JC Denizens... What ails ya?

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by Lysander » Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:50 pm

I blew my nose!

Now I'm wrestling with getting in a band and getting this set i want. Fortunately, the most difficult problems inherrant in thsi are... in the past!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:34 pm

I hope he didn't destroy Molto Benny. I was just kidding around with everyone. I didn't want it to be "negative" in scope. Actually, I think my contributions were mostly positive.

by Vitriola » Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:57 am

Moltobenny wrote:Client is Offline


The DNS2Go customer you are trying to reach is currently offline.

by Worm » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:28 am

I killed the ghosts! Now I'm fighting "Psychic Sharks" which are sharks with really high damage psionic spells, long ranged melee, and all the status ailment spells that the ghosts were casting.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:23 am

I did sort of like it that the guy who was suffering from depression and wondering if it was just him who felt that way logs on here and sees nobody answer the "what ails ya" question.

It was unintentional. Right now I am UNailed. I put four quarters in a machine offering to dispense a small plastic Pac-Man or one of the four ghosts last night and got Pac on the first try. I'm running a hot streak here.

by Lysander » Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:13 pm

i'm sick :(

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:48 pm


Welcome to WHO'S THE POPPER, a great new feature here at Jolt Country Listbot Services, where you get to correct my spelling and determine.... WHO'S THE POPPER?

I started this thread in an effort to have Google Toolbar Spellcheck tell me if I was spelling the word "ails" right. Yes, sometimes that's all it takes to get a thread posted!

Pinback, who hates every single motherfucking one of you, feels that by starting this thread, I've cribbed content that should be posted over on his own site, Molto Benny.

Keeping in mind that Pinback finds every single one of you unpleasant, did I rip off his idea for a BBS, the last four months of his Zoloft blog and very raison d'etre in just three words, or not? WHO'S THE POPPER?

Here's Q and A.

Q: Will you stop fucking saying WHO'S THE POPPER?
A: Unlikely, no.

by Knuckles the CLown » Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:01 pm

i can't breathe

by pinback » Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:37 pm

I demand an apology.

by Worm » Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:21 pm

My problem is Wizardry 8, specifically the Ghostly Bucaneers in the Bayjin Shallows.

by pinback » Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:18 pm

What a novel idea this thread is.

by Jack Straw » Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:47 pm

Jonsey, you need to get on the can. 5 weeks of backup ain't good for ya.

And what ails me? Not a goddamn thing. I'm loving life right about now.
Some herb would be nice though.

by Vitriola » Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:28 pm

We all know what ails you.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I am so backed up that it would be about five weeks before I had the time to do that.

JC Denizens... What ails ya?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:49 am

Titles says it all.

Elucidate your thoughts.


JC Denizens... What currently ails ya?
