State of the BBS Address

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by Worm » Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:09 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:Whatever. I think we had a previous discussion on here where I asked if you actually played the fucking thing. Lysander: Thrill Kill was a shitty single elimination wrestling game.
Haha, okay. It was better than every fighting game that has existed since Mortal Kombat 2, but I'm sure your sensitive sensibilities were offended by it, wrestling, or something equally stupid. Aren't you currently in college? How long before you denounce everything you've ever said on the Internet? Do we have to wait until your sophomore year for the inevitable?
I transferred in from a Community College, so I'm technically a junior.

The stupid thing that made me dislike Thrill Kill was that it was an inferior wrestling game with fatalities. That's pretty much it. If it was more similar to that THQ game for the N64, I'd love it.

You obviously haven't ever played Thrill Kill. Shut up or fuck off.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:34 pm

Worm wrote:Nope. The last bad thing I said on there was "Don't tell me about your blog, I don't care what the fuck your blog says." paraphrasing the immortal(n. : not chris' children) classic by The Dicks called "Bookstore".
Someone was telling you to go to their blog on Q23? Jesus Christ. When did it become socially acceptable to have a blog? When did it become some place you direct people to? A blog is fucking embarassing. At least take your lumps on a forum LIKE A MAN.

Whatever. I think we had a previous discussion on here where I asked if you actually played the fucking thing. Lysander: Thrill Kill was a shitty single elimination wrestling game.
Haha, okay. It was better than every fighting game that has existed since Mortal Kombat 2, but I'm sure your sensitive sensibilities were offended by it, wrestling, or something equally stupid. Aren't you currently in college? How long before you denounce everything you've ever said on the Internet? Do we have to wait until your sophomore year for the inevitable?

by Lysander » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:19 pm

For the record, I was refering to Jeff's game.

You can move in both X and Y in 3d games like Tekken or Virtaa Fighter or Soul Calibur or (gag) Mortal Kombat D/DA, and all of these games scroll at least a little bit... I ean really, if you only have one attack button it's not much of a "fighting" game. Anyway, so I guess it's most like Super Smash Brothers Melee than anything? I love that game. I hate playing it--with a vehement passion--but something about it's completely over-the-edge stupid insanity appeals to me in an annoying way.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:49 pm

Lysander wrote:...That'd be more of a beat-em-up than a fighting game, wouldn't it? Is this thing more loke Golden Axe, Final Fight and Streets of Rage, or is it more like, er, an actual fighting game?
Not sure if you're referring to Thrill Kill or the one I'm talking about, but in both cases, we're talking actual fighting game. Though both do let you move around a small environment, but in both cases, there's no scrolling (or extremely little), but there is more X-Y movement than in a 2D fighting game, which is strictly X-axis movement. You can also pick up stuff and hurl it. OK, controls are, admittedly, a little more Golden Axe-like.

Now that I'm home, I'll check for the name of the game I was referring to. ... Yes, it is "Barbarian", the 2002 release - it looks like a different Barbarian game came out last year or so. You can play with four players, and/or "thugs" which can be killed, or just stunned and then used to whallop your opponent.

Back on the earlier topic. Hmm. I would think you-know-who would have had a thicker skin, after over at groucho, I did a Photoshop and him and Nessman's babies being held by John Wayne Gacy... then there was my Photoshop parody of the retarded-kids music album "Kids of Widney High", which I did as "Kids of Whitney's Guy". Ah, some of my best work!

by Worm » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:15 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I think Worm's been banned from there, for instance.
Nope. The last bad thing I said on there was "Don't tell me about your blog, I don't care what the fuck your blog says." paraphrasing the immortal(n. : not chris' children) classic by The Dicks called "Bookstore".
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Actually, until right now I had completely forgotten about Thrill Kill. There's the fighting game that bridges the gap between MK2 and now IN MY OPINION. Thrill Kill is just a wholly inappropriate game that, by killing it when it was *finished*, let us all know that EA had passed its prime and become irrelevant.
Whatever. I think we had a previous discussion on here where I asked if you actually played the fucking thing.

