Kitty Genovese

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Expand view Topic review: Kitty Genovese

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:21 pm

Am I the biggest asshole? Fuck all the sexy people!

Also--edited that last post, now that I went and, you know, read it all.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:14 pm

Lysander wrote:This is really sad. "This newspaper article... IS WRONG!" I'm sorry, but when my choices of who to believe are between a writer for the New York Times and some annonamous jerkoff damage control slimeball trying to sell teeshirts, I'm gonna go with the respected journalist. Way to back up what you're saying there. Newspaper: NO ONE CALLED THE COPS! internet jackoff: PEOPLE DID CALL THE COPS! YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE WORNG BECAUSE i WANT YOU TO BE WRONG AND I SAY YOU'RE WRONG!

I'm glad we are in agreement on this.

She was ALSO a hot little piece of ass and it's unbelievably unfortunate that this happened to her. Moreso than if she was ugly. I truly believe it.

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:59 pm

This is really sad. Its the newspaper's fault! Newspapers are just making up facts noW! No one saw it so that means no one could have guessed it could have happened even with the woman screaming like a banshee the entire time! Look, if you heara a girl scraem in 1974 in new york, its pretty safe to assume something bad is happening. I also love how he just says "No! Someone did call the police before she died!" Basically calling the newspaper writer a liar without having the balls to actually od it, and then never backs that up ever again.

by Lysander » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:49 pm

Did you just send me to your blog?

Re: Kitty Genovese

by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:22 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Kitty Genovese was raped and killed on March 27th, 1964. 38 people heard or saw parts of her attack. The police were not notified and she died when any single call to the police would almost certainly have saved her life.

This happened in a place called Kew Gardens, in New York.

Because there isn't anything on the Internet that someone won't defend, the website for Kew Gardens has a laughable deconstruction of the rape and murder which has to be seen to believed.

Unreal. Because this BBS has a history of putting a hotlink up and seeing people from the target site visit, I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to the inevitable person(s) who drop by:

Hey PAL, I'm sorry that nobody bothering to call the cops or lift a finger to save a poor girl's life damaged property values for fifty years, but this is a new fucking low, even for the Internet. Kew Gardens ought to have been burned to the ground half a century ago for what happened here and you trying to tell us that everything we thought we knew... was false!!! like some hack comic book writer is pathetic. 50 years later and people still aren't taking responsbility for Kitty Genovese's death. Not her actual murderer (who seriously can't believe he hasn't been paroled yet) or the people still hanging around that shithole and think that it deserves a glowing web presence.

If ONE person had bothered to call the cops she'd have had a long and -- presuming she eventually moved -- happy life. Write up as many pages as you like and put as many versions of the "facts" of this as you like, nothing changes the reality that she needed one person to call the police. Your work on that page is disgusting. I hope you live there.
god you've turned in to a real fag. Didn't you read the dissection. Somebody did call the cops.

by Vitriola » Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:59 pm

Old Kew Gardens wrote:Illustration by 14 year old twins, Alexandra and Rebecca Chipkin, of Kew Gardens, NY (2005). This image did not appear in the original Times article.
I am completely on their side. As you can tell from the illustration, she was clearly asking for it.

Kitty Genovese

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:39 am

Kitty Genovese was raped and killed on March 27th, 1964. 38 people heard or saw parts of her attack. The police were not notified and she died when any single call to the police would almost certainly have saved her life.

This happened in a place called Kew Gardens, in New York.

Because there isn't anything on the Internet that someone won't defend, the website for Kew Gardens has a laughable deconstruction of the rape and murder which has to be seen to believed.

Unreal. Because this BBS has a history of putting a hotlink up and seeing people from the target site visit, I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to the inevitable person(s) who drop by:

Hey PAL, I'm sorry that nobody bothering to call the cops or lift a finger to save a poor girl's life damaged property values for fifty years, but this is a new fucking low, even for the Internet. Kew Gardens ought to have been burned to the ground half a century ago for what happened here and you trying to tell us that everything we thought we knew... was false!!! like some hack comic book writer is pathetic. 50 years later and people still aren't taking responsbility for Kitty Genovese's death. Not her actual murderer (who seriously can't believe he hasn't been paroled yet) or the people still hanging around that shithole and think that it deserves a glowing web presence.

If ONE person had bothered to call the cops she'd have had a long and -- presuming she eventually moved -- happy life. Write up as many pages as you like and put as many versions of the "facts" of this as you like, nothing changes the reality that she needed one person to call the police. Your work on that page is disgusting. I hope you live there.
