In This Thread, We Call Out Walrustitty!

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Re: Oh Christ...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri May 17, 2002 11:26 am

nessman wrote:Why does everyone feel the need to have his own board? JC went down in flames when you moved to CO. Jeff picked up the slack. Now you're diluting the content by resurrecting JC.
If I may quote Civilization II: "I disagree, your excellency."


Jesus, man. Well, nobody can fault you for not making an appearance with style, I suppose.

Oh Christ...

by nessman » Fri May 17, 2002 9:47 am

Yet ANOTHER message board to waste more and more of my diminishing free time on.

Why does everyone feel the need to have his own board? JC went down in flames when you moved to CO. Jeff picked up the slack. Now you're diluting the content by resurrecting JC.

Don't get me wrong - I liked JC and was a part of JC going back to 92. But I don't need another board to read!!

Anyway - here's a picture of Jeff for all those who are curious.

(Note: changed this to a link in the attempt to keep this place somewhat work safe. Also: Jesus, man. -- ICJ)


by milkunits » Thu May 16, 2002 10:47 am

She could have put a note on his body that actually said, Since my husband is sticking his fork in you, I have chopped him up in little pieces for your dining enjoyment.

Re: milker

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 15, 2002 3:28 pm

milkunits wrote:Police in Panama say a wife chopped up her husband and left a bag of his limbs outside his girlfriend's house.

They say the woman from Gualaca killed her husband with a machete while he slept after he threatened to leave her.

The 35-year-old allegedly chopped her 40-year-old husband's body into 10 pieces.

She then allegedly dumped a bag of his limbs outside his girlfriend's home and left the rest of the body in their home.

Y'know, if that woman had just shown a modicum of restraint, she could have really made this memorable. She should have waited until the day after Thanksgiving and then attached a note to the pile that said, "32 CHOPPING DAYS LEFT UNTIL X-MAS, BITCH!"

But then maybe they don't have Thansgiving in Panama, I guess. I dunno.


by milkunits » Wed May 15, 2002 3:16 pm

If you eat to much BOOB Robb, this could happen to you:

Ananova :

Wife 'leaves bag of husband's limbs outside girlfriend's home'

Police in Panama say a wife chopped up her husband and left a bag of his limbs outside his girlfriend's house.

They say the woman from Gualaca killed her husband with a machete while he slept after he threatened to leave her.

The 35-year-old allegedly chopped her 40-year-old husband's body into 10 pieces.

She then allegedly dumped a bag of his limbs outside his girlfriend's home and left the rest of the body in their home.

She's been arrested and is undergoing psychiatric tests.

Members of her family told local newspaper Crítica a psychiatrist has treated her for violent mood swings at Mae Lewis Hospital.

The couple had two children.


by milkunits » Wed May 15, 2002 3:12 pm

Yeah, they spliced the shoe string between my can and the can at the farend. I can now communicate with the outside world, but sometimes the echo from a soup can is so anoyying. You know what I mean there BOOB in mouth Robb? You ever had a nice fat BOOB in your mouth Robb? You know a nice fat ( . ) in your mouth? Lets talk about boobs on this forum Robb, come on chopper!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 15, 2002 1:59 pm

Er, thanks, Milker. (I think?)

How's the new place treating you? Did they get that issue with the phone fixed? I'd offer to call up your boss and scream him down, except that er, nobody can call anybody over there.


by milkunits » Wed May 15, 2002 12:23 pm

I think this forum needs more boobs for him to post. I mean groucho at least had boobs. I mean, I like boobs. Do you like boobs? Lets talk about boobs more Robb. BIG BOOBS IN YOUR MOUTH ROBB. This size boobs will work ( . ) ( . )

by Genghis Khan » Wed May 15, 2002 12:11 pm

maggot Student of Anti-History Jonsey wrote:I do apologize to everybody for the amounts of rampant drama contained in this thread. 'Twas not my intent to come off as Genghis Khan running roughshod over the Red Chinese Army.
I... what the?! The Red Chinese Army?? Pfuuh! Neither myself (Temujin to you, thank you very myself) nor my trusted aide Subotai clashed with any "Red Chinese Army." It would have been a difficult task indeed considering that they did not exist until hundreds of years after my death.

Regardless of your problems with others, I choose not to contribute until you can at least learn a little history, you damnable tool. Chew on that for a bit.

