by Lysander » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:02 am
Okay, I'm gonna use this website's as-yet unexplained insane Google popularity to make myself louder. This is for the benefit of everyone on teh internet who is not actually on Jolt Country, but who found this by doing a search for "who is to blame for the New Orleans anarchy disaster?"
The answer is: mayor Ray Nagin.
This man is quite possibly the worst example of scumbag polititian I have ever seen in my entire life, and I'm growing up in the Bush administration. Okay, Bush's not smooth, but whatever, we're getting off topic here.
Nagin had no plan. It's as simple as that. How much warning did he have before hurrican Katrina hit? Plenty. He had DAYS. Days to come up with a plan, any plan, that would have worked. I'm not asking for, you know, very much--but, I mean, really, just fucking ANYTHING. School buses. THere were fifteen school busses that could have carried hundreds--thousands?--of people out of hte city, and then come back in for more. There! I jsut thought of something--in two seconds, one fascet of a plan to remove people. I am not a governor, I am a college kid, and I can come up with a better plan than Ray Nagin after about a minute's worth of thought than the man supposed to be responsible for doing exactly that did in two or more days. The blame for the devolution into anarchy should be--and it is absolutely incredible, astonishing to me that it is not--flugn directly at his face.
Simple, god damned things i'm talking about here. Not sending out police to take food from grocery stores, so that they could centralize all the food that's already in the city in one place, and hand it out equally to all the survivors--the failure to do this is squarely Nagin's fault. The equally appauling failure of police to do the obvious--go to the gun stores and secure the firearms--is also, directly, Ray Nagin's failure. The colossal, inconceivable clusterfuck of a failure regarding the convention center survivors were told to be held up in but not telling the police so they coudl secure order--this is, once again, completely, and totally, the fault of Ray Nagin. What should have been done? I don't know, I'm not a disaster planner. All I know is is that sending police officers into a hurricane-ravaged city without orders to shoot to kill rioters when they have more guns then the police do becasue no one told them to secure the firearms beforehand, and relying on--for god's sake--RADIOS, RADIOS, in a fucking hurricane that are not only very likely but are in fact GUARANTIED to fucking go out--to coordinate positions... That is not a relief plan. That is a fucking disaster. An inexcusable disaster, who's every single failing is directly, personally the responsibility of Mayor Ray Nagin. But what's America doing? Because the media knows how much of the country hates Bush and it's such an easy angle, that's who they're blaming. "We don't have cells for these people!" Well then shoot to kill them, you cuntrag. Your inability to do anythign but whine with your thumb up your ass eating pretzels behind your fucking desk is causing hundreds, thousands of people to be raped and murdered, but because you don't have the fucking spine to admit that it's all your stupid fault you go and blame it on the Bush administration! Never mind that the government is neutoriously slow in reacting to anything at the best of times (hey, UPS is faster than, er, USPS, and you know it.) Never mind that the reason why we have smaller polititians in our governmental system in the first place is so that they can handle local chrisees without having to pander to the big government for help. Yes, blame it on the President, it's all his fault. And people live that angle, too. This man has caused thousands of innocent people to die screaming needlessly, but because he's using it as an excuse to smear Bush, I guaranty you, the Democratic party will grab on to this man and never let him go. I guaranty it, they will put him on the fast track, and people will praise him. Praise him! For what? For fucking doing nothing!
Thank you, America, for completely fucking it all up. Again, and again, and again.
Okay, I'm gonna use this website's as-yet unexplained insane Google popularity to make myself louder. This is for the benefit of everyone on teh internet who is not actually on Jolt Country, but who found this by doing a search for "who is to blame for the New Orleans anarchy disaster?"
The answer is: mayor Ray Nagin.
This man is quite possibly the worst example of scumbag polititian I have ever seen in my entire life, and I'm growing up in the Bush administration. Okay, Bush's not smooth, but whatever, we're getting off topic here.
Nagin had no plan. It's as simple as that. How much warning did he have before hurrican Katrina hit? Plenty. He had DAYS. Days to come up with a plan, any plan, that would have worked. I'm not asking for, you know, very much--but, I mean, really, just fucking ANYTHING. School buses. THere were fifteen school busses that could have carried hundreds--thousands?--of people out of hte city, and then come back in for more. There! I jsut thought of something--in two seconds, one fascet of a plan to remove people. I am not a governor, I am a college kid, and I can come up with a better plan than Ray Nagin after about a minute's worth of thought than the man supposed to be responsible for doing exactly that did in two or more days. The blame for the devolution into anarchy should be--and it is absolutely incredible, astonishing to me that it is not--flugn directly at his face.
Simple, god damned things i'm talking about here. Not sending out police to take food from grocery stores, so that they could centralize all the food that's already in the city in one place, and hand it out equally to all the survivors--the failure to do this is squarely Nagin's fault. The equally appauling failure of police to do the obvious--go to the gun stores and secure the firearms--is also, directly, Ray Nagin's failure. The colossal, inconceivable clusterfuck of a failure regarding the convention center survivors were told to be held up in but not telling the police so they coudl secure order--this is, once again, completely, and totally, the fault of Ray Nagin. What should have been done? I don't know, I'm not a disaster planner. All I know is is that sending police officers into a hurricane-ravaged city without orders to shoot to kill rioters when they have more guns then the police do becasue no one told them to secure the firearms beforehand, and relying on--for god's sake--RADIOS, RADIOS, in a fucking hurricane that are not only very likely but are in fact GUARANTIED to fucking go out--to coordinate positions... That is not a relief plan. That is a fucking disaster. An inexcusable disaster, who's every single failing is directly, personally the responsibility of Mayor Ray Nagin. But what's America doing? Because the media knows how much of the country hates Bush and it's such an easy angle, that's who they're blaming. "We don't have cells for these people!" Well then shoot to kill them, you cuntrag. Your inability to do anythign but whine with your thumb up your ass eating pretzels behind your fucking desk is causing hundreds, thousands of people to be raped and murdered, but because you don't have the fucking spine to admit that it's all your stupid fault you go and blame it on the Bush administration! Never mind that the government is neutoriously slow in reacting to anything at the best of times (hey, UPS is faster than, er, USPS, and you know it.) Never mind that the reason why we have smaller polititians in our governmental system in the first place is so that they can handle local chrisees without having to pander to the big government for help. Yes, blame it on the President, it's all his fault. And people live that angle, too. This man has caused thousands of innocent people to die screaming needlessly, but because he's using it as an excuse to smear Bush, I guaranty you, the Democratic party will grab on to this man and never let him go. I guaranty it, they will put him on the fast track, and people will praise him. Praise him! For what? For fucking doing nothing!
Thank you, America, for completely fucking it all up. Again, and again, and again.