Lysander: Thrill Kill was a shitty single elimination wrestling game.

by Lysander » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:56 pm

...That'd be more of a beat-em-up than a fighting game, wouldn't it? Is this thing more loke Golden Axe, Final Fight and Streets of Rage, or is it more like, er, an actual fighting game?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:07 pm

Ah, thanks. B-day was OK, uneventful.
Good! Living in interesting times is a curse.

So Bruce left after a nasty comment by PB back at the end of July? I'd assume there's some more story that ISN'T sitting on the JC forums.
Maybe Bruce was also not digging the place for a while. He bought some land in British Columbia and had been staying there (IIRC) for a while as well. I hope he returns.

BTW, one of his last messages was in a thread about fighting games, and you were looking for innovations (as 3D doesn't count in your opinion.)
I say it doesn't count because it's boring and stupid and was already done in the Wrestlemania game from the 1980s. One of the chief problems in the fighting game thread was that Lysander and Worm was saying, "Here is an innovation," and I was saying, "It sucks, I can't count that." They didn't care about the quality of the innovation, just that it existed. Meanwhile I am all about the quality.

I can't remember the name, but one PS2 fighter I've got (I thought it was Barbarian, but apparently that's a different game) has a few goons walking around (you choose how many), that you can knock down, pick up, then beat your opponent with. Nothing says "fun" like multiplayer fighting games where you're swinging goon bodies at each other.
Actually, until right now I had completely forgotten about Thrill Kill. There's the fighting game that bridges the gap between MK2 and now IN MY OPINION. Thrill Kill is just a wholly inappropriate game that, by killing it when it was *finished*, let us all know that EA had passed its prime and become irrelevant.

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:24 am

Ah, thanks. B-day was OK, uneventful.

So Bruce left after a nasty comment by PB back at the end of July? I'd assume there's some more story that ISN'T sitting on the JC forums.

BTW, one of his last messages was in a thread about fighting games, and you were looking for innovations (as 3D doesn't count in your opinion.) I can't remember the name, but one PS2 fighter I've got (I thought it was Barbarian, but apparently that's a different game) has a few goons walking around (you choose how many), that you can knock down, pick up, then beat your opponent with.

Nothing says "fun" like multiplayer fighting games where you're swinging goon bodies at each other.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:14 pm

Oh! And I hope you had a very nice birthday, bro.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:14 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:The downside to JC is that with him gone, I'm more likely to visit JC.
Yeah, well, I decided I can't make a pleading post every time someone quits the Internet. You've got no idea how often it's been happening on sites I run lately. Chris, if he's out there, I am sorry to see him go. But next week someone else will leave forever and the week after that so will someone else. Because I can't check the site at work I'm stuck doing it at home and I'm not making 90% of the things I write for bulletin boards be messages begging people to come back.

(But I would like it to be nicer here.)

Great posts with lots of work behind them (like Aardvark's novel that he posted before, or Bugs posting the MP3s of his band with not a single comment) can be ignored while throwaway messages can inspire huge reams on content.
If I know something deserves time I am likely to put it off until I can get time to read it. And then, because phpBB is a piece of shit, I forget about it. (phpBB needs a "save this message for later reading" feature.)

But I can quickly say some game is pants.

So, Bruce left too, though? That's too bad if true, as he seemed to be the most serious "classic gamer", though unfortunately he was also into D&D... but that's another thread which I have been planning on starting over on groucho. (Something about the heirachy of nerds.)
Yeah, I miss Bruce already. I said I'd officially become an old man when I saw the logic behind the ban policy on the website called "Quarter to Three." Their policy is that they have a nice little forum going with game developers and game magazine writers and while you, the unwashed mass, can express yourself, if you do things to stop the devs from coming they will choose you last and them first. I think Worm's been banned from there, for instance.

