Knight Orc question

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by Greg » Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:11 pm

By God, yes, that helped.

I had found the Home of the Underdogs version before, but I was playing it with a different interpreter, which I guess was the problem. And HOTU didn't have a copy of the manual with the right page numbers and so forth. So that replacementdocs link really did help.

Thanks a lot!


by Roody_Yogurt » Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:37 pm

Re: Knight Orc question

by Greg » Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:24 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You bet, Greg. Be sure to let us know when your game is ready to be played. I think that this BBS, or at least what is left of it, would be the perfect audience for it, heh.
Okay, will do.

Hey, what about that crack? Did you find it? I'm using the Level 9 interpreter from the IF Archive, but unfortunately it doesn't work with the copy protection that comes up when you throw the spear. I type "throw spear," then "#cheat," but it just says "Cheat failed." Or, is there a copy of the game novel that actually preserves the original pages and line numbers?

I'm mostly asking for future reference. I may play the game in earnest later on, but I'm a little too busy right now.


by AArdvark » Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:11 am

Sure, there's nobody better at ripping your game to shreds. Wheter it be a small grammatical eror or a lapse of logic, the posters at JC are ready willing and able to help you rewrite the game.


Re: Knight Orc question

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:13 pm

Greg wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:They don't like Knight Orc?! I have combat code you can borrow if it lets us put the smack down on these HERETICS.
Well, you don't need to be offended or anything. The NPCs in question are aliens who don't like any games written by Earthlings. Also, they have really, really bad taste, so if they did like any Earth games, it'd probably be Westfront PC or Annoyotron or something.

Also, I already have combat mode enabled, sort of. Defeating the aliens is the whole point of the game.

Er -- I guess I'll consider it settled. No need to install it on your laptop on my account. The aliens' excuse for not liking Knight Orc will be "Doesn't have a big enough cave." Sounds good to me. Thanks for your help. :)

You bet, Greg. Be sure to let us know when your game is ready to be played. I think that this BBS, or at least what is left of it, would be the perfect audience for it, heh.

by pinback » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:46 pm

For the newcomers:

Knuckles never used to hate me this much. I guess walking makes you bitter.

by Knuckles the CLown » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:31 pm

Yes! Can we trade Pinback for Greg??! Greg knows Aliens, Pinback knows the recipe for squid feces and goop. UPGRADE!

by pinback » Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:39 pm

I like Greg! Can we keep him?

Re: Knight Orc question

by Greg » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:06 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:They don't like Knight Orc?! I have combat code you can borrow if it lets us put the smack down on these HERETICS.
Well, you don't need to be offended or anything. The NPCs in question are aliens who don't like any games written by Earthlings. Also, they have really, really bad taste, so if they did like any Earth games, it'd probably be Westfront PC or Annoyotron or something.

Also, I already have combat mode enabled, sort of. Defeating the aliens is the whole point of the game.

Er -- I guess I'll consider it settled. No need to install it on your laptop on my account. The aliens' excuse for not liking Knight Orc will be "Doesn't have a big enough cave." Sounds good to me. Thanks for your help. :)


Re: Knight Orc question

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:47 pm

Greg wrote:Question #2. It looks like Knight Orc has no dungeon. It has one cave, but the cave is no more than one room in size. Is that true?
This I don't remember off the top of my head. I'll put it on my laptop and find out. The manual says that Grindleguts lives in a hole in the ground ("cave") but I don't remember evidence of it in the actual game. I'll take a look here.

It's kind of hard to explain how this figures into my game, but it basically has to do with a couple of doltish NPCs who don't like Knight Orc, but really really do like games with caves and mazes.
They don't like Knight Orc?! I have combat code you can borrow if it lets us put the smack down on these HERETICS.

Re: Knight Orc question

by Greg » Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:17 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'd be thrilled to help out. Nothing makes me happier to be the "go-to" guy for this excellent graphical text adventure!
Okay. Sigh, hmm.

Question #2. It looks like Knight Orc has no dungeon. It has one cave, but the cave is no more than one room in size. Is that true?

It's kind of hard to explain how this figures into my game, but it basically has to do with a couple of doltish NPCs who don't like Knight Orc, but really really do like games with caves and mazes.


Re: Knight Orc question

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:16 pm

Greg wrote:I have an odd question about Knight Orc. Because of the Knight Orc info at this site, I figured this would be a good place to ask.
Hi there! I am always glad to field a Knight Orc question!

The odd question is, does Knight Orc have a maze? I tried to find this out on my own, but the copy protection kept me from getting even halfway into the game. I hope it doesn't have a maze. If it does, I may have to ask another question or two.
You know what, I thought I had a crack for the game on this site. I'll re-find it and put it on-line again.

It does in fact have a maze, but just a little one. It takes place in a mountain and there are several rooms that a pain to explore. You eventually find another orc in there, which is reasonable payoff for the game.

I know this question is odd, but I am working on a game that has quite a bit of stuff relating to IF history, and this just happens to be something I need to know but can't find out.
I'd be thrilled to help out. Nothing makes me happier to be the "go-to" guy for this excellent graphical text adventure!

Knight Orc question

by Greg » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:58 pm

I have an odd question about Knight Orc. Because of the Knight Orc info at this site, I figured this would be a good place to ask.

The odd question is, does Knight Orc have a maze? I tried to find this out on my own, but the copy protection kept me from getting even halfway into the game.

I hope it doesn't have a maze. If it does, I may have to ask another question or two.

I know this question is odd, but I am working on a game that has quite a bit of stuff relating to IF history, and this just happens to be something I need to know but can't find out.