Here, here. This is you, okay? This is you:
Ice Cream Jonesy wrote: "Wow, Lenin sure got his ass kicked from the Starship Troopers! LOL! Hey, remember when Napoleon (or as you spell it, "Napolean") fought that fierce battle with Custer and his ewoks! Dude! WALLHACK! I will now make a video game reference!"
While those that do not learn from history are oft-doomed to repeat it, I believe it is quite safe to say that those that do not learn from crossing Temujin eventually end up with his fur-covered boot up their arse.

by JQW » Wed May 15, 2002 11:39 am

Christ, Jonsey, as I said in response on my board:


This is why I didn't want to discuss this on the board. There's no need for you to get all bent out of shape. We'll chat when you're in town.

Thanks for the support, Chris - I appreciate it. (Though quite honestly, "control" is not part of the reasoning, at least not consciously.)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 15, 2002 11:20 am

Heh. Additionally, most of my free time lately has been spent (in addition to re-creating my hangout from ten years ago) solving "Freedom Force" with custom characters I made up in the mid-80s, a game like "Morrowind" which is a sequel to a game from 1996 (and before that, a game from like 1993) and then making up cartridge art from a game for a system that came out in like 1978 based on a book from the 1950s. It's enough to spoil your continental breakfast. (Blast! Did it again!)

I do apologize to everybody for the amounts of rampant drama contained in this thread. 'Twas not my intent to come off as Genghis Khan running roughshod over the Red Chinese Army.

by Eric » Wed May 15, 2002 10:41 am

I gotta say -- it is pretty funny, here you are, Robb, trying to relive a BBS. Meanwhile, I used to write letters to fanzines for gods sake, endlessly, and stopped, so now, posting here I'm thinking, yeah, writing letters like I used to, so we all have our own agendas and none of them really work because it is 2002 and if you do exactly the same thing in 2002 you did in 1992 or 1982 then it isn't the same because the context is different. So, maybe that's more tragic than funny. One thing's the same though -- it is a good excuse not to do the actual work I should be doing.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 15, 2002 8:00 am

chris wrote:So basically, you're just looking for Titty to make a cameo appearance on the board, like Nancy Reagan did on "Diff'rent Strokes". *That* would not be out of line.
Except that Nancy Reagan is probably less anti-drug, but otherwise, yeah. =)

by chris » Wed May 15, 2002 7:46 am

So basically, you're just looking for Titty to make a cameo appearance on the board, like Nancy Reagan did on "Diff'rent Strokes". *That* would not be out of line. Expecting hundreds of new messages per day here from the original JC crew? Yeah, that would be pretty unrealistic (since many of us have kids to take care of and all that good stuff).

As for it all being in jest, that really didn't come across in your postings on Jeff's board (IMHO). You might want be a little more explicit about that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 15, 2002 7:24 am

In all honesty, everything before my last post over there was either in jest, light-hearted, or done with a certain amount of silliness in mind. I think you guys know me well enough to know that if I go change my sig to a "protest" written in 24-point type that I'm just joking around.

So when this thread was started, it was along the same lines. Never in a million years did I think anybody, much less a supposed friend of mine, could be so petty and insecure. I mean, Jesus, take a look at what we've been talking about over here -- Ben's text game that is in development, a hockey GM simulator, and a bunch of gimmick account, change-your-name silliness. All threads containing people who don't even have access to all the areas over there and concerning topics that (in the last case) bug the shit out of Jeff.

You were around for the dial-up days, so you know I'm pretty mellow. Gold already told me that he's only barely got enough time to check up on one BBS so he won't be around here, and that's perfectly fine. I don't think anybody on this site was expecting Jeff to pop in and drop a thousand messages down in a week, but Jesus Christ -- how much effort does it take to friggin' say "hey" on one of your friend's boards?

by chris » Wed May 15, 2002 6:45 am

Do you honestly think Titty is going to show up over here? His board is more popular, he has the JC community over there, and most importantly HE'S IN CONTROL.

Why do you want him (and the rest of us, for that matter) over here anyway? Jeff's done a fine job providing a forum for us (for which he should get more thanks than he does), and there's not a whole lot of incentive to start a second set of discussions over here just because you want us to. Having a forum like this for your gaming interests is great, but trying to relive the heyday of JC by recreating the exact same forums and trying to get everybody from the JC crew to use 'em is a mistake.

by Jack Straw » Tue May 14, 2002 9:24 pm

Really mang, what's the deal here?!?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 14, 2002 11:32 am


by Lex » Tue May 14, 2002 8:54 am

Okay. Let's take the fight to his home turf.

by Da King » Tue May 14, 2002 4:53 am

Eff JQW. Needs more tit-fucking based content.
