Black and White 2 log

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Topic review

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by pinback » Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:34 pm

I got a black and white log today. Probably from that bag of Oreos I ate yesterday.

by Worm » Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:24 pm

After the first level it seems they've gravitated towards the conquering here rather than the quests. Since it's basically the same as the last one, you've got two choices, durrrr. So you either build up a great town and everyone moves there, or you go and trash the enemies towns, I'll let you guess which one is quicker.

Though the quests were the only thing making you feel like a god. Without someone beseeching you, it just feels like another RTS, except it's not difficulty what so ever. Also, it features no Tamogatchi elements either, it's just a pretty bad hyped game from a long time ago that got a sequel and they fixed it up to be a pretty average one.

by Worm » Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:48 am

Well, there is are images of all four discs up on (if you need an invite PM/IM me), an unlocker for the "hidden tiger", a keycode generator, and there is a 7 megabyte mini-image up on which seems to emulate you having a disc when you mount it.

It's still Black and White. You can drop foundations rather than scaffoldings, which makes for a much nicer looking town (towns which you ultimately have to abandon I guess) and easier building. You finally have a method of attack other than your creature and throwing garbage, AN ARMY! Which is a vast improvement over yanking your stupid creature around on the agressive leash and preforming the symbols for fireballs.

More than that the interface is pretty bearable, things your creature does "Eat a villager?/Shit on a villager?/Shit in the field?/Play with rocks?" are all accessible from a menu that records anything your creature every thought to do. So you don't have to stare at the bastard to see if it's going to eat his own shit before your punish him for it. Still seems to be a number of quests, no obnoxious guess the tone stuff I pray.

That's really it so far. It is like Black and White one with the kind of things that should have been in the first one. The whole game is still sorely lacking a sand box mode where you can just go nuts building across a huge continent. Graphically, it looks really great. The land masses look like they did in Farcry, and I only get slow down on my system when zoomed all the way out, or when those the two stupid conscience guys take me on a scenic tour of a landscape.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:53 am

You don't have to justify not buying Black and White 2 to me. I bought the first one because *every* print magazine was slurping it with praise. I mean, it was getting 95%s and four and a half stars and all that.

Then we find out that the worthless cretins at CGW did an about-face on it when they realized that the public at large fucking hated that shit. They still call it, "The Only Game We Reviewed Before Finishing" which is such horseshit, such insulting horseshit that they should have shut the rag completely down.

Fuck Molyneux, fuck his company and fuck all the little giggling shits who told everyone to drop fifty dollars on that piece of shit. It didn't even fucking come close to working out of the box. I hope you and everyone else steals B&W2, Worm. If it happens to be a good game then great! Consider that a fair trade for the media having simply lied to everyone about the first game. I can't think of a game or company I'd like to see fail more than this one.

by Worm » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:14 am

Other than that, enjoy the game! We do hope to release a v1.2 patch at some point in the (near) future, which will address a few niggles that we would like to fix (and we hope that the v1.2 patch will be compatible with v1.1 save games).
If anyone was wondering why I didn't want to buy it.

Black and White 2 log

by Worm » Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:00 am

It downloaded completely sometime last night. Had to delete some already unpacked rars to clean up space for it.

Now I'm installing. It's installing "Everything.stuff" into the data folder, I'm pretty sure that's bad.
