by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:37 pm
The Boston Sports Guy advocates something similar for conclusions to late night, drunken evenings. Pick two teams from Madden, set a point spread, put it on computer vs computer and watch the result. Oh, you have to bet on the outcome. Seeing how there's no franchise mode in EA's games this year I would guess the pretty pictures is all they care about, so this would be a good application for it.
The Boston Sports Guy advocates something similar for conclusions to late night, drunken evenings. Pick two teams from Madden, set a point spread, put it on computer vs computer and watch the result. Oh, you have to bet on the outcome. Seeing how there's no franchise mode in EA's games this year I would guess the pretty pictures is all they care about, so this would be a good application for it.