capricious ways of wasting my time, thank you.
Run a website, I will read it.

Run a forum, I will participate.

Run a BLOG and then get in a snit when people are asking you honest questions about yourself but not bothering to enter into freaking LiveJournal drama ... well, you need to be pulled from the Internet. Of course, you don't "run" a blog, you leech the website from someone else in order for the maximum amount of drama to be generated. You're better than this.

I see above that Parrish has decided to try to "prove me wrong" or something. At least he took the effort to buy a host and write some HTML. And he, unlike every owner - ever - of a blog, isn't CRYING capital letters again CRYING!! that people aren't visiting it.

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:44 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Did you just send me to your motherfucking BLOG? Did I see this right after what I wrote in my last post?
Yes you did. Deal, bitch.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey NUMBNUTS. Tell us how your fucking classes are going. Nobody wants to read anybody's goddamn blog.
And even fewer people like writing up one long detailed explanation of a thing, then write up another one on teh same thing somewhere else just because you're too lazy to click a goddamn link. So, no, I'm not gonna do that. I've got far more capricious ways of wasting my time, thank you.

by pinback » Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:05 am

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:36 pm

Lysander wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:How is class going for you, JB?
Excellent question! YOu can read all about my fun school things in my live journal, accessible at so click it you motherfuckers! I hate repeating myself.
Did you just send me to your motherfucking BLOG? Did I see this right after what I wrote in my last post?

Hey NUMBNUTS. Tell us how your fucking classes are going. Nobody wants to read anybody's goddamn blog.

by Lysander » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:30 pm

:Shock: Don't you know they're African-American dots? ANyway, yeah, taht music class is rapidly shooting into the stratosphere on my "most annoying classes ever" list. It's especially insulting to me because I am a music man. ...If you think taht was bad, scroll down to the shit about my cell phone. Heh, and then I went on JC and wrote up that thing about racism. Serandipity rules.

by AArdvark » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:16 pm

It must be rather difficult to mainstream in college with everyone else. Music theory without being able to see all the little black dots (that's what they look like, I assume you know what the color black is) Terribly daunting, if you ask me.


by Lysander » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:50 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:How is class going for you, JB?
Excellent question! YOu can read all about my fun school things in my live journal, accessible at so click it you motherfuckers! I hate repeating myself.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:23 pm

How is class going for you, JB?

by chris » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:54 pm

AArdvark wrote:Look, I really wanted to parody the song lyrics to "Leaving On a Jet Plane' with a lot of blind references and eskimo jokes but I cannot bring myself that low. Not when you are off to better yourself in a place of higher learning. It's killing me, but I won't go there
"Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?"

by AArdvark » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:14 pm

Look, I really wanted to parody the song lyrics to "Leaving On a Jet Plane' with a lot of blind references and eskimo jokes but I cannot bring myself that low. Not when you are off to better yourself in a place of higher learning. It's killing me, but I won't go there


by Lysander » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:03 am

Today's countdown of hours until my plane takes off is: 2!

by Lysander » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:43 am

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now so you get to see my count-down thread early. (what makes it different from the times I thought this an hour ago, two hours ago, and three hours ago is that I actually will do it this time.) When I wake up tomorrow, I will be going... somewhere new! Somewhere different! Somewhere--ah fuck it, it's only a couple hundred miles and I've been there beefore, who the hell am I kidding? Regardless! This could be the last post ever made by Lysander on the Jolt Country BBS! Or anywhere else on the internet! (But it won't be, unfortunately.) All of which reminds me...

Ttoday's official countdown of time until Lysander goes away to college is: fuck it, it's too close for me to care.

by Lysander » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:03 am

This morning's countdown of hours until Lysander movesander moves out of town is: 4