Who deserves to get yelled at more than anyone else on the Internet? People making the shitty games we see on retail. But the guy who runs the site just wants to talk with his friends and peers so that's that. After seeing someone like Bruce walk, well, hey, *I* want him here!! Thus the beginning of this thread.

(I still find it hilarious when writers get a bug up their ass on that Qt3 site. One writer was squacking about the unwashed masses at E3 this year. The guy writes the same shared preview ever video game has ever had and HE think he's somehow above the common fanboy. Unbelievable. For a segment of the population that calls themselves journalists and have never done any sort of actual new journalism -- I mean, hell, EA_Spouse had to go to some LiveJournal equivalent to break the news of how crappy working for EA is -- they certainly are full of themselves.)

by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:46 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Bugs wrote:Chris banned himself from this site, too?

Yes. Worm said he hopes his kids die.
The downside to JC is that with him gone, I'm more likely to visit JC.

Anyway - wah wah wah (to Jonsey, I mean), from what I can see, JC's been doing reasonably well, and on a purely number-of-posts basis, has slowly been creeping up on groucho, which probably has fewer regular posters. FWIW, I can't figure out what's going on there, either. I think it's the nature of BBSs in general. Great posts with lots of work behind them (like Aardvark's novel that he posted before, or Bugs posting the MP3s of his band with not a single comment) can be ignored while throwaway messages can inspire huge reams on content. One way or other other, politics seem to inspire the most content over there. I try to get car stuff going, movie stuff, game stuff, etc, but it's tough getting responses out of some of these folks.

My current outlook is to try to not worry too much about it. Just when I think the board is dead, we get a 50-100 message day. People post when they want, and there are a good number of people reading even if they don't post, so I'm not going to get too uptight if the site is really quiet for a couple days.

So, Bruce left too, though? That's too bad if true, as he seemed to be the most serious "classic gamer", though unfortunately he was also into D&D... but that's another thread which I have been planning on starting over on groucho. (Something about the heirachy of nerds.)

by Bugs » Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:53 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Bugs wrote:Chris banned himself from this site, too?

Yes. Worm said he hopes his kids die.
Where's the thread where this happened? I can't find it.

Why did he flip out about it? He said he "hopes his kids die"? He's only got one kid, doesn't he? What's the problem? And isn't his kid going to die anyway? Is he hoping his kid finds life eternal or some shit?

by pinback » Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:19 am

And I am now to understand that Bruce left... because of me???

Please to be explaining how that works.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:30 pm

Bugs wrote:Chris banned himself from this site, too?

Yes. Worm said he hopes his kids die.

by Bugs » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:18 pm

Chris banned himself from this site, too?


by pinback » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:39 am

They also appear to have driven off jscott.


by Worm » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:22 am

Hey, if he wrote "person whose opinion I'm not looking for." I probably wouldn't have replied.

by pinback » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:50 am

Gerrit is on record (private record, not to be disclosed in a public forum such as this) as saying that he doesn't come here anymore because of the negative influence of all the Rochester people.

(Also, Worm, ICJ was in fact excluding ONLY YOU, because although I wasn't listed in the recipient list for this thread, he did ask me the same question over Yahoo IM.)


by gsdgsd » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:49 am

I've never really posted much, in the best of times. And lately real life has been busy/stimulating enough that when I've been on here, it's just been lurking... I don't really have the time/energy for another outlet.

That said, I think more and more I just don't have much common ground with a lot of the people that show up here now-- hockey/girls/Albania on my side, computer games and self-mutilation on the other. And with a lot of the saner posters (Debaser, Roody, Bruce) gone or rarely seen, most of the threads extant right now seem to be a competition to determine who's the biggest sociopath. And while that sorta thing might've impressed me at age 15, not so much now.

I do like the 100 best games thread! Even if I've played, like, two of them.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:42 am

I love how the fifth post in this thread is by Worm, when I pretty much custom-tailored the opening post to read, "I am looking for anyone's opinion in this particular matter BUT YOURS." I don't have the energy to split it off this early in the morning.
