by mino » Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:30 pm
Ummm... no offense, pinback, but this is possibly the lamest "crusade" I've ever seen.
I'm sure my poor little server is trembling under the awesome force of the 13 people (literally, 13 people) who have bothered to click your link to join you on your fearsome display of wrath against it. Those 5 comments you left certainly have me quaking in my boots, it's actually getting quite disruptive waking up 5 times a night in a cold sweat wondering "ooh, I hope Chile Nerd hasn't posted another biting and insightful comment! That would make... let me see... six! I don't think I could cope with SIX comments left on my site in his unceasing campaign of revenge. Wow, what a vendetta, I hope he doesn't own a gun."
"Crusade"? Come on. In the REAL Crusades, King Richard fought his way across Europe and the Middle East, cutting a swathe through the "infidels" and leaving stacks of corpses in his wake. YOUR "crusade" is more like if Richard woke up on Crusade Day, got dressed, opened the door, went "Oh man, my horse is in the stable all the way over the other side of the castle, it's cold, it's just started raining... ahh, screw it, I'm going back to bed."
Let me know when it actually STARTS, OK?
I am engaging on a crusade to destroy this website:
Ummm... no offense, pinback, but this is possibly the lamest "crusade" I've ever seen.
I'm sure my poor little server is trembling under the awesome force of the 13 people (literally, 13 people) who have bothered to click your link to join you on your fearsome display of wrath against it. Those 5 comments you left certainly have me quaking in my boots, it's actually getting quite disruptive waking up 5 times a night in a cold sweat wondering "ooh, I hope Chile Nerd hasn't posted another biting and insightful comment! That would make... let me see... six! I don't think I could cope with SIX comments left on my site in his unceasing campaign of revenge. Wow, what a vendetta, I hope he doesn't own a gun."
"Crusade"? Come on. In the REAL Crusades, King Richard fought his way across Europe and the Middle East, cutting a swathe through the "infidels" and leaving stacks of corpses in his wake. YOUR "crusade" is more like if Richard woke up on Crusade Day, got dressed, opened the door, went "Oh man, my horse is in the stable all the way over the other side of the castle, it's cold, it's just started raining... ahh, screw it, I'm going back to bed."
Let me know when it actually STARTS, OK?