How to file-share a copy-protected PDF

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by Lysander » Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:11 am

See, the thing about Audible (great though it is) is that it only works for books that have actually been read at some point by someone onto an audiobook. This is just a regular, you know, book, book book, I ordered fro mamazon, and it will open but not 4 me! It just shows up as blank with no text. I mean, they deliberately went to the "make the shit work for blind people" and unchecked it. It's exactly like saying "There's a possibility that you might screen-capture every page, put it in a zipfile, and then fileshare it so we're just going to make sure that you can't look at htis book you bought!" Motherfucker--it is the same. Exact. Thing. But they leave it open for sited people, and close it off for the blind, why? Because we represent like .3% of the market share. *FUCK. THAT. *SHIT.**

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:45 am

I forgot I wrote the above post. I read it and said, "Who's the trolling maggot?" Sorry, Bond. I didn't mean to do that!

What's in store for JC?

1) The next game on the top 100 list.

2) A new feature.

3) Experiences playing the highly addictive, but I'm not sure if it's good Weird Worlds.

4) Me eventually breaking 11,000 over at the Xenophobe files.

Thank-ypu for reading this!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:51 am

Wait a sec, do PDFs suck now or something?

by Worm » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:44 am

Also, you could always subscribe to

by Worm » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:43 am

I'm sure there's something to get around the copyright.

by Lysander » Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:52 pm

Oops, I forgot to put in the punchline.

Book publishers have removed the speech features from copyrighted PDF books that I pay for, on the grounds that it causes a risk to the security of the author's intelectual copyright.

How to file-share a copy-protected PDF

by Lysander » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:57 pm

Step I: create a new MSN passport.

Step II: buy the Ebook.

Step III: Use the "save a copy" option in teh file menut to make sure you have the book on your hard drive. IF you already have the book on your hard drive, you do not need to do this step.

Step IV: Put the PDF into the archival scheme of your choice, and include a textfile with the MSN passport sign in details.

Step V: upload it to any filesharing program of your choice! When a sharer gets this file, all he must do is say that you are backing it up to your computer, and give the login details to prove it.
