by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Dec 24, 2005 10:40 pm
Merry Christmas and Happy Jewing to all of you.
Ben -- it has been a pleasure knowing you for another year. I hope your questing and self-discovery brings you some happiness, partner.
Varkus -- couldn't do it without you. Thanks so much for keeping the faith.
Worm -- it has been a pleasure seeing you grow before our very eyes. I still think the More You Know episode was hilarious.
Bond -- thanks once again for everything you did to help me get ND out the door and for all your commentary on the game itself. I don't know if I've ever told you that, but thanks.
gsdgsd -- it was great seeing you in October! Are you home, now, you bastard? Call next time you are!
CGG -- couldn't run this place without YOU, either.
Roody -- Merry fuckin' Christmas, buddy. You need to update your blog more!!
JQW -- I will see you soon, you bastard.
Bugs -- I hope to see you soon, you bastard.
Straw -- I don't know about the 12 beers of Christmas, but 99 bananas may be in our future.
CO -- really sorry I was being a baby earlier. You saved the life of two cats.
One of the Bruces -- stay in touch, baby.
nessman -- Hey, what happened to your old posts - phpBB bug!!!??!
Sousa -- hey, looks like that threepeat is getting more and more likely!
Hugella -- thanks again for running the Hugonomicon! ^____^
Lex -- you hang in there, bro, you're going to make something of yourself. I can feel it.
k.roo -- we miss your input!
Merk -- congrats again on a fantastic game.
Dishbringer -- nobody likes you, but I wish you would post more.
Milkunits -- are you getting the top sirloin, chicken or a couple o' BIG BOYS at the company party?
Kent -- I am continuing to enjoy your programming language!
Souffle -- you are still an incredible bastard that I should have banned years ago. I hope you lose your testicles in a Christmas tree fire.
Grazzt -- welcome to the nonsense!
PTX, Debaser, Da King, chris and danzaland -- a special Christmas welcome and please, do not forget about us here.
Quarter Cow Motherfucker -- you continue to be delicious. Never change.
Knuckles -- you are absolutely unintroduceable online, but still the best little brother a guy could ever hope to have. See you soon.
Vitriola -- you are wonderful and have changed my life for the better in a way I never thought possible. Also, I really like what you've done with the place! Thank you for the clix, it was kind of you. I love you, Dayna.
I have enjoyed running this place and I hope you guys have had fun logging in here as well. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Merry Christmas and Happy Jewing to all of you.
Ben -- it has been a pleasure knowing you for another year. I hope your questing and self-discovery brings you some happiness, partner.
Varkus -- couldn't do it without you. Thanks so much for keeping the faith.
Worm -- it has been a pleasure seeing you grow before our very eyes. I still think the More You Know episode was hilarious.
Bond -- thanks once again for everything you did to help me get ND out the door and for all your commentary on the game itself. I don't know if I've ever told you that, but thanks.
gsdgsd -- it was great seeing you in October! Are you home, now, you bastard? Call next time you are!
CGG -- couldn't run this place without YOU, either.
Roody -- Merry fuckin' Christmas, buddy. You need to update your blog more!!
JQW -- I will see you soon, you bastard.
Bugs -- I hope to see you soon, you bastard.
Straw -- I don't know about the 12 beers of Christmas, but 99 bananas may be in our future.
CO -- really sorry I was being a baby earlier. You saved the life of two cats.
One of the Bruces -- stay in touch, baby.
nessman -- Hey, what happened to your old posts - phpBB bug!!!??!
Sousa -- hey, looks like that threepeat is getting more and more likely!
Hugella -- thanks again for running the Hugonomicon! ^____^
Lex -- you hang in there, bro, you're going to make something of yourself. I can feel it.
k.roo -- we miss your input!
Merk -- congrats again on a fantastic game.
Dishbringer -- nobody likes you, but I wish you would post more.
Milkunits -- are you getting the top sirloin, chicken or a couple o' BIG BOYS at the company party?
Kent -- I am continuing to enjoy your programming language!
Souffle -- you are still an incredible bastard that I should have banned years ago. I hope you lose your testicles in a Christmas tree fire.
Grazzt -- welcome to the nonsense!
PTX, Debaser, Da King, chris and danzaland -- a special Christmas welcome and please, do not forget about us here.
Quarter Cow Motherfucker -- you continue to be delicious. Never change.
Knuckles -- you are absolutely unintroduceable online, but still the best little brother a guy could ever hope to have. See you soon.
Vitriola -- you are wonderful and have changed my life for the better in a way I never thought possible. Also, I really like what you've done with the place! Thank you for the clix, it was kind of you. I love you, Dayna.
I have enjoyed running this place and I hope you guys have had fun logging in here as well. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!