Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:The downside to JC is that with him gone, I'm more likely to visit JC.
Yeah, well, I decided I can't make a pleading post every time someone quits the Internet. You've got no idea how often it's been happening on sites I run lately. Chris, if he's out there, I am sorry to see him go. But next week someone else will leave forever and the week after that so will someone else. Because I can't check the site at work I'm stuck doing it at home and I'm not making 90% of the things I write for bulletin boards be messages begging people to come back.
(But I would like it to be nicer here.)
Great posts with lots of work behind them (like Aardvark's novel that he posted before, or Bugs posting the MP3s of his band with not a single comment) can be ignored while throwaway messages can inspire huge reams on content.
If I know something deserves time I am likely to put it off until I can get time to read it. And then, because phpBB is a piece of shit, I forget about it. (phpBB needs a "save this message for later reading" feature.)
But I can quickly say some game is pants.
So, Bruce left too, though? That's too bad if true, as he seemed to be the most serious "classic gamer", though unfortunately he was also into D&D... but that's another thread which I have been planning on starting over on groucho. (Something about the heirachy of nerds.)
Yeah, I miss Bruce already. I said I'd officially become an old man when I saw the logic behind the ban policy on the website called "Quarter to Three." Their policy is that they have a nice little forum going with game developers and game magazine writers and while you, the unwashed mass, can express yourself, if you do things to stop the devs from coming they will choose you last and them first. I think Worm's been banned from there, for instance.
Who deserves to get yelled at more than anyone else on the Internet? People making the shitty games we see on retail. But the guy who runs the site just wants to talk with his friends and peers so that's that. After seeing someone like Bruce walk, well, hey, *I* want him here!! Thus the beginning of this thread.
(I still find it hilarious when writers get a bug up their ass on that Qt3 site. One writer was squacking about the unwashed masses at E3 this year. The guy writes the same shared preview ever video game has ever had and HE think he's somehow above the common fanboy. Unbelievable. For a segment of the population that calls themselves journalists and have never done any sort of actual new journalism -- I mean, hell, EA_Spouse had to go to some LiveJournal equivalent to break the news of how crappy working for EA is -- they certainly are full of themselves.)
[quote="Jethro Q. Walrustitty"]The downside to JC is that with him gone, I'm more likely to visit JC.[/quote]
Yeah, well, I decided I can't make a pleading post every time someone quits the Internet. You've got no idea how often it's been happening on sites I run lately. Chris, if he's out there, I am sorry to see him go. But next week someone else will leave forever and the week after that so will someone else. Because I can't check the site at work I'm stuck doing it at home and I'm not making 90% of the things I write for bulletin boards be messages begging people to come back.
(But I would like it to be nicer here.)
[quote]Great posts with lots of work behind them (like Aardvark's novel that he posted before, or Bugs posting the MP3s of his band with not a single comment) can be ignored while throwaway messages can inspire huge reams on content. [/quote]
If I know something deserves time I am likely to put it off until I can get time to read it. And then, because phpBB is a piece of shit, I forget about it. (phpBB needs a "save this message for later reading" feature.)
But I can quickly say some game is pants.
[quote]So, Bruce left too, though? That's too bad if true, as he seemed to be the most serious "classic gamer", though unfortunately he was also into D&D... but that's another thread which I have been planning on starting over on groucho. (Something about the heirachy of nerds.)[/quote]
Yeah, I miss Bruce already. I said I'd officially become an old man when I saw the logic behind the ban policy on the website called "Quarter to Three." Their policy is that they have a nice little forum going with game developers and game magazine writers and while you, the unwashed mass, can express yourself, if you do things to stop the devs from coming they will choose you last and them first. I think Worm's been banned from there, for instance.
Who deserves to get yelled at more than anyone else on the Internet? People making the shitty games we see on retail. But the guy who runs the site just wants to talk with his friends and peers so that's that. After seeing someone like Bruce walk, well, hey, *I* want him here!! Thus the beginning of this thread.
(I still find it hilarious when writers get a bug up their ass on that Qt3 site. One writer was squacking about the unwashed masses at E3 this year. The guy writes the same shared preview ever video game has ever had and HE think he's somehow above the common fanboy. Unbelievable. For a segment of the population that calls themselves journalists and have never done any sort of actual new journalism -- I mean, hell, EA_Spouse had to go to some LiveJournal equivalent to break the news of how crappy working for EA is -- they certainly are full of themselves.)